Note: Enterprise Objects Framework doesn't support modifiable primary key values-you shouldn't design your application so that users can change a primary key's value. If you really need this behavior, you have to implement it by deleting an affected object and reinserting it with a new primary key.
This is the technique used when your primary keys are integers. However, as described in the preceding section, when you want Enterprise Objects Framework to generate primary keys, you can also use 12 byte NSDatas. The difference is that integer primary keys are fetched from the database, whereas NSData keys are generated on the client (see the EOTemporaryGlobalID class specification in the Enterprise Objects Framework Reference for more information). Consequently, using 12 byte NSDatas is faster, but integer primary keys have the advantage of being more readable.
The following sections provide more information on when and how to use each mechanism.
To specify that an enterprise object provides its own key, you must set the primary key attributes as class properties in the object's entity. Your enterprise object class should provide an instance variable or accessor methods for each of the primary key attributes. If you want to provide the primary key value for a newly created enterprise object, be sure to assign it before the object is saved.
Note: In the case of Number objects (NSNumbers in Objective-C), don't set the value to zero unless you intend to have the primary key generated. See the section "Why is EOF Generating Primary Key Values for Number Objects Set to Zero?" below for details.)
If an enterprise object generates its own primary key value programmatically, you must generate and assign it in an appropriate method. You could, for example, provide a primary key value when the object is first instantiated by implementing the method awakeFromInsertion (awakeFromInsertionInEditingContext: in Objective-C).
When the EODatabaseContext Delegate
An EODatabaseContext's delegate is given an opportunity to provide a primary key value for enterprise objects that don't already have one. This is the most commonly used mechanism in applications that don't use the adaptor's database-specific primary key generation mechanism. You might use the delegate to provide primary key values when you want to avoid making a trip to the database. For example, you might implement this method to generate globally unique identifiers based on an IP address and a time stamp.
Provides the Key When a Database Stored Procedure Provides the Key
You typically use a stored procedure to provide primary key values when you need to override the adaptor's database-specific mechanism but still need to make a trip to the database to generate values.
When the Adaptor Provides the Key
Each adaptor provides a database-specific mechanism for generating primary keys. Unless you specify one of the other four mechanisms, Enterprise Objects Framework automatically uses the adaptor's mechanism.
Informix and Sybase
The Informix and Sybase adaptor use the same approach to generating primary key values. Both adaptors use a table named eo_sequence_table to keep track of the next available primary key value for a given table. The table contains a row for each table for which the adaptor provides primary key values.
The statements used to create the eo_sequence_tables are:
Informix | Sybase |
create table eo_sequence_table (table_name varchar(32, 0), counter integer) |
create table eo_sequence_table (table_name varchar(32), counter int null) |
The stored procedures increment the counter in the eo_sequence_table row for the specified table, select the counter value, and return it. The Informix and Sybase adaptor's primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity methods execute the eo_pk_for_table stored procedure and return the stored procedure's return value.
CREATE TABLE EO_PK_TABLE ( NAME TEXT_TYPE(40), PK NUMBER_TYPE )where TEXT_TYPE is the external (database) type for characters and NUMBER_TYPE is the external type for the table's primary key attribute. The ODBC adaptor sets the PK value for each row to the corresponding table's maximum primary key value plus one. After determining a primary key value for the new row, the ODBC adaptor updates the counter in the corresponding row in EO_PK_TABLE.
The Oracle adaptor uses sequence objects to provide primary key values. It creates a sequence using the following SQL statement:
create sequence table_SEQwhere table is the name of a table for which the adaptor provides primary key values. The adaptor sets the sequence start value to the corresponding table's maximum primary key value plus one.
Suppose that a database application allowed you to insert a row without providing a primary key value. An identity column or database trigger could generate an identifying value for the row, but the corresponding application object wouldn't have the value. The application could attempt to fetch the object using the values provided by the user, but a query that doesn't specify a primary key value might return more than one row. As a result, the application can't guarantee that it will be able to associate the current object with a row in the database. For this reason, Enterprise Objects Framework requires that you assign a primary key value to an object before it's inserted in the database.
This can cause problems if you have an existing database containing rows that use zero as the primary key value. The EODatabaseContext will incorrectly assume that an object created from that row needs a new primary key. This behavior may result in invalid foreign key references in other tables of your database.
To alter this behavior, assign a delegate to the EODatabaseContext object and implement the databaseContextNewPrimaryKey delegate method (databaseContext:newPrimaryKeyForObject:entity: in Objective-C) to return a Number object of value zero if the primary key should remain zero (an NSNumber in Objective-C), otherwise return null (nil). Returning null will tell EOF to find another way to generate the primary key value as described above.
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