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Framework | ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h |
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Declared in | CGContext.h |
The CGContextRef
opaque type represents a Quartz 2D drawing destination. A graphics context contains drawing parameters and all device-specific information needed to render the paint on a page to the destination, whether the destination is a window in an application, a bitmap image, a PDF document, or a printer. You can obtain a graphics context by using Quartz graphics context creation functions or by using higher-level functions provided in the Carbon, Cocoa, or Printing frameworks. Quartz provides creation functions for various flavors of Quartz graphics contexts including bitmap images and PDF. The Carbon and Cocoa frameworks provide functions for obtaining window graphics contexts. The Printing framework provides functions that obtain a graphics context appropriate for the destination printer.
These functions are used to define the geometry of the current path.
These functions are used to stroke along or fill in the current path.
These functions allow you to examine and change the current transformation matrix (CTM) in a graphics context.
Adds an arc of a circle to the current path, using a center point, radius, and end point.
void CGContextAddArc ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat radius, CGFloat startAngle, CGFloat endAngle, int clockwise );
A graphics context.
The x-value, in user space coordinates, for the center of the arc.
The y-value, in user space coordinates, for the center of the arc.
The radius of the arc, in user space coordinates.
The angle to the starting point of the arc, measured in radians from the positive x-axis.
The angle to the end point of the arc, measured in radians from the positive x-axis.
Pass 1
to draw the arc clockwise; 0
When you call this function, Quartz builds an arc of a circle centered on the point you provide. The arc is of the specified radius and extends between the start and end point. (You can also use CGContextAddArc
as a convenient way to draw a circle, by setting the start point to 0
and the end point to 2*Pi
If the current path already contains a subpath, Quartz additionally appends a straight line segment from the current point to the starting point of the arc. If the current path is empty, Quartz creates a new subpath for the arc and does not add the initial straight line segment.
After adding the arc, the current point is reset to the end point of arc (the second tangent point).
Adds an arc of a circle to the current path, using a radius and tangent points.
void CGContextAddArcToPoint ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat x1, CGFloat y1, CGFloat x2, CGFloat y2, CGFloat radius );
A graphics context whose current path is not empty.
The x-value, in user space coordinates, for the end point of the first tangent line. The first tangent line is drawn from the current point to (x1,y1).
The y-value, in user space coordinates, for the end point of the first tangent line. The first tangent line is drawn from the current point to (x1,y1).
The x-value, in user space coordinates, for the end point of the second tangent line. The second tangent line is drawn from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
The y-value, in user space coordinates, for the end point of the second tangent line. The second tangent line is drawn from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
The radius of the arc, in user space coordinates.
This function draws an arc that is tangent to the line from the current point to (x1,y1)
and to the line from (x1,y1)
to (x2,y2). The start and end points of the arc are located on the first and second tangent lines, respectively. The start and end points of the arc are also the “tangent points” of the lines.
If the current point and the first tangent point of the arc (the starting point) are not equal, Quartz appends a straight line segment from the current point to the first tangent point. After adding the arc, the current point is reset to the end point of arc (the second tangent point).
Appends a cubic Bézier curve from the current point, using the provided control points and end point .
void CGContextAddCurveToPoint ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat cp1x, CGFloat cp1y, CGFloat cp2x, CGFloat cp2y, CGFloat x, CGFloat y );
A graphics context whose current path is not empty.
The x-value, in user space coordinates, for the first control point of the curve.
The y-value, in user space coordinates, for the first control point of the curve.
The x-value, in user space coordinates, for the second control point of the curve.
The y-value, in user space coordinates, for the second control point of the curve.
The x-value, in user space coordinates, at which to end the curve.
The y-value, in user space coordinates, at which to end the curve.
This function appends a cubic curve to the current path. After adding the segment, the current point is reset from the beginning of the new segment to the end point of that segment.
Adds an ellipse that fits inside the specified rectangle.
void CGContextAddEllipseInRect ( CGContextRef context, CGRect rect );
A graphics context.
A rectangle that defines the area for the ellipse to fit in.
The ellipse is approximated by a sequence of Bézier curves. Its center is the midpoint of the rectangle defined by the rect
parameter. If the rectangle is square, then the ellipse is circular with a radius equal to one-half the width (or height) of the rectangle. If the rect
parameter specifies a rectangular shape, then the major and minor axes of the ellipse are defined by the width and height of the rectangle.
Adds a sequence of connected straight-line segments to the current path.
void CGContextAddLines ( CGContextRef c, const CGPoint points[], size_t count );
A graphics context .
An array of values that specify the start and end points of the line segments to draw. Each point in the array specifies a position in user space. The first point is the array specifies the initial starting point.
The number of elements in the points
This is a convenience function that adds a sequence of connected line segments to the current path in a graphics context. Quartz connects each point in the array with the subsequent point in the array, using straight line segments.
On return, the current point is the last point in the array. This function does not automatically close the path created by the line segments. If you want to close the path, you must call CGContextClosePath
Appends a straight line segment from the current point to the provided point .
void CGContextAddLineToPoint ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat x, CGFloat y );
A graphics context whose current path is not empty.
The x-value, in user space coordinates, for the end of the line segment.
The y-value, in user space coordinates, for the end of the line segment.
After adding the line segment, the current point is reset from the beginning of the new line segment to the endpoint of that line segment.
Adds a previously created Quartz path object to the current path in a graphics context.
void CGContextAddPath ( CGContextRef context, CGPathRef path );
A graphics context .
A previously created Quartz path object. See CGPath Reference.
Quartz applies the current transformation matrix (CTM) to the points in the new path before they are added to the current path in the graphics context.
Appends a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point, using a control point and an end point you specify.
void CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat cpx, CGFloat cpy, CGFloat x, CGFloat y );
A graphics context whose current path is not empty.
The x-coordinate of the user space for the control point of the curve.
The y-coordinate of the user space for the control point of the curve.
The x-coordinate of the user space at which to end the curve.
The y-coordinate of the user space at which to end the curve.
This function appends a quadratic curve to the current subpath. After adding the segment, the current point is reset from the beginning of the new segment to the end point of that segment.
Adds a rectangular path to the current path.
void CGContextAddRect ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect );
A graphics context.
A rectangle, specified in user space coordinates.
Adds a set rectangular paths to the current path.
void CGContextAddRects ( CGContextRef c, const CGRect rects[], size_t count );
A graphics context.
An array of rectangles, specified in user space coordinates.
The number of rectangles in the rects
Starts a new page in a page-based graphics context.
void CGContextBeginPage ( CGContextRef c, const CGRect *mediaBox );
A page-based graphics context such as a PDF context. If you specify a context that does not support multiple pages, this function does nothing.
A Quartz rectangle defining the bounds of the new page, expressed in units of the default user space, or NULL
. These bounds supersede any supplied for the media box when you created the context. If you pass NULL
, Quartz uses the rectangle you supplied for the media box when the graphics context was created.
When using a graphics context that supports multiple pages, you should call this function together with CGContextEndPage
to delineate the page boundaries in the output. In other words, each page should be bracketed by calls to CGContextBeginPage
and CGContextEndPage
. Quartz ignores all drawing operations performed outside a page boundary in a page-based context.
Creates a new empty path in a graphics context.
void CGContextBeginPath ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context.
A graphics context can have only a single path in use at any time. If the specified context already contains a current path when you call this function, Quartz replaces the previous current path with the new path. In this case, Quartz discards the old path and any data associated with it.
