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This document is a Mac OS X manual page. Manual pages are a command-line technology for providing documentation. You can view these manual pages locally using the man(1) command. These manual pages come from many different sources, and thus, have a variety of writing styles.

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ctext(n)                        Ctext a text widget with highlighting support                       ctext(n)


       ctext - Ctext a text widget with highlighting support

       package require Tk

       package require ctext  ?3.1?

       ctext pathName ?options?

       ::ctext::addHighlightClass pathName class color keywordlist

       ::ctext::addHighlightClassWithOnlyCharStart pathName class color char

       ::ctext::addHighlightClassForSpecialChars pathName class color charstring

       ::ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp pathName class color pattern

       ::ctext::clearHighlightClasses pathName

       ::ctext::getHighlightClasses pathName

       ::ctext::deleteHighlightClass pathName class

       ::ctext::enableComments enable

       ::ctext::disableComments enable

       pathName highlight startIndex endIndex

       pathName fastdelete index1 ?index2?

       pathName fastinsert

       pathName copy

       pathName cut

       pathName paste

       pathName append


       The ctext package provides the ctext widget which is an enhanced text widget with support for config-urable configurable
       urable syntax highlighting and some extra commands.

       Ctext overloads the text widget and provides new commands, named highlight, copy, paste,cut,  append,
       and  edit.   It  also  provides several commands that allow you to define classes.  Each class corre-sponds corresponds
       sponds to a tag in the widget.

       ctext pathName ?options?
              Creates and configures a ctext widget.

       Highlighting is controlled with text widget tags, that are called highlight classes.  The class is  a
       tag  name  and  can be configured like any text widget tag.  Four types of highlight classes are sup-ported. supported.
       ported. All highlight classes are automatically used by the highlight method of the widget.

       ::ctext::addHighlightClass pathName class color keywordlist
              Add a highlighting class class to the ctext widget pathName.  The highligthing  will  be  done
              with the color color. All words in the keywordlist will be highlighted.

                   # highlight some tcl keywords
                   ::ctext::addHighlightClass .t tclkeywords red [list set info interp uplevel upvar]]

       ::ctext::addHighlightClassWithOnlyCharStart pathName class color char
              Add  a  highlighting  class class to the ctext widget pathName.  The highligthing will be done
              with the color color. All words starting with char will be highlighted.

                   ::ctext::addHighlightClassWithOnlyCharStart .t vars blue \$

       ::ctext::addHighlightClassForSpecialChars pathName class color charstring
              Add a highlighting class class to the ctext widget pathName.  The highligthing  will  be  done
              with the color color. All chars in charstring will be highlighted.

       ::ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp pathName class color pattern
              Add  a  highlighting  class class to the ctext widget pathName.  The highligthing will be done
              with the color color. All text parts matching the regexp pattern will be highligthed.

       ::ctext::clearHighlightClasses pathName
              Remove all highlight classes from the widget pathName.

       ::ctext::getHighlightClasses pathName
              List all highlight classes for the widget pathName.

       ::ctext::deleteHighlightClass pathName class
              Delete the highlight class class from the widget pathName

       ::ctext::enableComments enable
              Enable C comment highlighting. The class for c-style comments is  _cComment.   The  C  comment
              highlighting is disabled by default.

       ::ctext::disableComments enable
              Disable C comment highlighting.

       Each ctext widget created with the above command supports the following commands and options in addi-tion addition
       tion to the standard text widget commands and options.

       pathName highlight startIndex endIndex
              Highlight the text between startIndex and endIndex.

       pathName fastdelete index1 ?index2?
              Delete text range without updating the highlighting. Arguments are identical to  the  pathName
              delete command inherited from the standard text widget.

       pathName fastinsert
              Insert  text without updating the highlighting. Arguments are identical to the pathName insert
              command inherited from the standard text widget.

       pathName copy
              Call tk_textCopy for the ctext instance.

       pathName cut
              Call tk_textCut for the ctext instance.

       pathName paste
              Call tk_textPaste for the ctext instance.

       pathName append
              Append the current selection to the clipboard.

