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Creating a Detail Display Group

While a display group manages objects associated with a single entity, you can access other kinds of objects through an entity's relationships. In a master-detail configuration, a master display group holds enterprise objects for the source of a relationship, while a detail display group holds records for the destination. As individual records are selected in the master display group, the detail display group gets a new set of enterprise objects to correspond to the selection in the master.

To create a detail display group, you can use the Display Group Options panel:

  1. Check "Has detail data source."

    The Master Entity pop-up list is enabled. It lists the all entities in the models in your project.

  2. Select the Master Entity from the pop-up list.

    The Detail Key pop-up list now contains the keys representing the master entity's relationships.

  3. Select the Detail Key from the pop-up list.
You can also create a detail display group by dragging a to-many relationship from EOModeler into your component.

As with other display groups, you can use the Display Group Options panel to immediately configure the newly created display group.

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