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Inherits from
Companion guide
Basic Drawing


The NSGraphics class provides static methods for performing some basic drawing operations, view clipping, and inquiries about the application’s windows.



Obtaining Device Information

Working with NSAttributedStrings

Working with Windows

Working with Bitmap Images

Filling a List of Rectangles

Clipping a List of Rectangles

Working with Frame Rects


Focus Rings

Updating Screen



Creates and returns an empty NSGraphics object.

public NSGraphics()


All of the NSGraphic methods are static, so there is no need to create instances of the class.

Static Methods


Returns an array of values specifying which window depths are currently available.

public static int[] availableWindowDepths()

See Also


Returns a window depth deep enough for the given number of colors in colorSpace, bits per sample specified by bps, bits per pixel specified by bpp, and whether planar as specified by planar.

public static int bestDepth(String colorSpace, int bps, int bpp, boolean planar)


This method tries to accommodate all the parameters (match or better); if there are multiple matches, it gives the closest, with matching colorSpace first, then bps, then planar, then bpp. bpp is “bits per pixel”; 0 indicates default (same as the number of bits per plane, either bps or bps * numberOfColorComponents); other values may be used as hints to provide backing stores of different configuration—for instance, 8-bit color.

See Also


Returns the number of bits per pixel for the window depth specified by depth.

public static int bitsPerPixelFromDepth(int depth)

See Also


Returns the number of bits per sample (bits per pixel in each color component) for the window depth specified by depth.

public static int bitsPerSampleFromDepth(int depth)

See Also


Takes an array of rectangles, rectangles, constructs a path that is the graphic union of those rectangles, and intersects that path with the current clipping path.

public static void clipRectList(NSRect[] rectangles)


After computing the new clipping path, the current path is reset to empty.

See Also


Extracts the subset aRange from the array of rectangles, rectangles, constructs a path that is the graphic union of those rectangles, and intersects that path with the current clipping path.

public static void clipRectListInRange(NSRect[] rectangles, NSRange aRange)


After computing the new clipping path, the current path is reset to empty.

See Also


Returns the color space name for the specified depth.

public static String colorSpaceFromDepth(int depth)


For example, the returned color space name can be CalibratedRGBColorSpace or DeviceCMYKColorSpace.

See Also



public static int convertGlobalToWindowNumber(int globalNum)


Local and global window numbers are identical, so this method returns globalNum.

See Also



public static int convertWindowNumberToGlobal(int winNum)


Local and global window numbers are identical, so this method returns winNum.

See Also



public static void copyBitmapFromGState(int srcGState, NSRect srcRect, NSRect destRect)


Copies the pixels in the rectangle specified by srcRect to the location specified by destPoint.

public static void copyBits(int srcGState, NSRect srcRect, NSPoint destPoint)


The source rectangle is defined in the graphics state designated by srcGState. If srcGState is NSNull, the current graphics state is assumed. The destPoint destination is defined in the current graphics state.


Disables screen updates.

public static void disableScreenUpdates()


Prevents drawing operations from being flushed to the screen for all windows belonging to the calling process. When you reenable screen updates (with enableScreenUpdates) screen flushing for all windows belonging to the calling process appears to be simultaneous. You typically call this method so that operations on multiple windows appear atomic to the user. This is a technique particularly useful for synchronizing parent and child windows. Make sure that the period after calling this method and before reenabling updates is short; the system only allow updating to be disabled for a limited time (currently one second) before automatically reenabling updates. Multiple disableScreenUpdates calls stack and are popped off the stack by matching enableScreenUpdates calls.

See Also



public static void dottedFrameRect(NSRect aRect)


Use a dashed NSBezierPath instead.


Draws attributedString with its font and other display attributes at aPoint in the currently focused NSView.

public static void drawAttributedString(NSAttributedString attributedString, NSPoint aPoint)


The width (height for vertical layout) of the rendering area is unlimited, unlike the two parameter version of this method, which uses a bounding rectangle. As a result, this method renders the text in a single line.