The current path is not part of the graphics state. Consequently, saving and restoring the graphics state has no effect on the current path.
Begins a transparency layer.
void CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer ( CGContextRef context, CFDictionaryRef auxiliaryInfo );
A graphics context.
A dictionary that specifies any additional information, or NULL
Until a corresponding call to CGContextEndTransparencyLayer
, all subsequent drawing operations in the specified context are composited into a fully transparent backdrop (which is treated as a separate destination buffer from the context).
After a call to CGContextEndTransparencyLayer
, the result is composited into the context using the global alpha and shadow state of the context. This operation respects the clipping region of the context.
After a call to this function, all of the parameters in the graphics state remain unchanged with the exception of the following:
The global alpha is set to 1
The shadow is turned off.
Ending the transparency layer restores these parameters to their previous values. Quartz maintains a transparency layer stack for each context, and transparency layers may be nested.
Tip: For best performance, make sure that you set the smallest possible clipping area for the objects in the transparency layer prior to calling CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer
Begins a transparency layer whose contents are bounded by the specified rectangle.
void CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(CGContextRef context, CGRect rect, CFDictionaryRef auxiliaryInfo);
A graphics context.
The rectangle, specified in user space, that bounds the transparency layer.
A dictionary that specifies any additional information, or NULL
This function is identical to CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer
except that the content of the transparency layer is within the bounds of the provided rectangle.
Paints a transparent rectangle.
void CGContextClearRect ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect );
The graphics context in which to paint the rectangle.
The rectangle, in user space coordinates.
If the provided context is a window or bitmap context, Quartz effectively clears the rectangle. For other context types, Quartz fills the rectangle in a device-dependent manner. However, you should not use this function in contexts other than window or bitmap contexts.
Modifies the current clipping path, using the nonzero winding number rule.
void CGContextClip ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context that contains a path. If the context does not have a current path, the function does nothing.
The function uses the nonzero winding number rule to calculate the intersection of the current path with the current clipping path. Quartz then uses the path resulting from the intersection as the new current clipping path for subsequent painting operations.
Unlike the current path, the current clipping path is part of the graphics state. Therefore, to re-enlarge the paintable area by restoring the clipping path to a prior state, you must save the graphics state before you clip and restore the graphics state after you’ve completed any clipped drawing.
After determining the new clipping path, the function resets the context’s current path to an empty path.
See alsoCGContextEOClip
Maps a mask into the specified rectangle and intersects it with the current clipping area of the graphics context.
void CGContextClipToMask ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect, CGImageRef mask );
A graphics context.
The rectangle to map the mask
parameter to.
An image or an image mask. If mask
is an image, then it must be in the DeviceGray color space, may not have an alpha component, and may not be masked by an image mask or masking color.
If the mask parameter is an image mask, then Quartz clips in a manner identical to the behavior seen with the function CGContextDrawImage
—the mask indicates an area to be left unchanged when drawing. The source samples of the image mask determine which points of the clipping area are changed, acting as an "inverse alpha" value. If the value of a source sample in the image mask is S
, then the corresponding point in the current clipping area is multiplied by an alpha value of (1–S
). For example, if S
is 1
then the point in the clipping area becomes transparent. If S
is 0
, the point in the clipping area is unchanged.
If the mask parameter is an image, then mask acts like an alpha mask and is blended with the current clipping area. The source samples of mask determine which points of the clipping area are changed. If the value of the source sample in mask is S
, then the corresponding point in the current clipping area is multiplied by an alpha of S
. For example, if S
is 0
, then the point in the clipping area becomes transparent. If S
is 1
, the point in the clipping area is unchanged.
Sets the clipping path to the intersection of the current clipping path with the area defined by the specified rectangle.
void CGContextClipToRect ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect );
The graphics context for which to set the clipping path.
A CGRect
value that specifies, in the user space, the location and dimensions of the rectangle to be used in determining the new clipping path.
This function sets the specified graphics context’s clipping region to the area which intersects both the current clipping path and the specified rectangle.
After determining the new clipping path, the CGContextClipToRect
function resets the context’s current path to an empty path.
See also CGContextClipToRects
Sets the clipping path to the intersection of the current clipping path with the region defined by an array of rectangles.
void CGContextClipToRects ( CGContextRef c, const CGRect rects[], size_t count );
The graphics context for which to set the clipping path.
An array of rectangles. The locations and dimensions of the rectangles are specified in the user space coordinate system.
The total number of array entries in the rects
This function sets the clipping path to the intersection of the current clipping path and the region within the specified rectangles.
After determining the new clipping path, the function resets the context’s current path to an empty path.
See also CGContextClipToRect
Closes and terminates an open path.
void CGContextClosePath ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context.
If a path is open, this function closes and terminate the path. Quartz closes a path by drawing a straight line that connects the current point to the starting point. If the current point and the starting point are the same, you must still call this function to close the path. After Quartz terminates the path, the current point is no longer defined. If there is no open path, this function does nothing.
When you fill or clip an open path, Quartz implicitly closes the subpath for you.
Transforms the user coordinate system in a context using a specified matrix.
void CGContextConcatCTM ( CGContextRef c, CGAffineTransform transform );
A graphics context.
The transformation matrix to apply to the specified context’s current transformation matrix.
When you call the function CGContextConcatCTM
, it concatenates (that is, it combines) two matrices, by multiplying them together. The order in which matrices are concatenated is important, as the operations are not commutative. When you call CGContextConcatCTM
, the resulting CTM in the context is: CTMnew = transform * CTMcontext.
Returns a point that is transformed from user space coordinates to device space coordinates.
CGPoint CGContextConvertPointToDeviceSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGPoint point );
A graphics context.
The point, in user space coordinates, to transform.
The coordinates of the point in device space coordinates.
Returns a point that is transformed from device space coordinates to user space coordinates.
CGPoint CGContextConvertPointToUserSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGPoint point );
A graphics context.
The point, in device space coordinates, to transform.
The coordinates of the point in user space coordinates.
Returns a rectangle that is transformed from user space coordinate to device space coordinates.
CGRect CGContextConvertRectToDeviceSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect );
A graphics context.
The rectangle, in user space coordinates, to transform.
The rectangle in device space coordinates.
In general affine transforms do not preserve rectangles. As a result, this function returns the smallest rectangle that contains the transformed corner points of the rectangle.
Returns a rectangle that is transformed from device space coordinate to user space coordinates.
CGRect CGContextConvertRectToUserSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect );
A graphics context.
The rectangle, in device space coordinates, to transform.
The rectangle in user space coordinates.
In general, affine transforms do not preserve rectangles. As a result, this function returns the smallest rectangle that contains the transformed corner points of the rectangle.
Returns a size that is transformed from user space coordinates to device space coordinates.
CGSize CGContextConvertSizeToDeviceSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGSize size );
A graphics context.
The size, in user space coordinates, to transform.
The size in device space coordinates.
Returns a size that is transformed from device space coordinates to user space coordinates
CGSize CGContextConvertSizeToUserSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGSize size );
A graphics context.
The size, in device space coordinates, to transform.
The size in user space coordinates.
Draws an image into a graphics context.
void CGContextDrawImage ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect, CGImageRef image );
The graphics context in which to draw the image.
The location and dimensions in user space of the bounding box in which to draw the image.
The image to draw.
Quartz scales the image—disproportionately, if necessary—to fit the bounds specified by the rect
Paints a gradient fill that varies along the line defined by the provided starting and ending points.
void CGContextDrawLinearGradient( CGContextRef context, CGGradientRef gradient, CGPoint startPoint, CGPoint endPoint, CGGradientDrawingOptions options );
A Quartz graphics context.
