itkvars(n) [incr Tk] itkvars(n)
itkvars - variables used by [incr Tk]
The following global variables are created and managed automatically by the [incr Tk] library.
Except where noted below, these variables should normally be treated as read-only by application-spe-cific application-specific
cific code and by users.
When an interpreter is created, [incr Tk] initializes this variable to hold the name of a
directory containing the system library of [incr Tk] scripts. The initial value of
itk::library is set from the ITK_LIBRARY environment variable if it exists, or from a com-piled-in compiled-in
piled-in value otherwise.
When [incr Tk] is added to an interpreter, it executes the script "init.itk" in this direc-tory. directory.
tory. This script, in turn, looks for other script files with the name "". Mega-wid-get Mega-widget
get libraries will be automatically initialized if they install a script named "" in
this directory, where "xxx" is the name of the mega-widget library. For example, the
[incr Widgets] library installs the script "init.iwidgets" in this directory. This script
establishes the "iwidgets" namespace, and sets up autoloading for all [incr Widgets] commands.
itcl, itk, variables
itk 3.0 itkvars(n)