ADC Home > Reference Library > Reference > Darwin > Kernel Framework Reference
IOUserClient |
Inherits from: | |
Declared In: |
Provides a basis for communication between client applications and I/O Kit objects.
exportObjectToClient |
virtual IOReturn exportObjectToClient( task_t task, OSObject *obj, io_object_t *clientObj);
The task.
The object we want to export to the client.
Returned value is the client's port name.
Makes an arbitrary OSObject available to the client task.
removeMappingForDescriptor |
IOMemoryMap * removeMappingForDescriptor( IOMemoryDescriptor *memory);
The memory descriptor instance previously returned by the implementation of clientMemoryForType()
A reference to the first IOMemoryMap instance found in the list of mappings created by IOUserClient from that passed memory descriptor is returned, or zero if none exist. The caller should release this reference.
Removes the first mapping created from the memory descriptor returned by clientMemoryForType()
from IOUserClient's list of mappings. If such a mapping exists, it is retained and the reference currently held by IOUserClient is returned to the caller.
ExpansionData |
struct ExpansionData { };
This structure will be used to expand the capablilties of this class in the future.
reserved |
ExpansionData * reserved;
Reserved for future use. (Internal use only)
Last Updated: 2008-12-19