dsimport(1) BSD General Commands Manual dsimport(1)
dsimport [-ags] filePath DSnodePath <O|M|A|I|N> -u username [<options>]
The first four arguments are required and order dependent. -u is required. All other arguments
may or may not be required, depending on what operation the tool is performing.
dsimport is a tool for importing records in Open Directory.
-a Import XML as exported by Appleshare IP 6.x.
-g Import a delimited file.
-s Import XML as exported by Users and Groups from Mac OS X 10.1.x Server
filePath is a path to the file to be imported.
DSNodePath is the path to the DS node that the imported records will be added to.
username is the admin name for authentication
<O/M/A/I/N> is one of O,M, I, A or N. This parameter controls how duplicate records are han-dled. handled.
O signals overwrite of any existing records that have the same record name. All
previous attribute values are deleted.
M signals that the info from the import should be merged into any existing record.
This merge prefers the new values, old values are kept only if no new value is
present. This option does not create a record if one did not already exist.
I signals that any imported record should be ignored if a record with the same name
already exists.
A signals that data should be appended to fields within existing records. This
option does not create a record if one did not already exist.
N signals that no duplicate checking should be done.
[-p pword] is the admin's password for import operations. Used to authenticate to the direc-tory directory
tory node specified for import. If not specified, a secure prompt will be pro-vided. provided.
[-T <xDSStandardUser || xDSStandardGroup>]
Used for delimited import of files that lack field descriptions. These files must
have fields in one of the following orders:
xDSStandardUser contains the following fields in the following order: RecordName
Password UniqueID PrimaryGroupID DistinguishedName NFSHomeDirectory UserShell
xDSStandardGroup contains the following fields in the following order: RecordName
Password PrimaryGroupID GroupMembership
[-s <StartingIDNum>] Indicates the ID number to start with when the import tool generates user IDs for
for any import file that lacks UID as part of the import data.
[-recordFormat <recordFormatString>]
Passes in the delimiters and attributes and record type to specify the order and
names of attributes in the file to be imported. An example record format string:
0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C dsRecTypeStandard:Users 7 dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName
dsAttrTypeStandard:Password dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID dsAttrTypeStandard:Prima-ryGroupID dsAttrTypeStandard:PrimaryGroupID
ryGroupID dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName dsAttrTypeStandard:NFSHomeDirectory dsAttr-TypeStandard:UserShell dsAttrTypeStandard:UserShell
[-r <GroupID>] is the group ID used for any records that do not specify primary group ID.
[-v] signals verbose status output
[-d <abcd>] Passes the four delimiters ( end of record, escape, end of field, and end of
value, in that order) for a delimited export. these values must be passed as hex
strings. example 0x16 (22 decimal)
[-y IP] Connects to a remote machine at the network address specified for proxy DS
[-yrnm <username>] Specifies user name to use for the proxy connection
[-yrpwd <password>] Specifies password to use for the proxy connection. For proxy connections
name/password are required. If -yrnm is specified, but not -yrpwd, then a secure
prompt will be specified.
[-n <recordKeyIndex>]
Set which attribute (by index) is used for the imported records' key for matching
duplicate records. This is used for delimited imports only. If none specified,
zero is assumed. recordKeyIndex is a zero-based index which indicates which
attribute will be the recordKey.
[-userpreset <preset name>]
Designate a preset record to be applied to imported user records.
[-grouppreset <preset name>]
Designate a preset record to be applied to imported group records.
[-f <attribute name> <attribute value>]
Force a specific value for the named attribute for all records during the import.
The new value will overwrite any value specified in the import file. Multiple
values may be specified by using the value delimeter between values. This option
may be specified multiple times for multiple attributes.
[-V] Prints version number.
[-h] Outputs this usage text.
[-x] Don't import and erase delimited file after conversion from XML. Helps debug XML.
To import a standard dsexport file into the Local database:
dsimport -g myimportFile /Local/Default I -u administrator -p adminpassword
MacOSX April 2, 2008 MacOSX