A CGGradient
The coordinate that defines the starting point of the gradient.
The coordinate that defines the ending point of the gradient.
Option flags (kCGGradientDrawsBeforeStartLocation
or kCGGradientDrawsAfterEndLocation
) that control whether the fill is extended beyond the starting or ending point.
The color at location 0 in the CGGradient object is mapped to the starting point. The color at location 1 in the CGGradient object is mapped to the ending point. Colors are linearly interpolated between these two points based on the location values of the gradient. The option flags control whether the gradient is drawn before the start point or after the end point.
Draws the current path using the provided drawing mode.
void CGContextDrawPath ( CGContextRef c, CGPathDrawingMode mode );
A graphics context that contains a path to paint.
A path drawing mode constant—kCGPathFill
, kCGPathEOFill
, kCGPathStroke
, kCGPathFillStroke
, or kCGPathEOFillStroke
. For a discussion of these constants, see CGPath Reference.
This function draws the current path using the specified drawing mode. If the current path contains several disjoint portions (or subpaths), Quartz fills each one independently. Any subpath that you did not explicitly close by calling CGContextClosePath
is closed implicitly by the fill routines.
Draws a page of a PDF document into a graphics context.
void CGContextDrawPDFDocument ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect, CGPDFDocumentRef document, int page );
The graphics context in which to draw the PDF page.
A CGRect
value that specifies the dimensions and location of the area in which to draw the PDF page, in units of the user space. When drawn, Quartz scales the media box of the page to fit the rectangle you specify.
The PDF document to draw.
A value that specifies the PDF page number to draw. If the specified page does not exist, the function does nothing.
For applications running in Mac OS X version 10.3 and later, it is recommended that you replace this function with CGContextDrawPDFPage
. If you do so, and want to specify the drawing rectangle, you should use CGPDFPageGetDrawingTransform
to get an appropriate transform, concatenate it with the current transformation matrix, clip to the rectangle, and then call CGContextDrawPDFPage
Draws a page in the current user space of a PDF context.
void CGContextDrawPDFPage ( CGContextRef c, CGPDFPageRef page );
The graphics context in which to draw the PDF page.
A Quartz PDF page.
This function works in conjunction with the opaque type CGPDFPageRef
to draw individual pages into a PDF context.
For applications running in Mac OS X version 10.3 and later, this function is recommended as a replacement for the older function CGContextDrawPDFDocument
Paints a gradient fill that varies along the area defined by the provided starting and ending circles.
void CGContextDrawRadialGradient( CGContextRef context, CGGradientRef gradient, CGPoint startCenter, CGFloat startRadius, CGPoint endCenter, CGFloat endRadius, CGGradientDrawingOptions options );
A Quartz graphics context.
A CGGradient object.
The coordinate that defines the center of the starting circle.
The radius of the starting circle.
The coordinate that defines the center of the ending circle.
The radius of the ending circle.
Option flags (kCGGradientDrawsBeforeStartLocation
or kCGGradientDrawsAfterEndLocation
) that control whether the gradient is drawn before the starting circle or after the ending circle.
The color at location 0 in the CGGradient object is mapped to the circle defined by startCenter
and startRadius
. The color at location 1 in the CGGradient object is mapped to the circle defined by endCenter
and endRadius
. Colors are linearly interpolated between the starting and ending circles based on the location values of the gradient. The option flags control whether the gradient is drawn before the start point or after the end point.
Fills the clipping path of a context with the specified shading.
void CGContextDrawShading ( CGContextRef c, CGShadingRef shading );
The graphics context in which to draw the shading.
A Quartz shading. Quartz retains this object; upon return, you may safely release it.
In Mac OS X v10.5 and later, the preferred way to draw gradients is to use a CGGradient object. See CGGradient Reference.
Repeatedly draws an image, scaled to the provided rectangle, to fill the current clip region.
void CGContextDrawTiledImage( CGContextRef context, CGRect rect, CGImageRef image );
The graphics context in which to draw the image.
A rectangle that specifies the tile size. Quartz scales the image—disproportionately, if necessary—to fit the bounds specified by the rect
The image to draw.
Quartz draws the scaled image starting at the origin of user space, then moves to a new point (horizontally by the width of the tile and/or vertically by the height of the tile), draws the scaled image, moves again, draws again, and so on, until the current clip region is tiled with copies of the image. Unlike patterns, the image is tiled in user space, so transformations applied to the CTM affect the final result.
Ends the current page in a page-based graphics context.
void CGContextEndPage ( CGContextRef c );
A page-based graphics context.
When using a graphics context that supports multiple pages, you should call this function to terminate drawing in the current page.
For more information, see CGContextBeginPage
Ends a transparency layer.
void CGContextEndTransparencyLayer ( CGContextRef context );
A graphics context.
See the discussion for CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer
Modifies the current clipping path, using the even-odd rule.
void CGContextEOClip ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context containing a path. If the context does not have a current path, the function does nothing.
The function uses the even-odd rule to calculate the intersection of the current path with the current clipping path. Quartz then uses the path resulting from the intersection as the new current clipping path for subsequent painting operations.
Unlike the current path, the current clipping path is part of the graphics state. Therefore, to re-enlarge the paintable area by restoring the clipping path to a prior state, you must save the graphics state before you clip and restore the graphics state after you’ve completed any clipped drawing.
After determining the new clipping path, the function resets the context’s current path to an empty path.
See also CGContextClip
Paints the area within the current path, using the even-odd fill rule.
void CGContextEOFillPath ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context that contains a path to fill.
If the current path contains several disjoint portions (or subpaths), Quartz fills each one independently. Any subpath that you did not explicitly close by calling CGContextClosePath
is closed implicitly by the fill routines.
Paints the area of the ellipse that fits inside the provided rectangle, using the fill color in the current graphics state.
void CGContextFillEllipseInRect ( CGContextRef context, CGRect rect );
A graphics context.
A rectangle that defines the area for the ellipse to fit in.
Paints the area within the current path, using the nonzero winding number rule.
void CGContextFillPath ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context that contains a path to fill.
If the current path contains several disjoint portions (or subpaths), Quartz fills each one independently. Any subpath that you did not explicitly close by calling CGContextClosePath
is closed implicitly by the fill routines.
Paints the area contained within the provided rectangle, using the fill color in the current graphics state.
void CGContextFillRect ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect );
A graphics context.
A rectangle, in user space coordinates.
As a side effect when you call this function, Quartz clears the current path.
Paints the areas contained within the provided rectangles, using the fill color in the current graphics state.
void CGContextFillRects ( CGContextRef c, const CGRect rects[], size_t count );
A graphics context .
An array of rectangles, in user space coordinates.
The number rectangles in the rects
As a side effect when you call this function, Quartz clears the current path.
Forces all pending drawing operations in a window context to be rendered immediately to the destination device.
void CGContextFlush ( CGContextRef c );
The window context to flush. If you pass a PDF context or a bitmap context, this function does nothing.
When you call this function, Quartz immediately flushes the current drawing to the destination device (for example, a screen). Because the system software flushes a context automatically at the appropriate times, calling this function could have an adverse effect on performance. Under normal conditions, you do not need to call this function.
Returns the bounding box of a clipping path.
CGRect CGContextGetClipBoundingBox ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context to modify.
The bounding box of the clipping path, specified in user space.