If the focus view is flipped, the origin is set at the upper-left corner of the drawing bounding box; otherwise the origin is set at the lower-left corner.

Don’t invoke this method while no NSView is focused.

See Also

Draws attributedString with its font and other display attributes within aRect in the currently focused NSView, clipping the drawing to this rectangle.

public static void drawAttributedString(NSAttributedString attributedString, NSRect aRect)


Text is drawn within aRect according to its line sweep direction; for example, Arabic text will begin at the right edge and potentially be clipped on the left.

If the focus view is flipped, the origin is set at the upper-left corner of the drawing bounding box; otherwise the origin is set at the lower-left corner.

Don’t invoke this method while no NSView is focused.

See Also


Renders a bitmap image using an appropriate display operator.

public static void drawBitmap(NSRect rect, int pixelsWide, int pixelsHigh, int bitsPerSample, int samplesPerPixel, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, boolean isPlanar, boolean hasAlpha, String colorSpace, byte[] data)


The image is put in the rectangular area specified by rect, which is specified in the current coordinate system and is located in the current window. pixelsWide and pixelsHigh give the width and height of the image in pixels. If either of these dimensions is larger or smaller than the corresponding dimension of the destination rectangle, the image is scaled to fit.

The bitsPerSample argument is the number of bits per sample for each pixel, and samplesPerPixel is the number of samples per pixel. bitsPerPixel is based on samplesPerPixel and the configuration of the bitmap: if the configuration is planar, then the value of bitsPerPixel should equal the value of bitsPerSample; if the configuration isn’t planar (is meshed instead), bitsPerPixel should equal bitsPerSample * samplesPerPixel.

The bytesPerRow argument is calculated in one of two ways, depending on the configuration of the image data (data configuration is described below). If the data is planar, bytesPerRow is (7 + (pixelsWide * bitsPerSample)) / 8. If the data is meshed, bytesPerRow is (7 + (pixelsWide * bitsPerSample * samplesPerPixel)) / 8.

A sample is data that describes one component of a pixel. In an RGB color system, the red, green, and blue components of a color are specified as separate samples, as are the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components in a CMYK system. Color values in grayscale are a single sample. Alpha values that determine transparency and opaqueness are specified as a coverage sample separate from color. In bitmap images with alpha, the color (or gray) components have to be premultiplied with the alpha. Images with alpha are displayed, read back, and stored in TIFFs in this way.

The isPlanar argument refers to the way data is configured in the bitmap. This flag should be set true if a separate data channel is used for each sample. The function provides for up to five channels, data1, data2, data3, data4, and data5. It should be set false if sample values are interwoven in a single channel (meshed); all values for one pixel are specified before values for the next pixel.

Grayscale windows store pixel data in planar configuration; color windows store it in meshed configuration. This method can render meshed data in a planar window, or planar data in a meshed window. However, it’s more efficient if the image has a depth (bitsPerSample) and configuration (isPlanar) that matches the window.

The hasAlpha argument indicates whether the image contains alpha. If it does, the number of samples should be one greater than the number of color components in the model (for example, four for RGB).

The colorSpace argument can be CustomColorSpace, indicating that the image data is to be interpreted according to the current color space in the graphics state. This interpretation allows for imaging using custom color spaces. The image parameters supplied as the other arguments should match what the color space is expecting.

If the image data is planar, data[0] through data[samplesPerPixel–1] point to the planes; if the data is meshed, only data[0] needs to be set.


Draws a gray-filled rectangle, used to signify a user interface button.

public static void drawButton(NSRect boundsRect, NSRect clipRect)


For an Aqua button, use an NSButton object.

The boundsRect argument specifies the rectangle within which the border is to be drawn in the current coordinate system. Since this method is often used to draw the border of a view, this rectangle is typically that view’s bounds rectangle. Only those parts of boundsRect that lie within the clipRect, a clipping rectangle, are drawn.

