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IOUSBInterface |
Inherits from: |
Declared In: |
The object representing an interface of a device on the USB bus.
This class provides functionality to find the pipes of an interface and to read the descriptors associated with an interface. When an interface is open()ed, all its pipes are created
Sends a control request to the default control pipe in the device (pipe zero)
Returns the properties of an endpoint, possibly in an alternate interface.
DeviceRequest |
Sends a control request to the default control pipe in the device (pipe zero)
virtual IOReturn DeviceRequest( IOUSBDevRequest *request, IOUSBCompletion *completion = 0);
The parameter block to send to the device
Function to call when request completes. If omitted then DeviceRequest() executes synchronously, blocking until the request is complete.
FindNextAltInterface |
virtual const IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor *FindNextAltInterface(const IOUSBInterfaceDescriptor *current, IOUSBFindInterfaceRequest *request);
interface descriptor to start searching from, NULL to start at alternate interface 0.
specifies what properties an interface must have to match.
Pointer to a matching interface descriptor, or NULL if none match.
return alternate interface descriptor satisfying the requirements specified in request, or NULL if there aren't any. request is updated with the properties of the returned interface.
FindNextAssociatedDescriptor |
virtual const IOUSBDescriptorHeader * FindNextAssociatedDescriptor(const void *current, UInt8 type);
Descriptor to start searching from, NULL to start from beginning of list.
Descriptor type to search for, or kUSBAnyDesc to return any descriptor type.
Pointer to the descriptor, or NULL if no matching descriptors found.
Find the next descriptor of the requested type associated with the interface.
FindNextPipe |
virtual IOUSBPipe *FindNextPipe( IOUSBPipe *current, IOUSBFindEndpointRequest *request);
Pipe to start searching from, NULL to start from beginning of list.
Requirements for pipe to match, updated with the found pipe's properties.
Pointer to the pipe, or NULL if no pipe matches the request.
Find a pipe of the interface that matches the requirements, either starting from the beginning of the interface's pipe list or from a specified pipe.
GetAlternateSetting |
virtual UInt8 GetAlternateSetting();
the alternate setting
returns the alternate setting for this interface.
GetConfigValue |
virtual UInt8 GetConfigValue();
The device configuration value.
returns the device configuration value for the interface
GetDevice |
virtual IOUSBDevice *GetDevice();
Pointer to the IOUSBDevice object which is the parent of this IOUSBInterface object.
returns the device the interface is part of.
GetEndpointProperties |
Returns the properties of an endpoint, possibly in an alternate interface.
virtual IOReturn GetEndpointProperties( UInt8 alternateSetting, UInt8 endpointNumber, UInt8 direction, UInt8 *transferType, UInt16 *maxPacketSize, UInt8 *interval);
specifies the desired alternate setting
specifies the endpoint number
specifies the direction (kUSBIn, kUSBOut)
a pointer to hold the transfer type (kUSBControl, kUSBBulk, etc.) of the endpoint if found.
a pointer to hold the maxPacketSize in the endpoint descriptor.
a pointer to hold the interval value in the endpoint descriptor.
returns kIOReturnSuccess if the endpoint is found, and kIOUSBEndpointNotFound if it is not.
GetInterfaceClass |
virtual UInt8 GetInterfaceClass();
the interface class
returns the class code for this interface (assigned by the USB) a value of zero is reserved if the value is FFh, the interface class is vendor-specific all other values are reserved for assignment by the USB
GetInterfaceNumber |
virtual UInt8 GetInterfaceNumber();
the interface index
returns the zero based value identifying the index in the array of concurrent interfaces supported by the current configuration
GetInterfaceProtocol |
virtual UInt8 GetInterfaceProtocol();
the interface index
returns the protocol code (assigned by the USB).
GetInterfaceStringIndex |
virtual UInt8 GetInterfaceStringIndex();
the string index
returns the index of the string descriptor describing the interface
GetInterfaceSubClass |
virtual UInt8 GetInterfaceSubClass();
the interface subclass
returns the subclass code (assigned by the USB). These codes are qualified by the value returned by GetInterfaceClass
GetNumEndpoints |
virtual UInt8 GetNumEndpoints();
the number of endpoints
returns the number of endpoints used by this interface (excluding device endpoint zero. If the value is zero, this interface only uses endpoint zero.
GetPipeObj |
virtual IOUSBPipe *GetPipeObj( UInt8 index);
value from zero to kUSBMaxPipes-1
The IOUSBPipe object. Note that the client does not own a reference to this pipe, so the client should retain() the IOUSBPipe object if necessary.
returns a handle to the pipe at the corresponding index
SetAlternateInterface |
virtual IOReturn SetAlternateInterface( IOService *forClient, UInt16 alternateSetting);
The client requesting the alternate setting. This client must have the interface open in order to perform the request.
Alternate setting (from the alternate interface's interface descriptor).
exclusive access error if the interface is not open. otherwise the result of the transaction
Select the specified alternate interface.
Last Updated: 2008-12-19