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Warning:  The NSMenuItem interface is being removed from the Application Kit; you must use the NSMenuItem class instead. This change does not affect binary compatibility between different versions of projects, but might cause failures in project builds. To adapt your projects to this change, alter all references to the interface to references to the class.

Refer to the NSMenuItem class description, which replaces this interface.


Enabling a Menu Item

Setting the Target and Action

Setting the Title

Setting the Tag

Setting the State

Setting the Image

Managing Submenus

Getting a Separator Item

Setting the Owning Menu

Managing Key Equivalents

Managing Mnemonics

Managing User Key Equivalents

Managing Alternates

Managing Indentation Levels

Managing Tool Tips

Representing an Object

Instance Methods


Returns the custom title string for a menu item.

public abstract NSAttributedString attributedTitle()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver has a submenu, false if it doesn’t.

public abstract boolean hasSubmenu()

See Also


Returns the image displayed by the receiver, or null if it displays no image.

public abstract NSImage image()

See Also


Returns the menu item indentation level for the receiver.

public abstract int indentationLevel()


The return value will be from 0 to 15. The default indentation level is 0.

See Also


Returns whether the receiver is an alternate to the previous menu item.

public abstract boolean isAlternate()

See Also


Returns true if the receiver is enabled, false if not.

public abstract boolean isEnabled()

See Also


Returns whether the receiver is a separator item (that is, a menu item used to visually segregate related menu items).

public abstract boolean isSeparatorItem()


Returns the receiver’s unmodified keyboard equivalent, or the empty string if one hasn’t been defined.

public abstract String keyEquivalent()


Use keyEquivalentModifierMask to determine the modifier mask for the key equivalent.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s keyboard equivalent modifier mask.

public abstract int keyEquivalentModifierMask()

See Also


Returns the menu to which the receiver belongs, or null if no menu has been set.

public abstract NSMenu menu()

See Also


Returns the image used to depict a “mixed state.”

public abstract NSImage mixedStateImage()


A mixed state is useful for indicating “off” and “on” attribute values in a group of selected objects, such as a selection of text containing bold and plain (nonbolded) words.

See Also


Returns the character in the menu item title that appears underlined for use as a mnemonic.

public abstract String mnemonic()


If there is no mnemonic character, returns an empty string. Mnemonics are not supported in Mac OS X.

See Also


Returns the position of the underlined character in the menu item title used as a mnemonic.

public abstract int mnemonicLocation()


The position is the zero-based index of that character in the title string. If the receiver has no mnemonic character, returns NSArray.NotFound. Mnemonics are not supported in Mac OS X.

See Also


Returns the image used to depict the receiver’s “off” state, or null if the image has not been set.

public abstract NSImage offStateImage()


By default, there is no off state image.

See Also


Returns the image used to depict the receiver’s “on” state, or null if the image has not been set.

public abstract NSImage onStateImage()


By default, the on state image is a checkmark.

See Also


Returns the object that the receiving menu item represents.

public abstract Object representedObject()


For example, you might have a menu list the names of views that are swapped into the same panel. The represented objects would be the appropriate NSView objects. The user would then be able to switch back and forth between the different views that are displayed by selecting the various menu items.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s action method to aSelector.

public abstract void setAction(NSSelector aSelector)


See Action Messages for additional information on action messages.

See Also


Marks the receiver as an alternate to the previous menu item.

public abstract void setAlternate(boolean isAlternate)


If the receiver has the same key equivalent as the previous item, but has different key equivalent modifiers, the items are folded into a single visible item and the appropriate item shows while tracking the menu. The menu items may also have no key equivalent as long as the key equivalent modifiers are different.

If there are two or more items with no key equivalent but different modifiers, then the only way to get access to the alternate items is with the mouse. If you mark items as alternates but their key equivalents don’t match, they might be displayed as separate items. Marking the first item as an alternate has no effect.

The isAlternate value is archived.

See Also


Specifies a custom string for a menu item.

public abstract void setAttributedTitle(NSAttributedString string)


You can use this method to add styled text and embedded images to menu item strings. If you do not set a text color for the attributed string, it is black when not selected, white when selected, and gray when disabled. Colored text remains unchanged when selected.

When you call this method to set the menu title to an attributed string, the setTitle method is also called to set the menu title with a plain string. If you clear the attributed title, the plain title remains unchanged.

The attributed string is not archived in the old nib format.

See Also


Sets whether the receiver is enabled based on flag.

public abstract void setEnabled(boolean flag)


If a menu item is disabled, its keyboard equivalent is also disabled. See the NSMenu.MenuValidation interface specification for cautions regarding this method.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s image to menuImage.

public abstract void setImage(NSImage menuImage)


If menuImage is null, the current image (if any) is removed. This image is not affected by changes in menu-item state.