The bounding box is the smallest rectangle completely enclosing all points in the clipping path, including control points for any Bezier curves in the path.
Returns the current transformation matrix.
CGAffineTransform CGContextGetCTM ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context.
The transformation matrix for the current graphics state of the specified context.
Returns the current level of interpolation quality for a graphics context.
CGInterpolationQuality CGContextGetInterpolationQuality ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context to examine.
The current level of interpolation quality.
Interpolation quality is a graphics state parameter that provides a hint for the level of quality to use for image interpolation (for example, when scaling the image). Not all contexts support all interpolation quality levels.
Returns the smallest rectangle that contains the current path.
CGRect CGContextGetPathBoundingBox ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context, containing a path, to examine.
A CGRect
value that specifies the dimensions and location, in user space, of the bounding box of the path. If there is no path, the function returns CGRectNull
The bounding box is the smallest rectangle completely enclosing all points in a path, including control points for Bézier cubic and quadratic curves.
Returns the current point in a non-empty path.
CGPoint CGContextGetPathCurrentPoint ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context containing the path to examine.
A CGPoint
value that specifies the location, in user space, of current point in the context’s path. If there is no path, the function returns CGPointZero
Returns the current text matrix.
CGAffineTransform CGContextGetTextMatrix ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context for which to obtain the text matrix.
The current text matrix.
Returns the location at which text is drawn.
CGPoint CGContextGetTextPosition ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context from which to obtain the current text position.
Returns a CGPoint
value that specifies the x and y values at which text is to be drawn, in user space coordinates.
Returns the type identifier for Quartz graphics contexts.
CFTypeID CGContextGetTypeID ( void );
The identifier for the opaque type CGContextRef
Returns an affine transform that maps user space coordinates to device space coordinates.
CGAffineTransform CGContextGetUserSpaceToDeviceSpaceTransform ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context.
The affine transforms that maps the user space of the graphics context to the device space.
Indicates whether the current path contains any subpaths.
bool CGContextIsPathEmpty ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context containing the path to examine.
Returns 1
if the context’s path contains no subpaths, otherwise returns 0
Begins a new path at the point you specify.
void CGContextMoveToPoint ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat x, CGFloat y );
A graphics context.
The x-value, in user space coordinates, for the point.
The y-value, in user space coordinates, for the point.
This point you specifies becomes the current point. It defines the starting point of the next line segment.
Checks to see whether the specified point is contained in the current path.
bool CGContextPathContainsPoint ( CGContextRef context, CGPoint point, CGPathDrawingMode mode );
A graphics context.
The point to check, specified in user space units.
A path drawing mode—kCGPathFill
, kCGPathEOFill
, kCGPathStroke
, kCGPathFillStroke
, or kCGPathEOFillStroke
. See CGPathDrawingMode
for more information on these modes.
Returns true
if point
is inside the current path of the graphics context; false
A point is contained within the path of a graphics context if the point is inside the painted region when the path is stroked or filled with opaque colors using the specified path drawing mode. A point can be inside a path only if the path is explicitly closed by calling the function CGContextClosePath
, for paths drawn directly to the current context, or CGPathCloseSubpath
, for paths first created as CGPath
objects and then drawn to the current context.
Decrements the retain count of a graphics context.
void CGContextRelease ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context to release.
This function is equivalent to CFRelease
, except that it does not cause an error if the context
parameter is NULL
Replaces the path in the graphics context with the stroked version of the path.
void CGContextReplacePathWithStrokedPath ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context.
Quartz creates a stroked path using the parameters of the current graphics context. You can use this path in the same way you use the path of any context. For example, you can clip to the stroked version of a path by calling this function followed by a call to the function CGContextClip
Sets the current graphics state to the state most recently saved.
void CGContextRestoreGState ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context whose state you want to modify.
Quartz removes the graphics state that is at the top of the stack so that the most recently saved state becomes the current graphics state.
Increments the retain count of a graphics context.
CGContextRef CGContextRetain ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context to retain.
The same graphics context you passed in as the context
This function is equivalent to CFRetain
, except that it does not cause an error if the context
parameter is NULL
Rotates the user coordinate system in a context.
void CGContextRotateCTM ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat angle );
A graphics context.
The angle, in radians, by which to rotate the coordinate space of the specified context. (Positive values rotate counterclockwise.)
Pushes a copy of the current graphics state onto the graphics state stack for the context.
void CGContextSaveGState ( CGContextRef c );
The graphics context whose current graphics state you want to save.
Each graphics context maintains a stack of graphics states. Note that not all aspects of the current drawing environment are elements of the graphics state. For example, the current path is not considered part of the graphics state and is therefore not saved when you call the CGContextSaveGState
function. The graphics state parameters that are saved are:
CTM (current transformation matrix)
clip region
image interpolation quality
line width
line join
miter limit
line cap
line dash
should anti-alias
rendering intent
fill color space
stroke color space
fill color
stroke color
alpha value
font size
character spacing
text drawing mode
shadow parameters
the pattern phase
the font smoothing parameter
blend mode
To restore your drawing environment to a previously saved state, you can use the function CGContextRestoreGState
Changes the scale of the user coordinate system in a context.
void CGContextScaleCTM ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat sx, CGFloat sy );
A graphics context.
The factor by which to scale the x-axis of the coordinate space of the specified context.
The factor by which to scale the y-axis of the coordinate space of the specified context.
Sets the font and font size in a graphics context.
void CGContextSelectFont ( CGContextRef c, const char *name, CGFloat size, CGTextEncoding textEncoding );
The graphics context for which to set the font and font size.
A null-terminated string that contains the PostScript name of the font to set.
A value that specifies the font size to set, in text space units.
A CGTextEncoding
value that specifies the encoding used for the font. For a description of the available values, see “Text Encodings”
For information about when to use this function, see CGContextShowText
and CGContextShowTextAtPoint
Sets whether or not to allow anti-aliasing for a graphics context.
void CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing ( CGContextRef context, bool allowsAntialiasing );
A graphics context.
A Boolean value that specifies whether or not to allow antialiasing. Pass true
to allow antialiasing; false
otherwise. This parameter is not part of the graphics state.
Quartz performs antialiasing for a graphics context if both the allowsAntialiasing
parameter and the graphics state parameter shouldAntialias
are true
Sets the opacity level for objects drawn in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetAlpha ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat alpha );
The graphics context for which to set the current graphics state’s alpha value parameter.
A value that specifies the opacity level. Values can range from 0.0
(transparent) to 1.0
(opaque). Values outside this range are clipped to 0.0
or 1.0
This function sets the alpha value parameter for the specified graphics context. To clear the contents of the drawing canvas, you should use the function CGContextClearRect
Sets how Quartz composites sample values for a graphics context.
void CGContextSetBlendMode ( CGContextRef context, CGBlendMode mode );
The graphics context to modify.
A blend mode. See “Blend Modes”
for a list of the constants you can supply.
Sets the current character spacing.
void CGContextSetCharacterSpacing ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat spacing );
The graphics context for which to set the character spacing.
A value that represents the amount of additional space to place between glyphs, in text space coordinates.
Quartz adds the additional space to the advance between the origin of one character and the origin of the next character. For information about the text coordinate system, see CGContextSetTextMatrix
Sets the current fill color to a value in the DeviceCMYK color space.
void CGContextSetCMYKFillColor ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat cyan, CGFloat magenta, CGFloat yellow, CGFloat black, CGFloat alpha );
The graphics context for which to set the current fill color.
