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This is an internal header file, included by other library headers. You should not attempt to use it directly.


operator _List_const_iterator
operator _List_iterator

operator _List_const_iterator

template<typename _Tp> struct _List_const_iterator { 
    typedef _List_const_iterator<_Tp> _Self; 
    typedef const _List_node<_Tp> _Node; 
    typedef _List_iterator<_Tp> iterator;  
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; 
    typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; 
    typedef _Tp value_type; 
    typedef const _Tp*pointer; 
    typedef const _Tp& reference;  
    _List_const_iterator() : _M_node() {
        }  _List_const_iterator(
        const _List_node_base* __x) : _M_node(__x) {
        }  _List_const_iterator(
        const iterator& __x) : _M_node(__x._M_node) {
        }  // Must downcast from List_node_base to _List_node to get to 
    // _M_data. 
    reference operator*() const ;

@brief A list::const_iterator.

@if maint All the functions are op overloads. @endif

operator _List_iterator

template<typename _Tp> struct _List_iterator { 
    typedef _List_iterator<_Tp> _Self; 
    typedef _List_node<_Tp> _Node;  
    typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; 
    typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; 
    typedef _Tp value_type; 
    typedef _Tp*pointer; 
    typedef _Tp& reference;  
    _List_iterator() : _M_node() {
        }  _List_iterator(
        _List_node_base* __x) : _M_node(__x) {
        }  // Must downcast from List_node_base to _List_node to get to _M_data. 
    reference operator*() const ;

@brief A list::iterator.

@if maint All the functions are op overloads. @endif

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Last Updated: 2006-06-20