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diskutil(8)               BSD System Manager's Manual              diskutil(8)

     diskutil -- Modify, verify and repair local disks.

     diskutil verb [options]

     diskutil manipulates the volume-level structure of local disks.  It provides information about, and
     allows the administration of, the partitioning scheme of disks, optical discs, and AppleRAID sets.

     Each verb is listed with its description and individual arguments.

     list [-plist | device]
                List disks.  If no argument is given, then all disks and all of their partitions are listed.

                If -plist is specified, then a property list will be emitted instead of the normal user-readable userreadable
                readable output.  If a device is specified, then instead of listing all bundles of whole
                disks and their partitions, only that of which the given disk is a member is listed.  The
                -plist and device arguments may not both be specified.

                A script could interpret the results of the diskutil -plist output and use diskutil info on
                each entry for detailed information.

                See the DEVICES section below for the various forms that the device specification may take
                for this and all of the other diskutil verbs.

     info | information [-plist] device
                Get detailed information about a specific whole disk or partition.  If -plist is specified,
                then a property list instead of the normal user-readable output will be emitted.

     unmount | umount [force] device
                Unmount a single volume.  Force will force-unmount the volume (less kind to any open files;
                see also umount (8)).

     unmountDisk [force] device
                Unmount an entire disk (all volumes).  Force will force-unmount the volumes (less kind to
                any open files; see also umount (8)).

     eject device
                Eject a disk.  Media will become offline for the purposes of being a data store for file
                systems or being a member of constructs such as software RAID or direct data.  Additionally,
                removable media will become eligible for safe manual removal; automatically-removable media
                will begin its physical (motorized) eject sequence.

     mount [readOnly] device
                Mount a single volume.  If readOnly is specified, then the file system is mounted read-only,
                even if the volume's underlying file system and/or device and/or media supports writing.
                Even the super-user may not write to it.  This is the same as the rdonly option to mount

     mountDisk device
                Mount an entire disk (all mountable volumes).

     rename | renameVolume device name
                Rename a volume.  Volume names are subject to file system-specific alphabet and length

     enableJournal device
                Enable journaling on an HFS+ volume.  This works whether or not the volume is currently
                mounted (the volume is temporarily mounted if necessary).  Ownership of the affected disk is

     disableJournal [force] device
                Disable journaling on an HFS+ volume.  This normally works whether or not the volume is cur-rently currently
                rently mounted (the volume is temporarily mounted if necessary).  If the force option is
                specified, then journaling is disabled directly on disk; in this case, the volume must not
                be mounted.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     verifyVolume | verifyDisk device
                Verify the data structure of a volume (e.g. fsck).  Ownership of the affected disk is
                required.  The synonym "verifyDisk" is allowed but deprecated.

     repairVolume | repairDisk device
                Repair the data structure of a volume (e.g. fsck).  Ownership of the affected disk is
                required.  The synomym "repairDisk" is allowed but deprecated.

     verifyPermissions [-plist] device
                Verify the permissions of a Mac OS X boot volume.  The data that guides the permissions ver-ification verification
                ification is written during the installation process.

     repairPermissions [-plist] device
                Repair the permissions of a Mac OS X boot volume.  The data that guides the permissions
                repair is written during the installation process.  Ownership of the affected disk is

                Repair the permissions of the current user-selected Classic System and Applications folders.

     eraseDisk format name [OS9Drivers | APMFormat | MBRFormat | GPTFormat] device
                Erase an existing disk, removing all volumes.  Format is discussed below in the section for
                the partitionDisk verb.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     eraseVolume format name device
                Erase an existing volume.  Format is discussed below in the section for the partitionDisk
                verb.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     reformat device
                Reformat an existing device in the same name and format.  Ownership of the affected disk is

     eraseOptical [quick] device
                Erase an optical media (CD/RW, DVD/RW, etc.).  Quick specifies whether the disc recording
                stack should do a full erase or a quick erase.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     zeroDisk device
                Erase a disk, writing zeros to the media.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     randomDisk [times] device
                Erase a disk, writing random data to the media.  Times is number of times to write random
                information.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     secureErase [freespace] level device
                Securely erase a disk or freespace on a mounted volume.  Ownership of the affected disk is
                required.  Level should be one of the following:

                      oo   1 - Single pass randomly erase the disk.

                      oo   2 - US DoD 7 pass secure erase.

                      oo   3 - Gutmann algorithm 35 pass secure erase.

     partitionDisk device [numberOfPartitions] [OS9Drivers | APMFormat | MBRFormat | GPTFormat] [part1Format
                part1Name part1Size part2Format part2Name part2Size part3Format part3Name part3Size ...]