The rectangle is filled with light gray. This method is designed for rectangles that are defined in unscaled, unrotated coordinate systems (that is, where the y axis is vertical, the x axis is horizontal, and a unit along either axis is equal to 1 screen pixel). The coordinate system can be either flipped or unflipped. The sides of the rectangle should lie on pixel boundaries.


Draws rectangles with colored borders.

public static void drawColorTiledRects(NSRect boundsRect, NSRect clipRect, int[] sides, NSColor[] colors, NSRange aRange)


The drawColorTiledRects method is a generic method that can be used to draw different types of borders. These borders can be used to outline an area or to give rectangles the effect of being recessed from or elevated above the surface of the screen.

The boundsRect argument specifies the rectangle within which the border is to be drawn in the current coordinate system. Since this function is often used to draw the border of a view, this rectangle will typically be that view’s bounds rectangle. Only those parts of aRect that lie within clipRect, a clipping rectangle, are drawn.

In addition to its boundsRect and clipRect arguments, drawColorTiledRects takes three more arguments, which determine how thick the border is and what colors are used to form it. drawColorTiledRects takes successive 1.0-unit-wide slices from the sides of the rectangle specified by the sides argument. Each slice is then drawn using the corresponding color from colors. drawColorTiledRects makes and draws these slices for each pair of elements in sides and colors within the range aRange. If a side is used more than once, the second slice is made inside the first.


Draws a dark gray–filled rectangle with a bezel border.

public static void drawDarkBezel(NSRect boundsRect, NSRect clipRect)


The boundsRect argument specifies the rectangle within which the border is to be drawn in the current coordinate system. Only those parts of boundsRect that lie within clipRect, a clipping rectangle, are drawn.


Draws a gray-filled rectangle with a bezel border.

public static void drawGrayBezel(NSRect boundsRect, NSRect clipRect)


The boundsRect argument specifies the rectangle within which the border is to be drawn in the current coordinate system. Only those parts of boundsRect that lie within clipRect, a clipping rectangle, are drawn.


Draws a gray-filled rectangle with a groove border.

public static void drawGroove(NSRect boundsRect, NSRect clipRect)


The boundsRect argument specifies the rectangle within which the border is to be drawn in the current coordinate system. Only those parts of boundsRect that lie within clipRect, a clipping rectangle, are drawn.


Draws a light gray–filled rectangle with a bezel border.

public static void drawLightBezel(NSRect boundsRect, NSRect clipRect)


The boundsRect argument specifies the rectangle within which the border is to be drawn in the current coordinate system. Only those parts of boundsRect that lie within clipRect, a clipping rectangle, are drawn.


Draws a white-filled rectangle with a bezel border.

public static void drawWhiteBezel(NSRect boundsRect, NSRect clipRect)


The boundsRect argument specifies the rectangle within which the border is to be drawn in the current coordinate system. Only those parts of boundsRect that lie within clipRect, a clipping rectangle, are drawn.


Draws the window’s default background pattern into the rectangle aRect of the currently focused view.

public static void drawWindowBackground(NSRect aRect)


Enables screen updates.

public static void enableScreenUpdates()


Reenables, for all windows of a process, the flushing of drawing operations to the screen that was previously disabled by disableScreenUpdates. Multiple enableScreenUpdates calls pop matching disableScreenUpdates calls off a stack.

See Also


Erases the rectangle referred to by boundsRect, filling it with white.

public static void eraseRect(NSRect boundsRect)


It does not alter the current color.