       Command-Line Switch:    -linemap
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Creates a line number list on the left of the widget

       Command-Line Switch:    -linemapfg
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Changes the foreground of the linemap.  The default is the same color as the main text widget.

       Command-Line Switch:    -linemapbg
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Changes the background of the linemap.  The default is the same color as the main text widget.

       Command-Line Switch:    -linemap_select_fg
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Changes the selected line foreground.  The default is black.

       Command-Line Switch:    -linemap_select_bg
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Changes the selected line background.  The default is yellow.

       Command-Line Switch:    -linemap_mark_command
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Calls a procedure or command with the pathName of the ctext window, the type which  is  either
              marked or unmarked, and finally the line number selected.  The proc prototype is:

              proc linemark_cmd {win type line}.

              See also ctext_test_interactive.tcl

       Command-Line Switch:    -highlight
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Takes  a  boolean  value  which  defines whether or not to highlight text which is inserted or
              deleted.  The default is 1.

       Command-Line Switch:    -linemap_markable
       Database Name:
       Database Class:

              Takes a boolean value which specifies whether or not lines in the linemap  are  markable  with
              the mouse.  The default is 1.

                               package require Tk
                               package require ctext

                               proc main {} {
                               pack [frame .f] -fill both -expand 1
                               pack [scrollbar .f.s -command {.f.t yview}] -side right -fill y

                               pack [ctext .f.t -bg black -fg white -insertbackground yellow  -yscrollcommand {.f.s set}] -fill both -expand 1

                               ctext::addHighlightClass .f.t widgets purple [list ctext button label text frame toplevel  scrollbar checkbutton canvas listbox menu menubar menubutton  radiobutton scale entry message tk_chooseDir tk_getSaveFile  tk_getOpenFile tk_chooseColor tk_optionMenu]

                               ctext::addHighlightClass .f.t flags orange [list -text -command -yscrollcommand  -xscrollcommand -background -foreground -fg -bg  -highlightbackground -y -x -highlightcolor -relief -width  -height -wrap -font -fill -side -outline -style -insertwidth  -textvariable -activebackground -activeforeground -insertbackground  -anchor -orient -troughcolor -nonewline -expand -type -message  -title -offset -in -after -yscroll -xscroll -forward -regexp -count  -exact -padx -ipadx -filetypes -all -from -to -label -value -variable  -regexp -backwards -forwards -bd -pady -ipady -state -row -column  -cursor -highlightcolors -linemap -menu -tearoff -displayof -cursor  -underline -tags -tag]

                               ctext::addHighlightClass .f.t stackControl red {proc uplevel namespace while for foreach if else}
                               ctext::addHighlightClassWithOnlyCharStart .f.t vars mediumspringgreen "\$"
                               ctext::addHighlightClass .f.t variable_funcs gold {set global variable unset}
                               ctext::addHighlightClassForSpecialChars .f.t brackets green {[]{}}
                               ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp .f.t paths lightblue {\.[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+}
                               ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp .f.t comments khaki {#[^\n\r]*}
                               .f.t fastinsert end [info body main]

                               pack [frame .f1] -fill x

                               .f.t highlight 1.0 end

                               pack [button .f1.exit -text Exit -command exit] -side left

                               pack [entry .e] -side bottom -fill x
                               .e insert end "ctext::deleteHighlightClass .f.t "
                               bind .e <Return> {eval [.e get]}

       Further examples are in the source package for ctext.

       Kevin  Kenny, Neil Madden, Jeffrey Hobbs, Richard Suchenwirth, Johan Bengtsson, Mac Cody, G1/4nther,
       Andreas Sievers, and Michael Schlenker.

       re_syntax, text

       syntax highlighting, text, widget

       Copyright (c) George Peter Staplin <>

ctext                                                3.1                                            ctext(n)

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