                (re)Partition a disk, removing all volumes.  All volumes on this disk will be destroyed.
                The device parameter specifies which whole disk is to be partitioned.  The optional
                numberOfPartitions parameter specifies the number of partitions to create; if given then the
                number of parameter triplets (see below) is expected to match; else, the number of triplets
                alone given will determine the number of partitions created.

                The optional partitioning scheme parameter forces a particular partitioning scheme; if not
                specified, a suitable default is chosen.  They are:

                      oo   APMFormat specifies that an Apple Partition Map scheme should be used.  This is
                          the traditional Apple partitioning scheme used to start up a PowerPC-based Macin-tosh Macintosh
                          tosh computer, to use the disk as a non-startup disk with any Mac, or to create a
                          multiplatform compatible startup disk.

                      oo   MBRFormat specifies that a Master Boot Record scheme should be used.  This is the
                          DOS/Windows-compatible partitioning scheme.

                      oo   GPTFormat specifies that a GUID Partitioning Table scheme should be used.  This is
                          the partitioning scheme used to start up an Intel-based Macintosh computer.

                      oo   OS9Drivers is a special partitioning scheme parameter that implies APMFormat (and
                          is not to be combined together with the other scheme format parameters); it speci-fies specifies
                          fies that an Apple Partition Map scheme should be used (others not supported), and
                          laid out in a manner compatible with Mac OS 9.

                For each partition, a triplet of the desired filesystem format, volume name, and size must
                be specified.  Several other diskutil verbs allow these triplets as well (and for them, the
                numberOfPartitions parameter is also optional).  The triplets must be as follows:

                      oo   Format names are of the form HFS+, MS-DOS, etc.; a list of available filesystems
                          is printed as part of the usage text when invoking diskutil partitionDisk with no
                          parameters.  Format guides both what partition type to set for the partitions
                          (slices) as well as what filesystem structures to lay down therein, e.g. with
                          newfs (8).

                      oo   Names are the initial volume names; they must conform to filesystem-specific
                          restrictions.  If a name of %noformat% is specified, then the partition is left
                          blank such that the partition space is carved out, the partition type is set
                          according to the filesystem format name, the partition space is partially erased,
                          but a filesystem structure is not laid down; this is useful in certain cases e.g.
                          when setting up ZFS pools.

                      oo   Sizes are floating point numbers followed by B(ytes), S(512-byte-blocks),
                          K(ilobytes), M(egabytes), G(igabytes), T(erabytes), P(etabytes), or %(percent of
                          the whole disk size), e.g.  10G (10 gigabytes), 4.23T (4.23 terabytes), 5M (5
                          megabytes), 25.4% (25.4 percent of whole disk size).  The S, K, M, G, T, P suffix
                          multipliers are powers of 2.

                The last partition will be lengthened to the end of the disk; to specify an exact size for
                the last usable partition, specify an additional partition with a format name of Free Space.

                Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     resizeVolume device size [numberOfPartitions] [part1Format part1Name part1Size part2Format part2Name
                part2Size part3Format part3Name part3Size ...]

                Non-destructively resize a volume. You may increase or decrease its size.

                A size of limits will print the range of valid values for the current filesystem.

                When decreasing the size, new partitions may optionally be created to fill the newly-freed
                space.  To do this, specify the numberOfPartitions, format, name, and size parameters in the
                same manner as the triplet description for the partitionDisk verb.

                Resizing a volume that is currently set as the computer's startup disk will invalidate that
                setting; use the Startup Disk System Preferences panel or bless (8) to reset the resized
                volume as the startup disk.

                Device refers to a volume; the volume's file system must be journaled HFS+.  Valid sizes are
                a number followed by a capital letter multiplier or percent sign suffix as described in the
                section for the partitionDisk verb.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     splitPartition device [numberOfPartitions] [part1Format part1Name part1Size part2Format part2Name
                part2Size part3Format part3Name part3Size ...]

                Destructively split a volume into multiple partitions.  You must supply a list of new parti-tions partitions
                tions to create in the space of the old partition; specify these with the
                numberOfPartitions, format, name, and size parameters in the same manner as the triplet
                description for the partitionDisk verb above.

