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Class at a Glance

An NSArchiver encodes objects into a format that can be written to a file. The archiving process traverses a set of interconnected objects, making sure to encode each one only once.

Principal Attributes


NSArchiver Constructors

Returns an archiver.

Commonly Used Methods


Archives a graph of objects to a file.


Archives a graph of objects into an NSMutableData object.


NSArchiver, a concrete subclass of NSCoder, provides a way to encode objects into an architecture-independent format that can be stored in a file. When you archive a set of objects, the class information and instance variables for each object are written to the archive. NSArchiver’s companion class, NSUnarchiver, decodes the data in an archive and creates a set of objects equivalent to the original set.

NSArchiver stores the archive data in a mutable data object (NSMutableData). After encoding the objects, you can have the NSArchiver object write this mutable data object immediately to a file, or you can retrieve the mutable data object for some other use.



Archiving Data

Getting the Archived Data

Substituting Classes or Objects



Creates an empty archiver.

public NSArchiver()


Use the other constructor, or the static methods archiveRootObjectToFile or archivedDataWithRootObject, instead.

Creates an archiver, encoding stream and version information into data.

public NSArchiver(NSMutableData data)


Throws an InvalidArgumentException if data is null.

Static Methods


Returns a data object containing the encoded form of the object graph whose root object is rootObject.

public static NSData archivedDataWithRootObject(Object rootObject)


This method invokes encodeRootObject to create a temporary archiver that encodes the object graph.

See Also


Creates a temporary instance of NSArchiver and archives rootObject by encoding it into a data object and writing the resulting data object to the file path.

public static boolean archiveRootObjectToFile(Object rootObject, String path)


This convenience method invokes archivedDataWithRootObject to get the encoded data. Returns true upon success.

The archived data should be retrieved from the archive by an NSUnarchiver object.

See Also


Returns the class name globally used to archive instances of the class trueName.

public static String classNameGloballyEncodedForTrueClassName(String trueName)

See Also


Encodes a substitute name globally used for the class named trueName.

public static void globallyEncodeClassNameIntoClassName(String trueName, String inArchiveName)


Any subsequently encountered objects of class trueName are archived as instances of class inArchiveName. It is safest not to invoke this method during the archiving process. Instead, invoke it before encodeRootObject.

See Also

Instance Methods


Returns the class name used to archive instances of the class trueName.

public String classNameEncodedForTrueClassName(String trueName)

See Also


Returns the archived data.

public NSMutableData data()


The returned data object is the same one specified as the argument to the constructor. It contains whatever data has been encoded thus far by invocations of the various encoding methods. It is safest not to invoke this method until after encodeRootObject has returned. In other words, although it is possible for a class to invoke this method from within an encoding method, that method must not alter the data.


Encodes aByte.

public void encodeByte(byte aByte)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeByte message.


Encodes aChar.

public void encodeChar(char aChar)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeChar message.


Encodes a substitute name for the class named trueName.

public void encodeClassNameIntoClassName(String trueName, String inArchiveName)


Any subsequently encountered objects of class trueName are archived as instances of class inArchiveName. It is safest not to invoke this method during the archiving process . Instead, invoke it before encodeRootObject.

See Also


Archives object conditionally.

public void encodeConditionalObject(Object object)


This method overrides the superclass implementation to allow object to be encoded only if it is also encoded unconditionally by another object in the object graph. Conditional encoding lets you encode one part of a graph detached from the rest. (See “Archives” for more information.)

If object is null, the NSArchiver encodes it unconditionally as null. This method throws an InvalidArgumentException if no root object has been encoded.


Encodes aData.

public void encodeDataObject(NSData aData)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeDataObject message.


Encodes aDouble.

public void encodeDouble(double aDouble)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeDouble message.


Encodes aFloat.

public void encodeFloat(float aFloat)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeFloat message.


Encodes anInt.

public void encodeInt(int anInt)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeInt message.


Encodes aLong.

public void encodeLong(long aLong)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeLong message.


Encodes anObject.

public void encodeObject(Object anObject)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeObject message.


Archives rootObject along with all the objects to which it is connected.

public void encodeRootObject(Object rootObject)


If any object is encountered more than once while traversing the graph, it is encoded only once, but the multiple references to it are stored. (See “Archives” for more information.)

This message must not be sent more than once to a given NSArchiver; an InvalidArgumentException is thrown if a root object has already been encoded. Therefore, don’t attempt to reuse an NSArchiver; instead, create a new one. To encode multiple object graphs, use distinct NSArchivers.


Encodes aShort.

public void encodeShort(short aShort)


This method must be matched by a subsequent decodeShort message.


Causes the NSArchiver to treat subsequent requests to encode object as though they were requests to encode newObject.

public void replaceObject(Object object, Object newObject)


Both object and newObject must be valid objects.


Returns the version number for the current implementation of the class named className or NSArray.NotFound if no class named className exists.

public int versionForClassName(String className)


The class version number of each encoded object is written to the archive so that newer versions of the class can detect and properly decode older archived versions.

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