RADZAP(1) FreeRadius Daemon RADZAP(1)
radzap - remove rogue entries from the active sessions database
radzap [-d raddb_directory] [-N nas_ip_address] [-P nas_port] [-u user] [-U user] server[:port]
The FreeRadius server can be configured to maintain an active session database in a file called
radutmp. Commands like radwho(1) use this database. Sometimes that database can get out of sync, and
then it might contain rogue entries. radzap can clean up this database.
As of FreeRADIUS 1.0.3, radzap is a simple shell-script wrapper around radwho(1) and radclient(1).
The sessions are "zapped" by sending an Accounting-Request packet which contains the information nec-essary necessary
essary for the server to delete the session record. radzap sends a packet to the server, rather than
writing to radutmp directly, because session records may also be maintained in SQL.
-d raddb_directory
The directory that contains the RADIUS configuration files. radzap reads radiusd.conf to
determine the location of the radutmp file.
-N nas_ip_address
Zap the entries which match the given NAS IP address.
-P nas_port
Zap the entries which match the given NAS port.
-u user
Zap the entries which match the given username (case insensitive).
-U user
Zap the entries which match the given username (case sensitive).
The hostname or IP address of the remote server. Optionally a UDP port can be specified. If no
UDP port is specified, it is looked up in /etc/services. The service name looked for is
radacct for accounting packets, and radius for all other requests. If a service is not found
in /etc/services, 1813 and 1812 are used respectively.
secret The shared secret for this client. It needs to be defined on the radius server side too, for
the IP address you are sending the radius packets from.
radwho(1), radclient(1), radiusd(8), radiusd.conf(5).
Alan DeKok <aland@ox.org>
8 April 2005 RADZAP(1)