                Device refers to a volume.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     mergePartitions [force] format name fromDevice toDevice
                Merge two or more partitions on a disk.  All data on merged partitions other than the first
                will be lost. The first will be erased if it doesn't have a resizable type (e.g. JHFS+) or
                if the force argument is given.  Format and name apply only when the first partition is
                being erased.  Merged partitions are required to be ordered sequentially on disk (see
                diskutil list for the actual on-disk ordering).  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     The following diskutil verbs can be used to create, manipulate and destroy AppleRAID volumes (Software
     RAID).  AppleRAID supports three basic types of RAID sets:

           oo   "stripe" - Striped Volume (RAID 0)

           oo   "mirror" - Mirrored Volume (RAID 1)

           oo   "concat" - Concatenated Volume (Spanning)

     Of these three basic types, only the "mirror" type increases fault-tolerance.  Mirrors may have more
     than two disks to further increase their fault-tolerance.  Striped and concatentated volumes are, in
     fact, more vulnerable to faults than single disk volumes.

     From these basic types, "stacked" or "nested" RAID volumes can be created.  Stacked RAID sets that make
     use of mirrored RAID sets are fault-tolerant.  For example, these are some of the more common combina-tions combinations
     tions of stacked RAID sets:

           oo   RAID 50 - A striped RAID set of hardware RAID 5 disks.

           oo   RAID 10 - A striped RAID set of mirrored RAID sets.

           oo   RAID 0+1 - A mirrored RAID set of striped RAID sets.

           oo   Concatenated Mirror - A concatenation of mirrored RAID sets.

     When creating new RAID sets or adding disks, if possible, it is better to specify the entire disk
     instead of a partition on that disk.  This allows the software to reformat the entire disk using the
     most current partition layouts.  When using whole disks, the type of partitioning used is selected
     based on the platform type (PPC = APMFormat, Intel = GPTFormat).  GPT and APM partition formats cannot
     be mixed in the same RAID set.

     In addition to whole disk and partition device names, AppleRAID uses UUIDs to refer to existing RAID
     sets and their members.  Existing RAID sets may also be specified by mount point (e.g.
     /Volume/raidset). In many cases, using the UUID for the device argument is preferred because disk
     device names may change over time when disks are added, disks are removed or when the system is
     rebooted.  If RAID members have been physically disconnected from the system or are no longer respond-ing, responding,
     ing, you must use the member's UUID as the command argument.  Messages in the system log will refer to
     RAID sets and their member disks by UUID.  For more information on specifying device arguments see the
     "DEVICES" section below.

     AppleRAID is not a replacement for backing up your data.  Backups should be always be performed on a
     regular basis and before modifying any RAID set using these commands.

     listRAID   [UUID]
                Display AppleRAID volumes with current status and associated member disks.  If UUID is spec-ified, specified,
                ified, only list that RAID.

     createRAID mirror|stripe|concat setName format devices ...
                Create a new RAID set consisting of multiple disks and/or RAID sets.  setName is used for
                both the name of the created RAID volume and the RAID set itself (as displayed in listRAID).
                e.g. 'diskutil createRAID stripe MyArray JHFS+ disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4'.  Ownership of the
                affected disks is required.

     destroyRAID raidVolume
                Destroy an existing RAID set.  If the RAID set is a mirror, destroyRAID will attempt to con-vert convert
                vert each of the member partitions back into a non-RAID volume while retaining the contained
                filesystem.  For concatenated RAID sets, destroyRAID will attempt to shrink the filesystem
                to fit on the first member partition and convert that to a non-RAID volume.  Ownership of
                the affected disks is required.

     repairMirror raidVolume newDevice
                Repair a degraded mirror by replacing a broken or missing member.  Broken devices in the
                mirrored set can also be rebuilt by specifying newDevice.  When replacing members of a mir-rored mirrored
                rored set, the new disk must be the same size or larger than the existing disks in the RAID
                set.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     addToRAID type newDevice raidVolume
                Add a new member or hot spare to an existing RAID set.  Type can be either member or spare.
                New disks are added live, the RAID volume does not need to be unmounted.  Mirrored volumes
                support adding both members and hot spares, concatenated volumes only support adding mem-bers. members.
                bers.  When adding to a mirrored RAID set, the new disk must be the same size or larger than
                the existing disks in the RAID set.  Adding a hot spare to a mirror will enable autorebuild-ing autorebuilding
                ing for that mirror.  Adding a new member to a concatenated RAID set appends the member and
                expands the RAID volume.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     removeFromRAID oldDevice raidVolume
                Remove a member or spare from an existing RAID set.  Old disks are removed live, the RAID
                volume does not need to be unmounted.  For missing devices, oldDevice must be the device's
                UUID.  Online mirror members will be coverted non-RAID volumes, spare and offline members
                will be marked free.  For concatenated RAID sets, only the last member can be removed.
                RemoveFromRAID will first attempt to shrink the concatenated RAID set so that the filesystem
                fits on the remaining disks.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     enableRAID mirror|concat device
                Convert a non-RAID disk partition containing a resizable filesystem (like JHFS+) into an
                unpaired mirror or single disk concatenated RAID set.  Disks that were originally parti-tioned partitioned
                tioned on Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar or earlier or were partitioned to be Mac OS 9 compatible may
                not be resizable.  Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     updateRAID key value raidVolume
                Update the key value parameters of an existing RAID set.  Valid keys are:

