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IOBluetoothSDPServiceAttribute represents a single SDP service attribute.


A service attribute contains two components: an attribute ID and a data element.



Returns the attribute ID for the target service attribute.


Returns the data element for the target service attribute.


Returns the data element representing the attribute ID for the target service attribute.


Initializes a new service attribute with the given ID and data element.


Initializes a new service attribute with the given ID and element value.


Creates a new service attribute with the given ID and data element.


Creates a new service attribute with the given ID and element value.


Returns the attribute ID for the target service attribute.

- (BluetoothSDPServiceAttributeID)getAttributeID; 
Return Value

Returns the attribute ID for the target service attribute.


Returns the data element for the target service attribute.

- (IOBluetoothSDPDataElement *)getDataElement; 
Return Value

Returns the data element for the target service attribute.


Returns the data element representing the attribute ID for the target service attribute.

- (IOBluetoothSDPDataElement *)getIDDataElement; 
Return Value

Returns the data element representing the attribute ID for the target service attribute.


Initializes a new service attribute with the given ID and data element.

- (id)initWithID:(BluetoothSDPServiceAttributeID)newAttributeID 
        attributeElement:(IOBluetoothSDPDataElement *)attributeElement; 

The attribute ID of the new service attribute.


The data element of the new service attribute.

Return Value

Returns self if successful. Returns nil if there was an error.


Initializes a new service attribute with the given ID and element value.

- (id)initWithID:(BluetoothSDPServiceAttributeID)newAttributeID 
        attributeElementValue:(NSObject *)attributeElementValue; 

The attribute ID of the new service attribute.


The data element value of the new service attribute

Return Value

Returns self if successful. Returns nil if there was an error parsing the element value.


See +[IOBluetoothSDPDataElement withElementValue:] for a description of the types that may be passed in as the attributeElementValue.


Creates a new service attribute with the given ID and data element.

+ (IOBluetoothSDPServiceAttribute *)withID:(BluetoothSDPServiceAttributeID)newAttributeID 
        attributeElement:(IOBluetoothSDPDataElement *)attributeElement; 

The attribute ID of the new service attribute.


The data element of the new service attribute.

Return Value

Returns the newly allocated service attribute object. Returns nil if there was an error. The returned IOBluetoothSDPDataElement object has been autoreleased, so it is not necessary for the caller to release it. If the object is to be referenced and kept around, retain should be called.


Creates a new service attribute with the given ID and element value.

+ (IOBluetoothSDPServiceAttribute *)withID:(BluetoothSDPServiceAttributeID)newAttributeID 
        attributeElementValue:(NSObject *)attributeElementValue; 

The attribute ID of the new service attribute.


The data element value of the new service attribute

Return Value

Returns the newly allocated service attribute object. Returns nil if there was an error parsing the element value. The returned IOBluetoothSDPDataElement object has been autoreleased, so it is not necessary for the caller to release it. If the object is to be referenced and kept around, retain should be called.


See +[IOBluetoothSDPDataElement withElementValue:] for a description of the types that may be passed in as the attributeElementValue.

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Last Updated: 2008-08-07