The cyan intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0 (does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0 (fully absorbs the secondary color).
The magenta intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0 (does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0 (fully absorbs the secondary color).
The yellow intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0 (does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0 (fully absorbs the secondary color).
The black intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0 (does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0 (fully absorbs the secondary color).
A value that specifies the opacity level. Values can range from 0.0
(transparent) to 1.0
(opaque). Values outside this range are clipped to 0.0
or 1.0
Quartz provides convenience functions for each of the device color spaces that allow you to set the fill or stroke color space and the fill or stroke color with one function call.
When you call this function, two things happen:
Quartz sets the current fill color space to DeviceCMYK.
Quartz sets the current fill color to the value specified by the cyan
, magenta
, yellow
, black
, and alpha
See also CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor
Sets the current stroke color to a value in the DeviceCMYK color space.
void CGContextSetCMYKStrokeColor ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat cyan, CGFloat magenta, CGFloat yellow, CGFloat black, CGFloat alpha );
The graphics context for which to set the current stroke color.
The cyan intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0
(fully absorbs the secondary color).
The magenta intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0
(fully absorbs the secondary color).
The yellow intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0
(fully absorbs the secondary color).
The black intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceCMYK color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(does not absorb the secondary color) to 1.0
(fully absorbs the secondary color).
A value that specifies the opacity level. Values can range from 0.0
(transparent) to 1.0
(opaque). Values outside this range are clipped to 0.0
or 1.0
When you call this function, two things happen:
Quartz sets the current stroke color space to DeviceCMYK.
Quartz sets the current stroke color to the value specified by the cyan
, magenta
, yellow
, black
, and alpha
See also CGContextSetCMYKFillColor
Sets the current fill color.
void CGContextSetFillColor ( CGContextRef c, const CGFloat components[] );
The graphics context for which to set the current fill color.
An array of intensity values describing the color to set. The number of array elements must equal the number of components in the current fill color space, plus an additional component for the alpha value.
The current fill color space must not be a pattern color space. For information on setting the fill color when using a pattern color space, see CGContextSetFillPattern
. Note that the preferred API to use is now CGContextSetFillColorWithColor
Sets the fill color space in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetFillColorSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGColorSpaceRef colorspace );
The graphics context for which to set the fill color space.
The new fill color space. Quartz retains this object; upon return, you may safely release it.
As a side effect of this function, Quartz assigns an appropriate initial value to the fill color, based on the specified color space. To change this value, call CGContextSetFillColor
. Note that the preferred API to use is now CGContextSetFillColorWithColor
Sets the current fill color in a graphics context, using a Quartz color.
void CGContextSetFillColorWithColor ( CGContextRef c, CGColorRef color );
The graphics context for which to set the fill color.
The new fill color.
See also CGContextSetFillColor
Sets the fill pattern in the specified graphics context.
void CGContextSetFillPattern ( CGContextRef c, CGPatternRef pattern, const CGFloat components[] );
The graphics context to modify.
A fill pattern. Quartz retains this object; upon return, you may safely release it.
If the pattern is an uncolored (or a masking) pattern, pass an array of intensity values that specify the color to use when the pattern is painted. The number of array elements must equal the number of components in the base space of the fill pattern color space, plus an additional component for the alpha value.
If the pattern is a colored pattern, pass an alpha value.
The current fill color space must be a pattern color space. Otherwise, the result of calling this function is undefined. If you want to set a fill color, not a pattern, then call the function CGContextSetFillColorWithColor
Sets the accuracy of curved paths in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetFlatness ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat flatness );
The graphics context to modify.
The largest permissible distance, measured in device pixels, between a point on the true curve and a point on the approximated curve.
This function controls how accurately curved paths are rendered. Setting the flatness value to less than 1.0
renders highly accurate curves, but lengthens rendering times.
In most cases, you should not change the flatness value. Customizing the flatness value for the capabilities of a particular output device impairs the ability of your application to render to other devices.
Sets the platform font in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetFont ( CGContextRef c, CGFontRef font );
The graphics context for which to set the font.
A Quartz font.
For information about when to use this function, see CGFontCreateWithPlatformFont
Sets the current font size.
void CGContextSetFontSize ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat size );
A graphics context.
A font size, expressed in text space units.
Sets the current fill color to a value in the DeviceGray color space.
void CGContextSetGrayFillColor ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat gray, CGFloat alpha );
The graphics context for which to set the current fill color.
A value that specifies the desired gray level. The DeviceGray color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(absolute black) to 1.0
(absolute white). Values outside this range are clamped to 0.0
or 1.0
A value that specifies the opacity level. Values can range from 0.0
(transparent) to 1.0
(opaque). Values outside this range are clipped to 0.0
or 1.0
When you call this function, two things happen:
Quartz sets the current fill color space to DeviceGray.
Quartz sets the current fill color to the value you specify in the gray
and alpha
See also CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor
Sets the current stroke color to a value in the DeviceGray color space.
void CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat gray, CGFloat alpha );
The graphics context for which to set the current stroke color.
A value that specifies the desired gray level. The DeviceGray color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(absolute black) to 1.0
(absolute white). Values outside this range are clamped to 0.0
or 1.0
A value that specifies the opacity level. Values can range from 0.0
(transparent) to 1.0
(opaque). Values outside this range are clipped to 0.0
or 1.0
When you call this function, two things happen:
Quartz sets the current stroke color space to DeviceGray. The DeviceGray color space is a single-dimension space in which color values are specified solely by the intensity of a gray value (from absolute black to absolute white).
Quartz sets the current stroke color to the value you specify in the gray
and alpha
See also CGContextSetGrayFillColor
Sets the level of interpolation quality for a graphics context.
void CGContextSetInterpolationQuality ( CGContextRef c, CGInterpolationQuality quality );
The graphics context to modify.
A CGInterpolationQuality
constant that specifies the required level of interpolation quality. For possible values, see “Interpolation Qualities”
Interpolation quality is merely a hint to the context—not all contexts support all interpolation quality levels.
Sets the style for the endpoints of lines drawn in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetLineCap ( CGContextRef c, CGLineCap cap );
The graphics context to modify.
A line cap style constant—kCGLineCapButt
(the default), kCGLineCapRound
, or kCGLineCapSquare
. See “Line Cap Styles”
Sets the pattern for dashed lines in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetLineDash ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat phase, const CGFloat lengths[], size_t count );
The graphics context to modify.
A value that specifies how far into the dash pattern the line starts, in units of the user space. For example, passing a value of 3
means the line is drawn with the dash pattern starting at three units from its beginning. Passing a value of 0
draws a line starting with the beginning of a dash pattern.
An array of values that specify the lengths of the painted segments and unpainted segments, respectively, of the dash pattern—or NULL
for no dash pattern.
For example, passing an array with the values [2,3]
sets a dash pattern that alternates between a 2-user-space-unit-long painted segment and a 3-user-space-unit-long unpainted segment. Passing the values [1,3,4,2]
sets the pattern to a 1-unit painted segment, a 3-unit unpainted segment, a 4-unit painted segment, and a 2-unit unpainted segment.
If the lengths
parameter specifies an array, pass the number of elements in the array. Otherwise, pass 0
Sets the style for the joins of connected lines in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetLineJoin ( CGContextRef c, CGLineJoin join );
The graphics context to modify.
A line join value—kCGLineJoinMiter
(the default), kCGLineJoinRound
, or kCGLineJoinBevel
. See “Line Joins”
Sets the line width for a graphics context.
void CGContextSetLineWidth ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat width );
The graphics context to modify.
