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Dynamic and Static Inspectors

Most dynamic elements have static HTML counterparts. (The exceptions are the abstract dynamic elements: WOString, WORepetition, WOConditional, and WOCustom.) The Inspector for these elements has two states:

This example shows the Inspector for a dynamic text area element. It displays the bindable attributes for this element. If you select Static Inspector from the pop-up list, the Text Area Inspector appears. This is the same Inspector you would see for a static text area element (<TEXTAREA>) and allows you to set its HTML attributes (such as COLS or ROWS).

To switch back to the WOText Inspector, select Dynamic Inspector from the pop-up list.

In addition, you can convert any dynamic element into its static counterpart, or vice versa:

The following table shows the dynamic counterpart for each static element.
Static Element Dynamic Counterpart
Image WOImage, WOActiveImage
Form WOForm
Textfield WOTextField
Text Area WOText
Button WOSubmitButton, WOResetButton, WOImageButton
Checkbox WOCheckBox
Radio Button WORadioButton
Select WOBrowser, WOPopupButton
Hyperlink WOHyperlink
Applet WOApplet
Other Generic WebObject

If you convert a static element to its dynamic counterpart by clicking Make Dynamic, and there is no direct counterpart, the element becomes a generic WebObject whose element name is the HTML tag for the static element (see "Generic WebObjects"). In this figure, a list element (<UL>) has been converted to a generic WebObject element.

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