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This document is a Mac OS X manual page. Manual pages are a command-line technology for providing documentation. You can view these manual pages locally using the man(1) command. These manual pages come from many different sources, and thus, have a variety of writing styles.

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MPI_Cart_shift(3OpenMPI)                                                            MPI_Cart_shift(3OpenMPI)

       MPI_Cart_shift   -   Returns  the  shifted  source and destination ranks, given a shift direction and

C Syntax
       #include <mpi.h>
       int MPI_Cart_shift(MPI_Comm comm, int direction, int disp,
            int *rank_source, int *rank_dest)

Fortran Syntax
       INCLUDE 'mpif.h'
                 RANK_DEST, IERROR)

C++ Syntax
       #include <mpi.h>
       void Cartcomm::Shift(int direction, int disp, int& rank_source,
            int& rank_dest) const

       comm      Communicator with Cartesian structure (handle).

       direction Coordinate dimension of shift (integer).

       disp      Displacement ( > 0: upward shift, < 0: downward shift) (integer).

                 Rank of source process (integer).

       rank_dest Rank of destination process (integer).

       IERROR    Fortran only: Error status (integer).

       If the process topology is a Cartesian structure, an MPI_Sendrecv operation  is  likely  to  be  used
       along  a  coordinate direction to perform a shift of data. As input, MPI_Sendrecv takes the rank of a
       source process for the receive, and the rank of a destination process for the send. If  the  function
       MPI_Cart_shift  is  called  for  a  Cartesian process group, it provides the calling process with the
       above identifiers, which then can be passed to MPI_Sendrecv. The user specifies the coordinate direc-
       tion and the size of the step (positive or negative). The function is local.

       The direction argument indicates the dimension of the shift, i.e., the coordinate whose value is mod-ified modified
       ified by the shift. The coordinates are numbered from 0 to ndims-1, where  ndims  is  the  number  of

       Note:  The direction argument is in the range [0, n-1] for an n-dimensional Cartesian mesh.

       Depending  on  the  periodicity  of  the  Cartesian  group  in  the  specified  coordinate direction,
       MPI_Cart_shift provides the identifiers for a circular or an end-off shift. In the case of an end-off
       shift,  the  value  MPI_PROC_NULL  may  be  returned in rank_source or rank_dest, indicating that the
       source or the destination for the shift is out of range.

       Example: The communicator, comm, has a two-dimensional, periodic, Cartesian  topology associated with
       it.  A two-dimensional array of REALs is stored one element per process, in variable A. One wishes to
       skew this array, by shifting column i (vertically, i.e., along the column) by i steps.

         C find process rank
               CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm, rank, ierr))
         C find Cartesian coordinates
               CALL MPI_CART_COORDS(comm, rank, maxdims, coords,
         C compute shift source and destination
               CALL MPI_CART_SHIFT(comm, 0, coords(2), source,
                                   dest, ierr)
         C skew array
               CALL MPI_SENDRECV_REPLACE(A, 1, MPI_REAL, dest, 0,
                                         source, 0, comm, status,

       In Fortran, the dimension indicated by DIRECTION = i has DIMS(i+1) nodes, where  DIMS  is  the  array
       that  was  used  to  create the grid. In C, the dimension indicated by direction = i is the dimension
       specified by dims[i].

       Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as the value of the  function  and  Fortran
       routines  in  the  last argument. C++ functions do not return errors. If the default error handler is
       set to MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS, then on error the C++ exception mechanism will be used to  throw
       an MPI:Exception object.

       Before  the  error value is returned, the current MPI error handler is called. By default, this error
       handler aborts the MPI job, except for I/O function errors. The error handler  may  be  changed  with
       MPI_Comm_set_errhandler;  the  predefined  error handler MPI_ERRORS_RETURN may be used to cause error
       values to be returned. Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI  program  can  continue  past  an

Open MPI 1.2                                   September 2006                       MPI_Cart_shift(3OpenMPI)

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