The new line width to use, in user space units. The value must be greater than 0
The default line width is 1
unit. When stroked, the line straddles the path, with half of the total width on either side.
Sets the miter limit for the joins of connected lines in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetMiterLimit ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat limit );
The graphics context to modify.
The miter limit to use.
If the current line join style is set to kCGLineJoinMiter
(see CGContextSetLineJoin
), Quartz uses the miter limit to determine whether the lines should be joined with a bevel instead of a miter. Quartz divides the length of the miter by the line width. If the result is greater than the miter limit, Quartz converts the style to a bevel.
Sets the pattern phase of a context.
void CGContextSetPatternPhase ( CGContextRef c, CGSize phase );
The graphics context to modify.
A pattern phase, specified in user space.
The pattern phase is a translation that Quartz applies prior to drawing a pattern in the context. The pattern phase is part of the graphics state of a context, and the default pattern phase is (0,0)
. Setting the pattern phase has the effect of temporarily changing the pattern matrix of any pattern you draw. For example, setting the context’s pattern phase to (2,3)
has the effect of moving the start of pattern cell tiling to the point (2,3)
in default user space.
Sets the rendering intent in the current graphics state.
void CGContextSetRenderingIntent ( CGContextRef c, CGColorRenderingIntent intent );
The graphics context to modify.
A rendering intent constant—kCGRenderingIntentDefault
, kCGRenderingIntentAbsoluteColorimetric
, kCGRenderingIntentRelativeColorimetric
, kCGRenderingIntentPerceptual
, or kCGRenderingIntentSaturation
. For a discussion of these constants, see CGColorSpace Reference.
The rendering intent specifies how Quartz should handle colors that are not located within the gamut of the destination color space of a graphics context. If you do not explicitly set the rendering intent, Quartz uses perceptual rendering intent for drawing sampled images and relative colorimetric rendering intent for all other drawing.
Sets the current fill color to a value in the DeviceRGB color space.
void CGContextSetRGBFillColor ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat red, CGFloat green, CGFloat blue, CGFloat alpha );
The graphics context for which to set the current fill color.
The red intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceRGB color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(zero intensity) to 1.0
(full intensity).
The green intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceRGB color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(zero intensity) to 1.0
(full intensity).
The blue intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceRGB color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(zero intensity) to 1.0
(full intensity).
A value that specifies the opacity level. Values can range from 0.0
(transparent) to 1.0
(opaque). Values outside this range are clipped to 0.0
or 1.0
When you call this function, two things happen:
Quartz sets the current fill color space to DeviceRGB.
Quartz sets the current fill color to the value specified by the red
, green
, blue
, and alpha
See also CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor
Sets the current stroke color to a value in the DeviceRGB color space.
void CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat red, CGFloat green, CGFloat blue, CGFloat alpha );
The graphics context for which to set the current stroke color.
The red intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceRGB color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(zero intensity) to 1.0
(full intensity).
The green intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceRGB color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(zero intensity) to 1.0
(full intensity).
The blue intensity value for the color to set. The DeviceRGB color space permits the specification of a value ranging from 0.0
(zero intensity) to 1.0
(full intensity).
A value that specifies the opacity level. Values can range from 0.0
(transparent) to 1.0
(opaque). Values outside this range are clipped to 0.0
or 1.0
When you call this function, two things happen:
Quartz sets the current stroke color space to DeviceRGB.
Quartz sets the current stroke color to the value specified by the red
, green
, blue
, and alpha
See also CGContextSetRGBFillColor
Enables shadowing in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetShadow ( CGContextRef context, CGSize offset, CGFloat blur );
A graphics context.
Specifies a translation of the context’s coordinate system, to establish an offset for the shadow ({0,0}
specifies a light source immediately above the screen).
A non-negative number specifying the amount of blur.
Shadow parameters are part of the graphics state in a context. After shadowing is set, all objects drawn are shadowed using a black color with 1/3 alpha (i.e., RGBA = {0, 0, 0, 1.0/3.0}
) in the DeviceRGB color space.
To turn off shadowing:
Use the standard save/restore mechanism for the graphics state.
Use CGContextSetShadowWithColor
to set the shadow color to a fully transparent color (or pass NULL
as the color).
Enables shadowing with color a graphics context.
void CGContextSetShadowWithColor ( CGContextRef context, CGSize offset, CGFloat blur, CGColorRef color );
The graphics context to modify.
Specifies a translation in base-space.
A non-negative number specifying the amount of blur.
Specifies the color of the shadow, which may contain a non-opaque alpha value. If NULL
, then shadowing is disabled.
See also CGContextSetShadow
Sets anti-aliasing on or off for a graphics context.
void CGContextSetShouldAntialias ( CGContextRef c, bool shouldAntialias );
The graphics context to modify.
A Boolean value that specifies whether anti-aliasing should be turned on. Anti-aliasing is turned on by default when a window or bitmap context is created. It is turned off for other types of contexts.
Anti-aliasing is a graphics state parameter.
Enables or disables font smoothing in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts ( CGContextRef c, bool shouldSmoothFonts );
The graphics context to modify.
A Boolean value that specifies whether to enable font smoothing.
There are cases, such as rendering to a bitmap, when font smoothing is not appropriate and should be disabled. Note that some contexts (such as PostScript contexts) do not support font smoothing.
Sets the current stroke color.
void CGContextSetStrokeColor ( CGContextRef c, const CGFloat components[] );
The graphics context for which to set the current stroke color.
An array of intensity values describing the color to set. The number of array elements must equal the number of components in the current stroke color space, plus an additional component for the alpha value.
The current stroke color space must not be a pattern color space. For information on setting the stroke color when using a pattern color space, see CGContextSetStrokePattern
. Note that the preferred API is now CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor
Sets the stroke color space in a graphics context.
void CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace ( CGContextRef c, CGColorSpaceRef colorspace );
The graphics context for the new stroke color space.
The new stroke color space. Quartz retains this object; upon return, you may safely release it.
As a side effect when you call this function, Quartz assigns an appropriate initial value to the stroke color, based on the color space you specify. To change this value, call CGContextSetStrokeColor
. Note that the preferred API is now CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor
Sets the current stroke color in a context, using a Quartz color.
void CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor ( CGContextRef c, CGColorRef color );
The graphics context to modify.
The new stroke color.
See also CGContextSetStrokeColor
Sets the stroke pattern in the specified graphics context.
void CGContextSetStrokePattern ( CGContextRef c, CGPatternRef pattern, const CGFloat components[] );
The graphics context to modify.
A pattern for stroking. Quartz retains this object; upon return, you may safely release it.
If the specified pattern is an uncolored (or masking) pattern, pass an array of intensity values that specify the color to use when the pattern is painted. The number of array elements must equal the number of components in the base space of the stroke pattern color space, plus an additional component for the alpha value.
If the specified pattern is a colored pattern, pass an alpha value.
The current stroke color space must be a pattern color space. Otherwise, the result of calling this function is undefined. If you want to set a stroke color, not a stroke pattern, then call the function CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor
Sets the current text drawing mode.
void CGContextSetTextDrawingMode ( CGContextRef c, CGTextDrawingMode mode );
A graphics context.
A text drawing mode (such as kCGTextFill
or kCGTextStroke
) that specifies how Quartz renders individual glyphs in a graphics context. See “Text Drawing Modes”
for a complete list.
