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An NSRulerMarker displays a symbol on an NSRulerView, indicating a location for whatever graphics element it represents in the client of the NSRulerView (for example, a margin or tab setting, or the edges of a graphic on the page).



Getting the Ruler View

Setting the Image

Setting Movability

Setting the Location

Setting the Represented Object

Drawing and Event Handling



Creates an empty NSRulerMarker.

public NSRulerMarker()

Creates an NSRulerMarker object, associating it with (but not adding it to) aRulerView and assigning the attributes provided.

public NSRulerMarker(NSRulerView aRulerView, float location, NSImage anImage, NSPoint imageOrigin)


location is the x or y position of the marker in the client view’s coordinate system, depending on whether the NSRulerView is horizontal or vertical. anImage is the image displayed at the marker location, and imageOrigin is the point within the image positioned at the marker location, expressed in pixels relative to the lower-left corner of the image. This method throws an exception if aRulerView or anImage is null.

The image used to draw the marker must be appropriate for the orientation of the ruler. Markers may need to look different on a horizontal ruler than on a vertical ruler, and the NSRulerView neither scales nor rotates the images.

To add the new ruler marker to aRulerView, use either of NSRulerView’s addMarker or trackMarker methods. addMarker immediately puts the marker on the ruler, while trackMarker allows the client view to intercede in the addition and placement of the marker.

A new ruler marker can be moved on its NSRulerView, but not removed. Use setMovable and setRemovable to change these attributes. The new ruler marker also has no represented object; use setRepresentedObject to provide or change it.

See Also

Instance Methods


Draws the part of the receiver’s image that intersects aRect in the NSRulerView’s coordinate system.

public void drawRect(NSRect aRect)

See Also


Returns the NSImage object displayed by the receiver.

public NSImage image()

See Also


Returns the point in the receiver’s image positioned at the receiver’s location on the NSRulerView, expressed in the image’s coordinate system.

public NSPoint imageOrigin()


For a horizontal ruler, the x coordinate of the image origin is aligned with the location of the marker, and the y coordinate lies on the baseline of the ruler. For vertical rulers, the y coordinate of the image origin is the location, and the x coordinate lies on the baseline.

See Also


Returns the rectangle occupied by the receiver’s image, in the NSRulerView’s coordinate system, accounting for whether the NSRulerView’s coordinate system is flipped.

public NSRect imageRectInRuler()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver is being dragged, false otherwise.

public boolean isDragging()

See Also


Returns true if the user can move the receiver on its NSRulerView, false otherwise.

public boolean isMovable()


NSRulerMarkers are by default movable.

See Also


Returns true if the user can remove the receiver from its NSRulerView, false otherwise.

public boolean isRemovable()


NSRulerMarkers cannot by default be removed from their NSRulerViews.

See Also


Returns the location of the receiver in the coordinate system of the NSRulerView’s client view.

public float markerLocation()


This is an x position for a horizontal ruler, a y position for a vertical ruler.

See Also


Returns the object the receiver represents, as explained in the class description.

public Object representedObject()

See Also


Returns the NSRulerView the receiver belongs to.

public NSRulerView ruler()

See Also


Sets the receiver’s image to anImage.

public void setImage(NSImage anImage)

See Also


Sets the point in the receiver’s image positioned at the receiver’s location on the NSRulerView to aPoint.

public void setImageOrigin(NSPoint aPoint)


This point is always expressed in pixels relative to the lower-left corner of the image.

For a horizontal ruler, the x coordinate of the image origin is aligned with the location of the marker, and the y coordinate lies on the baseline of the ruler. For vertical rulers, the y coordinate of the image origin is the location, and the x coordinate lies on the baseline.

See Also


Sets the location of the receiver in the coordinate system of the NSRulerView’s client view to location.

public void setMarkerLocation(float location)


This location is an x position for a horizontal ruler, a y position for a vertical ruler.

See Also


Controls whether the user can move the receiver in its NSRulerView.

public void setMovable(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the user can drag the marker image in the ruler. If flag is false, the receiver is immovable. NSRulerMarkers are by default movable.

See Also


Controls whether the user can remove the receiver from its NSRulerView.

public void setRemovable(boolean flag)


If flag is true, the user can drag the marker image off of the ruler. If flag is false, the receiver can’t be removed. NSRulerMarkers are by default not removable.

See Also


Sets the object the receiver represents to anObject.

public void setRepresentedObject(Object anObject)


See the class description for more information on the represented object.

See Also


Returns the amount of the receiver’s image that’s displayed above or to the left of the NSRulerView’s baseline, the height for a horizontal ruler or width for a vertical ruler.

public float thicknessRequiredInRuler()

See Also


Handles user manipulation of the receiver in its NSRulerView specified by theEvent.

public boolean trackMouseToAddMarker(NSEvent theEvent, boolean flag)


NSRulerView invokes this method automatically to add a new marker or to move or remove an existing marker. You should never need to invoke it directly.

If flag is true, the receiver is a new marker being added to its NSRulerView. Before the receiver actually adds itself to the NSRulerView, it queries the NSRulerView’s client view using rulerViewShouldAddMarker. If the client view responds to this method and returns false, this method immediately returns false, and the new marker isn’t added.

If flag is false, this method attempts to move or remove an existing marker, once again based on responses from the NSRulerView’s client view. If the receiver is neither movable nor removable, this method immediately returns false. Further, if the NSRulerView’s client responds to rulerViewShouldMoveMarker and returns false, this method returns false, indicating the receiver can’t be moved.

If the receiver is being added or moved, this method queries the client view using rulerViewWillAddMarker or rulerViewWillMoveMarker, respectively. If the client responds to the method, the return value is used as the receiver’s location. These methods are invoked repeatedly as the receiver is dragged within the NSRulerView.

If the receiver is an existing marker being removed (dragged off the ruler), this method queries the client view using rulerViewShouldRemoveMarker. If the client responds to this method and returns false, the marker is pinned to the NSRulerView’s baseline (following the cursor on the baseline if it’s movable).

When the user releases the mouse button, this method informs the client view of the marker’s new status using rulerViewDidAddMarker, rulerViewDidMoveMarker, or rulerViewDidRemoveMarker as appropriate. The client view can use this notification to set the marker’s represented object, modify its state and redisplay (for example, adjusting text layout around a new tab stop), or take whatever other action it might need. If flag is true and the user dragged the new marker away from the ruler, the marker isn’t added, no message is sent, and this method returns false.

See the NSRulerView class description for more information on these client methods.

See Also

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