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A number represents a single reference to a topic.
A number with a "+" sign represents a longer discussion of a topic.

A   B   C   D   E   F   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   U   X   

ADB family 1
ATA/ATAPI families 1
Audio family 1
Audio HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) 1
  and device files 1+
  and networking API 1
  file systems 1
  networking 1
busyState values 1+
Carbon Event Manager 1
Carbon Printing Manager 1
CFDictionaryAddValue function 1
CFDictionaryCreateMutable function 1
CFNetwork 1
CFRelease function 1
CFRunLoopAddSource function 1
CFRunLoopRun function 1
CFStringGetCString function 1+
Component Object Model (COM) 1
Core Audio 1
Core Foundation plug-in model 1
Core Graphics Services. See Quartz Compositor
custom device interfaces. See developing custom device-access solutions
custom user clients. See developing custom device-access solutions
developing custom device-access solutions 1+
device families. See I/O Kit, family device-access support
device files
  and device interfaces 1+
  defined 1
  getting a device-file path for 1+
  in driver stack 1
  overview 1+
device interfaces
  creating custom. See developing custom device-access solutions
  and device files 1+
  overview 1+
  steps for getting 1+
device interfaces
  defined 1
  in driver stack 1
device look-up functions 1+
device matching
  and communicating with the I/O Kit 1+
  and device files 1
  and notifications 1+
  creating matching dictionaries for 1+
  defined 1
  device look-up functions for 1+
  examining matching objects in 1
  getting keys and values for 1+
  steps to implement 1+
driver 1
driver matching 1
driver personalities
  defined 1
  examining for matching keys and values 1+
  keys in 1+
error return values
  interpreting 1+
  macros for handling 1
exclusive-access errors 1+
family 1
File Manager 1
file systems, BSD 1
finding devices. See device matching
FireWire DV family 1
FireWire family 1
FireWire SBP-2 family 1
  CFDictionaryAddValue 1
  CFDictionaryCreateMutable 1
  CFRelease 1
  CFRetain 1
  CFRunLoopAddSource 1
  CFRunLoopRun 1
  CFStringGetCString 1+
  close 1
  host_get_io_master 1
  IOBSDNameMatching 1 2
  IOConnectAddClient 1
  IOConnectAddRef 1
  IOConnectGetService 1
  IOConnectMapMemory 1
  IOConnectMethodScalarIScalarO 1
  IOConnectMethodScalarIStructureI 1
  IOConnectMethodScalarIStructureO 1
  IOConnectMethodStructureIStructureO 1
  IOConnectRelease 1
  IOConnectSetCFProperties 1
  IOConnectSetCFProperty 1
  IOConnectSetNotificationPort 1
  IOConnectUnmapMemory 1
  IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService 1 2
  IODestroyPlugInInterface 1 2
  IODispatchCalloutFromMessage 1
  IOIterator 1
  IOIteratorIsValid 1 2
  IOIteratorNext 1 2
  IOIteratorReset 1 2
  IOKitGetBusyState 1
  IOKitWaitQuiet 1
  IOMasterPort 1 2 3
  IONotificationPortCreate 1 2
  IONotificationPortDestroy 1
  IONotificationPortGetMachPort 1
  IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource 1 2
  IOObjectConformsTo 1
  IOObjectGetClass 1 2
  IOObjectGetRetainCount 1
  IOObjectIsEqualTo 1
  IOObjectRelease 1
  IOObjectRetain 1
  IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties 1
  IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty 1 2+ 3
  IORegistryEntryGetLocationInPlane 1
  IORegistryEntryGetName 1
  IORegistryEntryGetNameInPlane 1
  IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry 1
  IORegistryEntryGetPath 1
  IORegistryEntryInPlane 1
  IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty 1
  IORegistryEntrySetCFProperties 1
  IORegistryEntrySetCFProperty 1
  IOServiceAddMatchingNotification 1+ 2 3
  IOServiceClose 1
  IOServiceGetBusyState 1
  IOServiceGetMatchingService 1+ 2
  IOServiceGetMatchingServices 1 2+ 3
  IOServiceMatching 1 2 3
  IOServiceNameMatching 1 2
  IOServiceOpen 1
  IOServiceWaitQuiet 1
  mach_port_deallocate 1
  mach_port_get_refs 1
  open 1
  QueryInterface 1 2
  SCSIAction 1
HID family 1
host_get_io_master function 1
I/O Kit
  and driver-stack building 1+
  communicating with 1+
  family device-access support 1+
  framework 1
  terms and definitions 1+
I/O Registry Explorer application 1 2
I/O Registry
  defined 1
  object property-setting functions 1+
  object property-viewing functions 1+
  object-introspection functions 1+
  planes in 1
  traversal functions 1+
Info.plist file 1 2
IOBSDNameMatching function 1 2
IOCFPlugInInterface plug-in 1
IOConnectAddClient function 1
IOConnectAddRef function 1