Sets the current text matrix.
void CGContextSetTextMatrix ( CGContextRef c, CGAffineTransform t );
A graphics context.
The text matrix to set.
The text matrix specifies the transform from text space to user space. To produce the final text rendering matrix that is used to actually draw the text on the page, Quartz concatenates the text matrix with the current transformation matrix and other parameters from the graphics state.
Note that the text matrix is not a part of the graphics state—saving or restoring the graphics state has no effect on the text matrix. The text matrix is an attribute of the graphics context, not of the current font.
Sets the location at which text is drawn.
void CGContextSetTextPosition ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat x, CGFloat y );
A graphics context.
A value for the x-coordinate at which to draw the text, in user space coordinates.
A value for the y-coordinate at which to draw the text.
Displays an array of glyphs at the current text position.
void CGContextShowGlyphs ( CGContextRef c, const CGGlyph g[], size_t count );
The graphics context in which to display the glyphs.
An array of glyphs to display.
The total number of glyphs passed in the g
This function displays an array of glyphs at the current text position, a point specified by the current text matrix.
See also CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint
, CGContextShowText
, CGContextShowTextAtPoint
, and CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances
Displays an array of glyphs at a position you specify.
void CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat x, CGFloat y, const CGGlyph glyphs[], size_t count );
The graphics context in which to display the glyphs.
A value for the x-coordinate of the user space at which to display the glyphs.
A value for the y-coordinate of the user space at which to display the glyphs.
An array of glyphs to display.
The total number of glyphs passed in the glyphs
This function displays an array of glyphs at the specified position in the text space.
See also CGContextShowText
, CGContextShowGlyphs
, CGContextShowGlyphs
, and CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances
Draws glyphs at the provided position.
void CGContextShowGlyphsAtPositions( CGContextRef context, const CGGlyph glyphs[], const CGPoint positions[], size_t count );
The graphics context in which to display the glyphs.
An array of Quartz glyphs.
The positions for the glyphs. Each item in this array matches with the glyph at the corresponding index in the glyphs
array. The position of each glyph is specified in text space, and, as a consequence, is transformed through the text matrix to user space.
The number of items in the glyphs
Draws an array of glyphs with varying offsets.
void CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances ( CGContextRef c, const CGGlyph glyphs[], const CGSize advances[], size_t count );
The graphics context in which to display the glyphs.
An array of Quartz glyphs.
An array of offset values associated with each glyph in the array. Each value specifies the offset from the previous glyph's origin to the origin of the corresponding glyph. Offsets are specified in user space.
The number of glyphs in the specified array.
This function draws an array of glyphs at the current point specified by the text matrix.
See also CGContextShowText
, CGContextShowGlyphs
, and CGContextShowGlyphs
, and CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint
Displays a character array at the current text position, a point specified by the current text matrix.
void CGContextShowText ( CGContextRef c, const char *string, size_t length );
A graphics context.
An array of characters to draw.
The length of the array specified in the bytes
Quartz uses font data provided by the system to map each byte of the array through the encoding vector of the current font to obtain the glyph to display. Note that the font must have been set using CGContextSelectFont
. Don’t use CGContextShowTextAtPoint
in conjunction with CGContextSetFont
Displays a character string at a position you specify.
void CGContextShowTextAtPoint ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat x, CGFloat y, const char *string, size_t length );
A graphics context .
A value for the x-coordinate of the text space at which to display the text.
A value for the y-coordinate of the text space at which to display the text.
An array of characters to draw.
The length of the array specified in the bytes
Quartz uses font data provided by the system to map each byte of the array through the encoding vector of the current font to obtain the glyph to display. Note that the font must have been set using CGContextSelectFont
. Don’t use CGContextShowTextAtPoint
in conjunction with CGContextSetFont
Strokes an ellipse that fits inside the specified rectangle.
void CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect ( CGContextRef context, CGRect rect );
A graphics context.
A rectangle that defines the area for the ellipse to fit in.
Strokes a sequence of line segments.
void CGContextStrokeLineSegments ( CGContextRef c, const CGPoint points[], size_t count );
A graphics context.
An array of points, organized as pairs—the starting point of a line segment followed by the ending point of a line segment. For example, the first point in the array specifies the starting position of the first line, the second point specifies the ending position of the first line, the third point specifies the starting position of the second line, and so forth.
The number of points in the points
This function is equivalent to the following code:
CGContextBeginPath (context); |
for (k = 0; k < count; k += 2) { |
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, s[k].x, s[k].y); |
CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, s[k+1].x, s[k+1].y); |
} |
CGContextStrokePath(context); |
Paints a line along the current path.
void CGContextStrokePath ( CGContextRef c );
A graphics context.
Quartz uses the line width and stroke color of the graphics state to paint the path. As a side effect when you call this function, Quartz clears the current path.
Paints a rectangular path.
void CGContextStrokeRect ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect );
A graphics context .
A rectangle, specified in user space coordinates.
Quartz uses the line width and stroke color of the graphics state to paint the path.
Paints a rectangular path, using the specified line width.
void CGContextStrokeRectWithWidth ( CGContextRef c, CGRect rect, CGFloat width );
A graphics context.
A rectangle, in user space coordinates.
A value, in user space units, that is greater than zero. This value does not affect the line width values in the current graphics state.
Aside from the line width value, Quartz uses the current attributes of the graphics state (such as stroke color) to paint the line. The line straddles the path, with half of the total width on either side. As a side effect when you call this function, Quartz clears the current path.
Marks a window context for update.
void CGContextSynchronize ( CGContextRef c );
The window context to synchronize. If you pass a PDF context or a bitmap context, this function does nothing.
When you call this function, all drawing operations since the last update are flushed at the next regular opportunity. Under normal conditions, you do not need to call this function.
Changes the origin of the user coordinate system in a context.
void CGContextTranslateCTM ( CGContextRef c, CGFloat tx, CGFloat ty );
A graphics context.
The amount to displace the x-axis of the coordinate space, in units of the user space, of the specified context.
The amount to displace the y-axis of the coordinate space, in units of the user space, of the specified context.
An opaque type that represents a Quartz 2D drawing environment.
typedef struct CGContext * CGContextRef;
Compositing operations for images.
