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This document is a Mac OS X manual page. Manual pages are a command-line technology for providing documentation. You can view these manual pages locally using the man(1) command. These manual pages come from many different sources, and thus, have a variety of writing styles.

For more information about the manual page format, see the manual page for manpages(5).

ipentry(n)                               An IP address entry widget                               ipentry(n)


       ipentry - An IP address entry widget

       package require Tcl  8.4

       package require ipentry  ?0.1?

       ::ipentry::ipentry pathName ?option value...?

       pathName complete

       pathName get

       pathName insert iplist

       pathName icursor index

       pathName configure option value...

       pathName cget option


       This  package  provides  a widget for the entering of a IP address.  It guarantees a valid address at
       all times.

       ::ipentry::ipentry pathName ?option value...?
              Creates a new ipentry widget and configures it with the given options and their values.   Each
              widget created with the command above supports the following methods:

       pathName complete
              Returns a boolean value. True indicates that the entry contains a complete IP address, meaning
              all 4 fields have a value.

       pathName get
              Returns the contents of the entry as a list consisting of 4 elements.

       pathName insert iplist
              Takes a list of 4 elements and inserts one into each quad of the entry, in order.  All  values
              in  the list must be integers. Values outside the range 0 to 255 are modified to be within the

       pathName icursor index
              Sets the position of the widgets insertion cursor. Only integer values between 0  and  15  are
              valid. Setting the icursor will only have an effect if the widget already has the input focus.

       pathName configure option value...
              Modifies the configuration of the widget. For options and their meaning see the widget options

       pathName cget option
              Returns  information  about the current configuration of the widget, for the specified option.
              For options and their meaning see the widget options section.

Widget options
       Command-Line Switch:    -state
       Database Name:          state
       Database Class:         State

              Specifies one of three states for the entry: normal, disabled, or readonly.

       Command-Line Switch:    -font
       Database Name:          font
       Database Class:         Font

       Command-Line Switch:    -bd
       Database Name:          borderWidth
       Database Class:         BorderWidth

       Command-Line Switch:    -fg
       Database Name:          foreground
       Database Class:         Foreground

       Command-Line Switch:    -bg
       Database Name:          background
       Database Class:         Background

       Command-Line Switch:    -relief
       Database Name:          relief
       Database Class:         Relief

       Command-Line Switch:    -highlightthickness
       Database Name:          highlightThickness
       Database Class:         HighlightThickness

       Command-Line Switch:    -highlightcolor
       Database Name:          highlightColor
       Database Class:         HighlightColor

       Command-Line Switch:    -highlightbackground
       Database Name:          highlightBackground
       Database Class:         HighlightBackground

       Command-Line Switch:    -selectbackground
       Database Name:          selectBackground
       Database Class:         Background

       Command-Line Switch:    -selectforeground
       Database Name:          selectForeground
       Database Class:         Foreground

       Command-Line Switch:    -selectborderwidth
       Database Name:          selectBorderWidth
       Database Class:         BorderWidth

       Command-Line Switch:    -disabledbackground
       Database Name:          disabledBackground
       Database Class:         DisabledBackground

       Command-Line Switch:    -disabledforeground
       Database Name:          disabledForeground
       Database Class:         DisabledForeground

       Command-Line Switch:    -readonlybackground
       Database Name:          readonlyBackground
       Database Class:         ReadonlyBackground

       Command-Line Switch:    -insertbackground
       Database Name:          insertBackground
       Database Class:         Background

              Standard widget options. See options for a description of their meanings and values.

       entry, ip address

ipentry                                              0.1                                          ipentry(n)

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