Fills a list of rectangles, rectangles, with the current color.

public static void fillRectList(NSRect[] rectangles)


Fills a subset aRange of rectangles from the array rectangles with the current color.

public static void fillRectListInRange(NSRect[] rectangles, NSRange aRange)


Takes a list of rectangles, rectangles, and a matching list of color values.

public static void fillRectListWithColors(NSRect[] rectangles, NSColor[] colors)


The first rectangle is filled with the first color, the second rectangle with the second color, and so on. There must be an equal number of rectangles and color values. The rectangles should not overlap; the order in which they are filled cannot be guaranteed. This method alters the current color of the current graphics state, setting it unpredictably to one of the values passed in colors.

See Also


Fills a subset aRange of rectangles from the array rectangles with the corresponding subset colors from the array colors.

public static void fillRectListWithColors(NSRect[] rectangles, NSColor[] colors, NSRange aRange)

See Also


Draws a frame around the inside of boundsRect in the current color.

public static void frameRect(NSRect boundsRect)


The width is equal to 1.0 in the current coordinate system. Since the frame is drawn inside the rectangle, it will be visible even if drawing is clipped to the rectangle.


Draws a frame around the inside of boundsRect in the current color.

public static void frameRectWithWidth(NSRect boundsRect, float width)


The width is equal to width in the current coordinate system. Since the frame is drawn inside the rectangle, it will be visible even if drawing is clipped to the rectangle.


Draws a frame around the inside of boundsRect in the current color, using the compositing operation operation.

public static void frameRectWithWidthUsingOperation(NSRect boundsRect, float width, int operation)


The width is equal to width in the current coordinate system. Since the frame is drawn inside the rectangle, it will be visible even if drawing is clipped to the rectangle.



public static void highlightRect(NSRect aRect)


Returns the number of color components in the color space colorSpaceName.

public static int numberOfColorComponents(String colorSpaceName)


Returns true if the specified window depth is planar and false if it is not.

public static boolean planarFromDepth(int depth)

See Also


Returns the color of the pixel at the location specified by aPoint.

public static NSColor readPixel(NSPoint aPoint)


The location argument is taken in the current coordinate system—in other words, you must lock focus on the view that contains the pixel that you wish to query and then pass the coordinate for the pixel in the view’s coordinate system.


Sets the style of the focus ring in the current graphics context in the current locked focus view.

public static void setFocusRingStyle(int style)


This style affects all rendering until the graphics state is restored. style is one of the values discussed in “Constants.”

Note that the focus ring may actually be drawn outside the view, but will be clipped to any clipping superview or the window content view.


Returns the bounding box of the marks that attributedString draws.

public static NSSize sizeOfAttributedString(NSAttributedString attributedString)

See Also


Returns the number of onscreen windows belonging to the application.

public static int windowCount()


Provides an ordered list of the application’s onscreen windows.

public static void windowList(int[] list)


The order of windows in list is the same as their order in the window server’s screen list (their front-to-back order on the screen).


The following colors are the standard gray values for the 2-bit-deep grayscale color space:

The following color spaces are defined by NSGraphics and are described in “About Color Spaces”:

The following device constants are defined by NSGraphics. These are the keys for device description dictionaries, such as those returned by the deviceDictionary methods of NSPrinter, NSScreen, and NSWindow.




An int that indicates the bit depth of the device


A string describing the color space of the device


Boolean value that tells whether the device is a printer


Boolean value that tells whether the device is a screen


An NSSize representing dots per inch


An NSSize representing the device’s size in points

NSGraphics defines the following constants to specify where a focus ring should be drawn and is used by:




Use if you don’t have an image or text to add a keyboard focus ring to.


Draw below text.


Draw over an image.

NSGraphics defines the following constants to specify focus ring types; the focus ring type is used by NSCell (and potentially by any NSView object) and to configure if and how a control or other view object should draw its focus ring.




The default focus ring type for an NSView or NSCell object.


No focus ring. If you set the focus ring type to this value, NSView and NSCell objects do not draw any focus ring


The standard Aqua type of focus ring, which is drawn around the NSView or NSCell object.



Sent when the system colors have been changed (such as through a system control panel interface).

This notification contains no notification object and no userInfo dictionary.

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