enum CGBlendMode { kCGBlendModeNormal, kCGBlendModeMultiply, kCGBlendModeScreen, kCGBlendModeOverlay, kCGBlendModeDarken, kCGBlendModeLighten, kCGBlendModeColorDodge, kCGBlendModeColorBurn, kCGBlendModeSoftLight, kCGBlendModeHardLight, kCGBlendModeDifference, kCGBlendModeExclusion, kCGBlendModeHue, kCGBlendModeSaturation, kCGBlendModeColor, kCGBlendModeLuminosity, kCGBlendModeClear, kCGBlendModeCopy, kCGBlendModeSourceIn, kCGBlendModeSourceOut, kCGBlendModeSourceAtop, kCGBlendModeDestinationOver, kCGBlendModeDestinationIn, kCGBlendModeDestinationOut, kCGBlendModeDestinationAtop, kCGBlendModeXOR, kCGBlendModePlusDarker, kCGBlendModePlusLighter }; typedef enum CGBlendMode CGBlendMode;
Paints the source image samples over the background image samples.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Multiplies the source image samples with the background image samples. This results in colors that are at least as dark as either of the two contributing sample colors.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Multiplies the inverse of the source image samples with the inverse of the background image samples. This results in colors that are at least as light as either of the two contributing sample colors.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Either multiplies or screens the source image samples with the background image samples, depending on the background color. The result is to overlay the existing image samples while preserving the highlights and shadows of the background. The background color mixes with the source image to reflect the lightness or darkness of the background.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Creates the composite image samples by choosing the darker samples (either from the source image or the background). The result is that the background image samples are replaced by any source image samples that are darker. Otherwise, the background image samples are left unchanged.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Creates the composite image samples by choosing the lighter samples (either from the source image or the background). The result is that the background image samples are replaced by any source image samples that are lighter. Otherwise, the background image samples are left unchanged.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Brightens the background image samples to reflect the source image samples. Source image sample values that specify black do not produce a change.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Darkens the background image samples to reflect the source image samples. Source image sample values that specify white do not produce a change.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Either darkens or lightens colors, depending on the source image sample color. If the source image sample color is lighter than 50% gray, the background is lightened, similar to dodging. If the source image sample color is darker than 50% gray, the background is darkened, similar to burning. If the source image sample color is equal to 50% gray, the background is not changed. Image samples that are equal to pure black or pure white produce darker or lighter areas, but do not result in pure black or white. The overall effect is similar to what you’d achieve by shining a diffuse spotlight on the source image. Use this to add highlights to a scene.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Either multiplies or screens colors, depending on the source image sample color. If the source image sample color is lighter than 50% gray, the background is lightened, similar to screening. If the source image sample color is darker than 50% gray, the background is darkened, similar to multiplying. If the source image sample color is equal to 50% gray, the source image is not changed. Image samples that are equal to pure black or pure white result in pure black or white. The overall effect is similar to what you’d achieve by shining a harsh spotlight on the source image. Use this to add highlights to a scene.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Subtracts either the source image sample color from the background image sample color, or the reverse, depending on which sample has the greater brightness value. Source image sample values that are black produce no change; white inverts the background color values.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Produces an effect similar to that produced by kCGBlendModeDifference
, but with lower contrast. Source image sample values that are black don’t produce a change; white inverts the background color values.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Uses the luminance and saturation values of the background with the hue of the source image.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Uses the luminance and hue values of the background with the saturation of the source image. Areas of the background that have no saturation (that is, pure gray areas) don’t produce a change.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Uses the luminance values of the background with the hue and saturation values of the source image. This mode preserves the gray levels in the image. You can use this mode to color monochrome images or to tint color images.
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Uses the hue and saturation of the background with the luminance of the source image. This mode creates an effect that is inverse to the effect created by kCGBlendModeColor
Available in Mac OS X v10.4 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = 0
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = S
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = S*Da
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = S*(1 - Da)
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = S*Da + D*(1 - Sa)
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = S*(1 - Da) + D
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = D*Sa
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = D*(1 - Sa)
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = S*(1 - Da) + D*Sa
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = S*(1 - Da) + D*(1 - Sa)
. This XOR mode is only nominally related to the classical bitmap XOR operation, which is not supported by Quartz 2D.
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = MAX(0, (1 - D) + (1 - S))
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
R = MIN(1, S + D)
Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
The blend mode constants introduced in Mac OS X v10.5 represent the Porter-Duff blend modes. The symbols in the equations for these blend modes are:
R is the premultiplied result
S is the source color, and includes alpha
D is the destination color, and includes alpha
Ra, Sa, and Da are the alpha components of R, S, and D
You can find more information on blend modes, including examples of images produced using them, and many mathematical descriptions of the modes, in PDF Reference, Fourth Edition, Version 1.5, Adobe Systems, Inc. If you are a former QuickDraw developer, it may be helpful for you to think of blend modes as an alternative to transfer modes
For examples of using blend modes see "Setting Blend Modes" and "Using Blend Modes With Images" in Quartz 2D Programming Guide.
Levels of interpolation quality for rendering an image.
enum CGInterpolationQuality { kCGInterpolationDefault, kCGInterpolationNone, kCGInterpolationLow, kCGInterpolationHigh }; typedef enum CGInterpolationQuality CGInterpolationQuality;
The default level of quality.
Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
No interpolation.
Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A low level of interpolation quality. This setting may speed up image rendering.
Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A high level of interpolation quality. This setting may slow down image rendering.
Available in Mac OS X v10.1 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
You use the function CGContextSetInterpolationQuality
to set the interpolation quality in a graphics context.
Styles for rendering the endpoint of a stroked line.
enum CGLineCap { kCGLineCapButt, kCGLineCapRound, kCGLineCapSquare }; typedef enum CGLineCap CGLineCap;
A line with a squared-off end. Quartz draws the line to extend only to the exact endpoint of the path. This is the default.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A line with a rounded end. Quartz draws the line to extend beyond the endpoint of the path. The line ends with a semicircular arc with a radius of 1/2 the line’s width, centered on the endpoint.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A line with a squared-off end. Quartz extends the line beyond the endpoint of the path for a distance equal to half the line width.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A line cap specifies the method used by CGContextStrokePath
to draw the endpoint of the line. To change the line cap style in a graphics context, you use the function CGContextSetLineCap
Junction types for stroked lines.
enum CGLineJoin { kCGLineJoinMiter, kCGLineJoinRound, kCGLineJoinBevel }; typedef enum CGLineJoin CGLineJoin;
A join with a sharp (angled) corner. Quartz draws the outer sides of the lines beyond the endpoint of the path, until they meet. If the length of the miter divided by the line width is greater than the miter limit, a bevel join is used instead. This is the default. To set the miter limit, see CGContextSetMiterLimit
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A join with a rounded end. Quartz draws the line to extend beyond the endpoint of the path. The line ends with a semicircular arc with a radius of 1/2 the line’s width, centered on the endpoint.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A join with a squared-off end. Quartz draws the line to extend beyond the endpoint of the path, for a distance of 1/2 the line’s width.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
A line join specifies how CGContextStrokePath
draws the junction between connected line segments. To set the line join style in a graphics context, you use the function CGContextSetLineJoin
Modes for rendering text.
enum CGTextDrawingMode { kCGTextFill, kCGTextStroke, kCGTextFillStroke, kCGTextInvisible, kCGTextFillClip, kCGTextStrokeClip, kCGTextFillStrokeClip, kCGTextClip }; typedef enum CGTextDrawingMode CGTextDrawingMode;
Perform a fill operation on the text.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Perform a stroke operation on the text.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Perform fill, then stroke operations on the text.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Do not draw the text, but do update the text position.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Perform a fill operation, then intersect the text with the current clipping path.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Perform a stroke operation, then intersect the text with the current clipping path.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Perform fill then stroke operations, then intersect the text with the current clipping path.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
Specifies to intersect the text with the current clipping path. This mode does not paint the text.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
You provide a text drawing mode constant to the function CGContextSetTextDrawingMode
to set the current text drawing mode for a graphics context. Text drawing modes determine how Quartz renders individual glyphs onscreen. For example, you can set a text drawing mode to draw text filled in or outlined (stroked) or both. You can also create special effects with the text clipping drawing modes, such as clipping an image to a glyph shape.
Text encodings for fonts.
enum CGTextEncoding { kCGEncodingFontSpecific, kCGEncodingMacRoman }; typedef enum CGTextEncoding CGTextEncoding;
The built-in encoding of the font.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
The MacRoman encoding. MacRoman is an ASCII variant originally created for use in the Mac OS, in which characters 127 and lower are ASCII, and characters 128 and higher are non-English characters and symbols.
Available in Mac OS X v10.0 and later.
Declared in CGContext.h
For more information on setting the font in a graphics context, see CGContextSelectFont
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