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Class at a Glance

An NSDictionary object stores an immutable set of entries.

Principal Attributes



Creates a new dictionary.

Commonly Used Methods


Returns the number of objects currently in the dictionary.


Returns the object that corresponds to the specified key.


Returns an enumerator object that lets you access each key in the dictionary.


The NSDictionary class declares the programmatic interface to objects that manage immutable associations of keys and values. Use this class or its subclass NSMutableDictionary when you need a convenient and efficient way to retrieve data associated with an arbitrary key. (For convenience, we use the term dictionary to refer to any instance of one of these classes without specifying its exact class membership.)

The mutable subclass of NSDictionary is NSMutableDictionary.

A key-value pair within a dictionary is called an entry. Each entry consists of one object that represents the key and a second object that is that key’s value. Within a dictionary, the keys are unique. That is, no two keys in a single dictionary are equal (as determined by equals).

An instance of NSDictionary is an immutable dictionary: you establish its entries when it’s created and cannot modify them afterward. An instance of NSMutableDictionary is a mutable dictionary: you can add or delete entries at any time, and the object automatically allocates memory as needed.

Internally, a dictionary uses a hash table to organize its storage and to provide rapid access to a value given the corresponding key. However, the methods defined insulate you from the complexities of working with hash tables, hashing functions, or the hashed value of keys. The methods described below take keys directly, not their hashed form.

Methods that add entries to dictionaries—whether during construction (for all dictionaries) or modification (for mutable dictionaries)—add each value object to the dictionary directly, but copy each key argument and add the copy to the dictionary.

NSDictionary’s three primitive methods—count, objectForKey, and keyEnumerator—provide the basis for all of the other methods in its interface. The count method returns the number of entries in the dictionary. objectForKey returns the value associated with a given key. keyEnumerator returns an object that lets you iterate through each of the keys in the dictionary.

The other methods declared here operate by invoking one or more of these primitives. The nonprimitive methods provide convenient ways of accessing multiple entries at once.



Counting Entries

Comparing Dictionaries

Accessing Keys and Values



public NSDictionary()


Creates and returns an empty dictionary.

public NSDictionary(Object[] objects, Object[] keys)


Creates a dictionary with entries constructed from the contents of the objects and keys arrays. This method steps through the objects and keys arrays, creating entries in the new dictionary as it goes. Each value object is added directly to the dictionary. Each key object is copied, and the copy is added to the dictionary. An InvalidArgumentException is thrown if the objects and keys arrays do not have the same number of elements.

public NSDictionary(Object anObject, Object aKey)


Creates a dictionary containing a single object, anObject, for a single key, aKey.

public NSDictionary(NSDictionary otherDictionary)


Creates a dictionary containing the keys and values found in otherDictionary.

Instance Methods


Returns a new array containing the receiver’s keys or an empty array if the receiver has no entries.

public NSArray allKeys()


The order of the elements in the array isn’t defined.

See Also


Finds all occurrences of the value anObject in the receiver and returns a new array with the corresponding keys.

public NSArray allKeysForObject(Object anObject)


Each object in the receiver is sent an equals message to determine if it’s equal to anObject. If no object matching anObject is found, this method returns an empty array.

See Also


Returns a new array containing the receiver’s values, or an empty array if the receiver has no entries.

public NSArray allValues()


The order of the values in the array isn’t defined.

See Also


Returns the number of entries in the receiver.

public int count()


Compares the receiving dictionary to otherDictionary.

public boolean isEqualToDictionary(NSDictionary otherDictionary)


If the contents of otherDictionary are equal to the contents of the receiver, this method returns true. If not, it returns false.

Two dictionaries have equal contents if they each hold the same number of entries and, for a given key, the corresponding value objects in each dictionary satisfy the equals test.

See Also


Returns an enumerator object that lets you access each key in the receiver.

public java.util.Enumeration keyEnumerator()


java.util.Enumeration enumerator = myDict.keyEnumerator();
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {{
    Object anObject = enumerator.nextElement();
    /* code to act on each element */

When this method is used with mutable subclasses of NSDictionary, your code shouldn’t modify the entries during enumeration. If you intend to modify the entries, use the allKeys method to create a “snapshot” of the dictionary’s keys. Then use this snapshot to traverse the entries, modifying them along the way.

Note that the objectEnumerator method provides a convenient way to access each value in the dictionary.

See Also


Returns an enumerator object that lets you access each value in the receiver.

public java.util.Enumeration objectEnumerator()


java.util.Enumeration enumerator = myDict.objectEnumerator();
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {{
    Object anObject = enumerator.nextElement();
    /* code to act on each element */

When this method is used with mutable subclasses of NSDictionary, your code shouldn’t modify the entries during enumeration. If you intend to modify the entries, use the allValues method to create a “snapshot” of the dictionary’s values. Work from this snapshot to modify the values.

See Also


Returns an entry’s value given its key, or null if no value is associated with aKey.

public Object objectForKey(Object akey)

See Also


Returns the set of objects from the receiver that corresponds to the specified keys as an NSArray.

public NSArray objectsForKeys(NSArray keys, Object anObject)


The objects in the returned array and the keys array have a one-for-one correspondence, so that the nth object in the returned array corresponds to the nth key in keys. If an object isn’t found in the receiver to correspond to a given key, the marker object, specified by anObject, is placed in the corresponding element of the returned array.

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