// Most common use id mutableDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; // May not be what you want id dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionary];
id preferences = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:@("window", "non-smoking", "747") forKeys:@("seatAssignment", "smoking", "aircraft")];
id customerPreferences = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: seatingPreference, @"seatAssignment", smokingPreference, @"smoking", aircraftPreference, @"aircraft", nil];
id index; id keys = [dictionary allKeys]; for (index = 0; index < [keys count]; index++) { value = [dictionary objectForKey:[keys objectAtIndex:index]; // Use the value }
creates the NSArray keys and uses it to access the value of each entry in the dictionary.
id choices = @{"Steak" = 3; "Seafood" = 2; "Pasta" = 1}; id keys = [choices sortedByValueUsingSelector:@"compare:"];
creates the NSArray keys containing the string "Pasta" at index 0, "Seafood" at index 1, and "Steak" at index 2.
id preferences = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:@("window", "non-smoking", "747") forKeys:@("seatAssignment", "section", "aircraft")]; id sectionPreference = [dictionary objectForKey:@"section"];
produces the NSString sectionPreference with the contents "non-smoking".
id dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary: @{"seatAssignment" = "window"}]; [dictionary setObject:@"non-smoking" forKey:@"section"]; [dictionary setObject:@"aisle" forKey:@"seatAssignment"];
produces the NSMutableDictionary dictionary with the value "non-smoking" for the key "section" and the value "aisle" for the key "seatAssignment." Notice that the original value for "seatAssignment" is replaced.
id preferences = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:@("window", "non-smoking", "747") forKeys:@("seatAssignment", "section", "aircraft")]; id description = [preferences description];
produces the string "{"seatAssignment" = "Window"; "section" = "Non-smoking"; "aircraft" = "747"}".
id defaults = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:path]; [defaults setObject:newLanguagePreference forKey:@"Language"]; [defaults writeToFile:path atomically:YES];
creates an NSMutableDictionary from the contents of the file specified by path, updates the object for the key @"Language", and saves the updated dictionary back to the same file.
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