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subst(n)                                    Tcl Built-In Commands                                   subst(n)


       subst - Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions

       subst ?-nobackslashes? ?-nocommands? ?-novariables? string

       This  command  performs variable substitutions, command substitutions, and backslash substitutions on
       its string argument and returns the fully-substituted result.  The  substitutions  are  performed  in
       exactly  the  same way as for Tcl commands.  As a result, the string argument is actually substituted
       twice, once by the Tcl parser in the usual fashion for Tcl commands, and again by the subst  command.

       If any of the -nobackslashes, -nocommands, or -novariables are specified, then the corresponding sub-stitutions substitutions
       stitutions are not performed.  For example, if -nocommands is specified, command substitution is  not
       performed:   open  and  close brackets are treated as ordinary characters with no special interpreta-tion. interpretation.

       Note that the substitution of one kind can include substitution of other kinds.   For  example,  even |
       when  the  -novariables  option  is specified, command substitution is performed without restriction. |
       This means that any variable substitution necessary to complete the command substitution  will  still |
       take  place.   Likewise,  any command substitution necessary to complete a variable substitution will |
       take place, even when -nocommands is specified.  See the EXAMPLES below.                              |

       If an error occurs during substitution, then subst will return that  error.   If  a  break  exception |
       occurs  during  command  or  variable  substitution, the result of the whole substitution will be the |
       string (as substituted) up to the start of the substitution that raised the exception.  If a continue |
       exception occurs during the evaluation of a command or variable substitution, an empty string will be |
       substituted for that entire command or variable substitution (as long as it is well-formed Tcl.)   If |
       a  return exception occurs, or any other return code is returned during command or variable substitu- |
       tion, then the returned value is substituted for that substitution.  See the EXAMPLES below.  In this |
       way,  all  exceptional  return  codes  are ``caught'' by subst.  The subst command itself will either |
       return an error, or will complete successfully.

       When it performs its substitutions, subst does not give any special treatment  to  double  quotes  or
       curly braces (except within command substitutions) so the script
              set a 44
              subst {xyz {$a}}
       returns ``xyz {44}'', not ``xyz {$a}'' and the script                                                 |
              set a "p\} q \{r"                                                                              |
              subst {xyz {$a}}                                                                               |
       return ``xyz {p} q {r}'', not ``xyz {p\} q \{r}''.                                                    |

       When  command  substitution is performed, it includes any variable substitution necessary to evaluate |
       the script.                                                                                           |
              set a 44                                                                                       |
              subst -novariables {$a [format $a]}                                                            |
       returns ``$a 44'', not ``$a $a''.  Similarly, when variable substitution is  performed,  it  includes |
       any command substitution necessary to retrieve the value of the variable.                             |
              proc b {} {return c}                                                                           |
              array set a {c c [b] tricky}                                                                   |
              subst -nocommands {[b] $a([b])}                                                                |
       returns ``[b] c'', not ``[b] tricky''.                                                                |

       The  continue and break exceptions allow command substitutions to prevent substitution of the rest of |
       the command substitution and the rest of string respectively, giving script authors more options when |
       processing text using subst.  For example, the script                                                 |
              subst {abc,[break],def}                                                                        |
       returns ``abc,'', not ``abc,,def'' and the script                                                     |
              subst {abc,[continue;expr 1+2],def}                                                            |
       returns ``abc,,def'', not ``abc,3,def''.                                                              |

       Other exceptional return codes substitute the returned value                                          |
              subst {abc,[return foo;expr 1+2],def}                                                          |
       returns ``abc,foo,def'', not ``abc,3,def'' and                                                        |
              subst {abc,[return -code 10 foo;expr 1+2],def}                                                 |
       also returns ``abc,foo,def'', not ``abc,3,def''.

       Tcl(n), eval(n), break(n), continue(n)

       backslash substitution, command substitution, variable substitution

Tcl                                                  7.4                                            subst(n)

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