tkerror(n) Tk Built-In Commands tkerror(n)
tkerror - Command invoked to process background errors
tkerror message
Note: as of Tk 4.1 the tkerror command has been renamed to bgerror because the event loop (which is
what usually invokes it) is now part of Tcl. For backward compatibility the bgerror provided by the
current Tk version still tries to call tkerror if there is one (or an auto loadable one), so old
script defining that error handler should still work, but you should anyhow modify your scripts to
use bgerror instead of tkerror because that support for the old name might vanish in the near future.
If that call fails, bgerror posts a dialog showing the error and offering to see the stack trace to
the user. If you want your own error management you should directly override bgerror instead of tker-ror. tkerror.
ror. Documentation for bgerror is available as part of Tcl's documentation.
background error, reporting
Tk 4.1 tkerror(n)