
Creating a Simple WebObjects Application

The basic steps involved in creating a WebObjects application are:

You perform these steps using an application called WebObjects Builder. This chapter teaches you how to create a simple application using WebObjects Builder. The application you'll write implements a guest book. It contains a form that has fields in which guests enter their names, e-mail addresses, and comments. Guests enter all pertinent information and then click Submit. When this button is clicked, the guest is added to a list of guests, the page is redrawn, and the new guest appears at the bottom of the list.

Table of Contents

Launch WebObjects Builder

Create a new application directory

Create the application's input fields
Enter static text
Create form-based dynamic HTML elements
Create variables
Create a class
Declare variables
Bind the input elements
Implement a method

Create the application's output
Create static HTML elements
Add abstract dynamic elements to the page
Bind the WORepetition element

Implement awake and sleep

Run the application

First Section