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typedef xmlDocPtr (*xsltDocLoaderFunc) (
    const xmlChar *URI, 
    xmlDictPtr dict, 
    int options, 
    void *ctxt, 
    xsltLoadType type);  

xsltDocLoaderFunc: @URI: the URI of the document to load @dict: the dictionnary to use when parsing that document @options: parsing options, a set of xmlParserOption @ctxt: the context, either a stylesheet or a transformation context @type: the xsltLoadType indicating the kind of loading required

An xsltDocLoaderFunc is a signature for a function which can be registered to load document not provided by the compilation or transformation API themselve, for example when an xsl:import, xsl:include is found at compilation time or when a document() call is made at runtime.

Returns the pointer to the document (which will be modified and freed by the engine later), or NULL in case of error.


typedef enum { 
    XSLT_LOAD_START = 0, /* loading for a top stylesheet */
    XSLT_LOAD_STYLESHEET = 1, /* loading for a stylesheet include/import */
    XSLT_LOAD_DOCUMENT = 2 /* loading document at transformation time */
} xsltLoadType;  


Enum defining the kind of loader requirement.

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Last Updated: 2006-06-20