IOConnectGetService function 1
IOConnectMapMemory function 1
IOConnectMethodScalarIScalarO function 1
IOConnectMethodScalarIStructureI function 1
IOConnectMethodScalarIStructureO function 1
IOConnectMethodStructureIStructureO function 1
IOConnectRelease function 1
IOConnectSetCFProperties function 1
IOConnectSetCFProperty function 1
IOConnectSetNotificationPort function 1
IOConnectUnmapMemory function 1
IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService function 1 2
IODestroyPlugInInterface function 1 2
IODispatchCalloutFromMessage function 1
IOIterator objects
  and the IOIteratorNext function 1
  from device look-up functions 1
  reference counting of 1
  using to examine matching objects 1
IOIteratorIsValid function 1 2
IOIteratorNext function 1 2
IOIteratorReset function 1 2
IOKitGetBusyState function 1
  and in-kernel objects 1+
  busy-state functions in 1+
  custom device interface development functions in 1+
  device look-up functions in 1
  device-notification functions in 1
  I/O Registry object information functions in 1+
  I/O Registry-traversal functions in 1+
  iteration functions in 1
  matching dictionary-creation functions in 1
  object-introspection functions in 1+
  property-setting functions in 1+
  property-viewing functions in 1+
  reference-counting functions in 1+
IOKitWaitQuiet function 1
IOMasterPort function 1 2
IONotificationPortCreate function 1 2
IONotificationPortDestroy function 1
IONotificationPortGetMachPort function 1
IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource function 1 2
IOObjectConformsTo function 1
IOObjectGetClass function 1 2
IOObjectGetRetainCount function 1
IOObjectIsEqualTo function 1
IOObjectRelease function 1
IOObjectRetain function 1
IOProviderClass key 1
ioreg tool 1 2
IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties function 1
IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty function 1 2+ 3
IORegistryEntryGetLocationInPlane function 1
IORegistryEntryGetName function 1
IORegistryEntryGetNameInPlane function 1
IORegistryEntryGetParentEntry function 1
IORegistryEntryGetPath function 1
IORegistryEntryInPlane function 1
IORegistryEntrySearchCFProperty function 1
IORegistryEntrySetCFProperties function 1
IORegistryEntrySetCFProperty function 1
IOServiceAddMatchingNotification function 1+ 2 3
IOServiceClose function 1
IOServiceGetBusyState function 1
IOServiceGetMatchingService function 1+ 2
IOServiceGetMatchingServices function 1 2+ 3
IOServiceMatching function 1 2 3
IOServiceNameMatching function 1 2
IOServiceOpen function 1
IOServiceWaitQuiet function 1
io_iterator_t object 1
io_object_t type 1 2+
io_registry_entry object 1
io_service_t object 1
iterators. See IOIterator objects
kernel space 1
kIOMasterPortDefault constant 1
kIOReturnExclusiveAccess error 1
kIOReturnNotAttached error 1
looking up devices. See device look-up functions
Mach ports, using for I/O Kit communication 1 2+
mach_port_get_refs function 1
matching dictionaries
  creating and modifying 1+
  defined 1
  for device files 1
  getting property keys for 1+
  reference counting of 1
  using Core Foundation functions to modify 1+
  using I/O Kit functions to create 1+
Network family 1
networking services in user space 1
notifications of device arrival and departure. See device matching, getting notifications
NSEvent object 1
nub 1
Open Transport 1
PC Card family 1
PCI and AGP families 1
personality dictionaries, examining for keys and values 1+
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) API 1 2 3 4
power-source information, getting from user space 1
property keys
  finding with I/O Registry Explorer 1
  in header files 1+
  in information property lists 1+
  IOProviderClass key 1
Quartz 2D 1
Quartz Compositor 1
QueryInterface function 1 2
QuickDraw 1
QuickTime 1
reference counting
  functions in IOKitLib 1+
  of io_object_t objects 1
  of IOCFPlugInInterface objects 1
  of IOIterator objects 1
  of matching dictionaries 1 2
SCSI Architecture Model family 1
SCSI family 1
SCSI Manager 4.3 1
SCSI Parallel family 1 2
SCSIAction function 1
serial devices, setting up a matching dictionary for 1
Serial family 1
service 1
storage devices, setting up a matching dictionary for 1
Storage family 1
UPS (uninterruptible power supply) devices 1
USB family 1
user clients
  creating custom. See developing custom device-access solutions
  defined 1
  in driver stack 1
user space 1
UUID (universal unique identifier) 1
XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1

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