See Also


Sets the menu item indentation level for the receiver.

public abstract void setIndentationLevel(int indentationLevel)


The value for indentationLevel may be from 0 to 15. If indentationLevel is greater than 15, the value is pinned to the maximum. If indentationLevel is less than 0 an exception is thrown. The default indentation level is 0.

indentationLevel is archived.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s unmodified key equivalent to aKeyEquivalent.

public abstract void setKeyEquivalent(String aKeyEquivalent)


If you want to remove the key equivalent from a menu item, pass an empty string (””) for aKeyEquivalent (never pass null). Use setKeyEquivalentModifierMask to set the appropriate mask for the modifier keys for the key equivalent.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s keyboard equivalent modifiers (indicating modifiers such as the Shift or Option key) to those in mask.

public abstract void setKeyEquivalentModifierMask(int mask)


mask is an integer bit field containing any of these modifier key masks, combined using the C bitwise OR operator:

You should always set NSEvent.CommandKeyMask in mask.

NSEvent.ShiftKeyMask is relevant only for function keys—that is, for key events whose modifier flags include NSEvent.FunctionKeyMask. For all other key events NSEvent.ShiftKeyMask is ignored and characters typed while the Shift key is pressed are interpreted as the shifted versions of those characters; for example, Command-Shift-c is interpreted as Command-C.

See the NSEvent class specification for more information about modifier mask values.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s menu to aMenu.

public abstract void setMenu(NSMenu aMenu)


This method is invoked by the owning NSMenu when the receiver is added or removed. You shouldn’t have to invoke this method in your own code, although it can be overridden to provide specialized behavior.

See Also


Sets the image of the receiver that indicates a “mixed” state, that is, a state neither “on” nor “off.”

public abstract void setMixedStateImage(NSImage itemImage)


If itemImage is null, any current mixed-state image is removed.

See Also


Sets the character of the menu item title at location that is to be underlined

public abstract void setMnemonicLocation(int location)


. This character identifies the access key by which users can access the menu item. Mnemonics are not supported in Mac OS X.

See Also


Sets the image of the receiver that indicates an “off” state.

public abstract void setOffStateImage(NSImage itemImage)


If itemImage is null, any current off-state image is removed.

See Also


Sets the image of the receiver that indicates an “on” state.

public abstract void setOnStateImage(NSImage itemImage)


If itemImage is null, any current on-state image is removed.

See Also


Sets the object represented by the receiver to anObject.

public abstract void setRepresentedObject(Object anObject)


By setting a represented object for a menu item, you make an association between the menu item and that object. The represented object functions as a more specific form of tag that allows you to associate any object, not just an int, with the items in a menu.

For example, an NSView object might be associated with a menu item—when the user chooses the menu item, the represented object is fetched and displayed in a panel. Several menu items might control the display of multiple views in the same panel.

See Also


Sets the state of the receiver to itemState, which should be one of NSCell.OffState, NSCell.OnState, or NSCell.MixedState.

public abstract void setState(int itemState)


The image associated with the new state is displayed to the left of the menu item.

See Also


Sets the submenu of the receiver to aSubmenu.

public abstract void setSubmenu(NSMenu aSubmenu)


The default implementation throws an exception if aSubmenu already has a supermenu.

See Also


Sets the receiver’s tag to anInt.

public abstract void setTag(int anInt)

See Also


Sets the receiver’s target to anObject.

public abstract void setTarget(Object anObject)

See Also


Sets the receiver’s title to aString.

public abstract void setTitle(String aString)

See Also


Sets the title of a menu item with a character underlined to denote an access key.

public abstract void setTitleWithMnemonic(String aString)


Mnemonics are not supported in Mac OS X.

See Also


Sets a help tag for a menu item.

public abstract void setToolTip(String toolTip)


You can call this method for any menu item, including items in the main menu bar.

This string is not archived in the old nib format.

See Also


Returns the state of the receiver, which is NSCell.OffState (the default), NSCell.OnState, or NSCell.MixedState.

public abstract int state()

See Also


Returns the submenu associated with the receiving menu item, or null if no submenu is associated with it.

public abstract NSMenu submenu()


If the receiver responds true to hasSubmenu, the submenu is returned.

See Also


Returns the receiver’s target.

public abstract Object target()

See Also


Returns the receiver’s title.

public abstract String title()

See Also


Returns the help tag for a menu item.

public abstract String toolTip()

See Also


Returns the user-assigned key equivalent for the receiver.

public abstract String userKeyEquivalent()

See Also


Returns the modifier mask for the receiver’s user-assigned key equivalent.

public abstract int userKeyEquivalentModifierMask()

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