compile_et - tool for generating com_err error tables
compile_et [ --etout out_dir ] [ --stringsout out_strings_dir ] [ --base table_base ] [ --manager
manager_name ] error_table
compile_et is a tool to produce com_err style error code to string mappings for use with the com_err
error_message() API.
compile_et takes the com_err error table file error_table and generates a com_err source and header
file for use with add_error_table() and remove_error_table(). It also generates an optional strings
file for use with bundled applications. If the contents of the strings file are added to Localiz-able.strings, Localizable.strings,
able.strings, then the application does not need to use add_error_table() and remove_error_table().
compile_et is intended to be used by Kerberos applications and plugins (eg: KLLoginLogoutNotification
and KLPrincipalTranslation plugins).
--etout out_dir
output source, header and strings files to the directory out_dir. By default compile_et
places files in the current working directory.
--stringsout out_strings_dir
output the strings file to the directory out_strings_dir. By default compile_et places the
strings file in out_dir (if it is specified) or the current working directory.
--base table_base
use table_base as the error table base name. This is a four character code which identifies
the error table in the error table database.
--manager manager_name
use manager_name as the name of the API or component which the error corresponds to.
prints the prefix with which Kerberos was built.
prints the exec-prefix with which Kerberos was built.
Currently compile_et has no support for generating strings files for multiple localizations. Strings
files must be manually localized.