                      oo   AutoRebuild - If true, the system attempts to rebuild degraded mirrored volumes
                          automatically.  When looking for devices for rebuild, AppleRAID first looks for
                          hot spares and then degraded members.  Use a value of "1" for true and "0" for

                      oo   SetTimeout - Controls how long the system waits (in seconds) for a missing device
                          before degrading a mirrored raid set.  Also controls the amount of time you have
                          to disconnect all devices from an unmounted mirror without degrading it.

                Ownership of the affected disk is required.

     convertRAID device
                Convert an AppleRAID version 1.x set (built on Mac OS X 10.3 Panther or earlier) into an
                AppleRAID version 2.x set (Tiger or later).  RAID sets must be converted prior to using
                diskutil verbs other than listRAID and destroyRAID.  Depending on how the original RAID was
                created the converted RAID set may or may not be bootable.  Ownership of the affected disks
                is required.

     A device parameter to any of the above commands (except where explicitly defined otherwise) is any of
     the following:

           oo   The device node entry.  Any entry of the form of /dev/disk*, e.g.  /dev/disk2.

           oo   The disk identifier.  Any entry of the form of disk*, e.g.  disk1s9.

           oo   The volume mount point.  Any entry of the form of /Volumes/*, e.g.  /Volumes/Untitled.

           oo   The Universally Unique Identifier or UUID.  Any entry of the form of e.g.

     The format parameter of erase and partitioning (and RAID creation) is the filesystem name.  You can
     determine this name by looking in a filesystem's

     Some examples include HFS+, HFS, JournaledHFS+ (JHFS+), UFS, MS-DOS, etc.

     Erase a disk
     diskutil eraseDisk UFS UntitledUFS disk3

     Erase a volume
     diskutil eraseVolume HFS+ UntitledHFS /Volumes/SomeDisk

     Partition a disk with three partitions
     diskutil partitionDisk disk3 3 HFS+ Untitled 10G UFS UntitledUFS 10G MS-DOS DOS 10G

     Partition a disk in APMFormat
     diskutil partitionDisk disk3 APMFormat HFS+ vol1 25% Journaled HFS+ vol2 25% Journaled HFS+ vol3 50%
     Free Space volX 0%

     Partition a disk with GUID scheme
     diskutil partitionDisk disk3 GPTFormat HFS+ vol1 25% MS-DOS vol2 25% HFS+ vol3 50% Free Space volX 0%

     Resize a volume and create a volume after it, using all remaining space
     diskutil resizeVolume /Volumes/SomeDisk 50g MS-DOS DOS 0b

     Resize a volume and leave all remaining space as unused
     diskutil resizeVolume /Volumes/SomeDisk 12g

     Merge two partitions into a new partition
     diskutil mergePartitions JHFS+ not disk1s3 disk1s5

     Split a partition into three new ones
     diskutil splitPartition /Volumes/SomeDisk JHFS+ vol1 12g MS-DOS vol2 8g JHFS+ vol3 0b

     Create a RAID
     diskutil createRAID mirror MirroredVolume JHFS+ disk1 disk2

     Destroy a RAID
     diskutil destroyRAID /Volumes/MirroredVolume

     Repair a damaged RAID
     diskutil repairMirror /Volumes/MirroredVolume disk3

     Convert volume into RAID volume
     diskutil enableRAID mirror /Volumes/ExistingVolume

     authopen(1), hdid(8), hdiutil(1), ufs.util(8), msdos.util(8), hfs.util(8), drutil(1),
     diskarbitrationd(8), mount(8), umount(8), newfs(8), fsck(8)

Mac OS X                          7 Jun 2007                          Mac OS X

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