atsutil(8) BSD System Manager's Manual atsutil(8)
atsutil -- atsutil to modify font auto activation and font protection, ATSServer and related databases.
atsutil autoactivation [-DdeaRh] [path]
atsutil databases [-remove | -removeUser]
atsutil fontprotection [-on | -off] [-get] [-files] [-fonts]
atsutil server [-ping | -shutdown]
atsutil help
atsutil tool modifies font auto activation and font protection settings, removes System and User font
databases, and query or shutdown ATSServer.
autoactivation modifies font auto activation settings globally or for a specific application.
databases will remove ATSServer System or User databases.
fontprotection overrides System font protection settings.
server queries the status of ATSServer or shutdown the ATSServer. Shutting down the ATSServer will
spawn a new ATSServer.
autoactivation [-DdeaRh] [path]
-D set font auto activation setting to default.
-d is specified, then set font auto activation setting to disabled.
-e is specified, then set font auto activation setting to enabled.
-a is specified, then set font auto activation setting to ask.
-R is specified, then reset font auto activation setting to default.
-h is specified, then display help information.
-path with options is specified, then set font auto activation setting locally for application. Other-wise, Otherwise,
wise, setting is global in scope.
Note, path without options will return current font auto activation setting for application.
databases [-ping | -shutdown]
-remove remove ATSServer ddatabases for active user and system (used when no one is logged in and some
background processes).
-removeUser remove ATSServer ddatabases for the active user only.
fontprotection [-on | -off] [-get] [-files] [-fonts]
-on enable System font protection.
-off disable System font protection.
-get return System font protection setting.
-files prints list of protected font files.
-fonts prints list of protected font faces (Postscript names).
server [-ping | -shutdown]
-ping query running ATSServer.
-shutdown shutdown ATSServer and spawn a new ATSServer.
Darwin April 2, 2008 Darwin