PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > Direct to Web



Inherits from:java.lang.Object

Class Description

The D2W class is responsible for creating Direct to Web pages. In each Direct to Web application, one instance of D2W creates all of the pages. This instance is called the Direct to Web factory and is accessed using the factory static method.

D2W defines several methods to create Direct to Web pages, for example, listPageForEntityNamed, errorPage, pageForConfigurationNamed, and pageForTaskAndEntityNamed. You invoke these methods on the Direct to Web factory. For example, to create a list page for Movies, use

ListPageInterface lpi = D2W.factory().listPageForEntityNamed("Movie",session());

If you want to customize the Direct to Web factory, you need to subclass D2W, create an instance of your subclass, and register it with Direct to Web using the setFactory method. See the "Customizing a Direct to Web Application" chapter in Developing WebObjects Applications With Direct to Web for more information.

The D2W class also provides the setWebAssistantEnabled and isWebAssistantEnabled methods to manage the Web Assistant. You can also change the keys with which Direct to Web caches rule firing results using newSignificantKey. See the "Direct to Web Architecture" chapter of Developing WebObjects Applications With Direct to Web for more information about rule firing caching.

Method Types


Creating pages
Managing Rule Firing Caching
Managing the Direct to Web factory
Managing the Web Assistant
Obtaining Page Information
Private Methods


public D2W()

Standard Java no argument constructor. If you subclass D2W, use the constructor to create an instance of your subclass and use D2W.setFactory to register it with Direct to Web.


public void activateWebAssistantServer()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void checkMultithreading(NSNotification notification)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public ConfirmPageInterface confirmPageForEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns a confirm page (a WOComponent object implementing the ConfirmPageInterface) for the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public WOComponent defaultPage(WOSession session)

Returns a default startup page (a WOComponent object), which is a query-all page unless you override the rule for the startupTask key. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public EditPageInterface editPageForEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns an edit page (a WOComponent object implementing the EditPageInterface) for the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public EditPageInterface editPageForNewObjectWithConfigurationNamed(String configurationName, WOSession session)

Creates a new object and returns an edit page (a WOComponent object implementing the EditPageInterface. The object's class and the configuration of the page are determined from the named configuration identified by configurationName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public EditPageInterface editPageForNewObjectWithEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Creates a new object and returns an edit page (a WOComponent object implementing the EditPageInterface. The object's class is determined from the EOEntity object identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.

The EOEntity class is defined in the EOAccess Framework.


public EditRelationshipPageInterface editRelationshipPageForEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns an edit-relationship page (a WOComponent object implementing the EditRelationshipPageInterface) for the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public static String entityNameFromPage(WOComponent page)

Returns the name of the entity that the Direct to Web page page manipulates.


public ErrorPageInterface errorPage(WOContext context)

Returns an error page (a WOComponent object implementing the ErrorPageInterface). The context argument specifies the WOContext containing the session in which the page should be created.


public ErrorPageInterface errorPage(WOSession session)

Returns an error page (a WOComponent object implementing the ErrorPageInterface). The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


static public D2W factory()

Returns the Direct to Web factory, an instance of D2W that creates all of the Direct to Web pages in the application.


public String homeHrefInContext(WOContext context)

Returns the URL for the login page for the session contained in the context WOContext object.


protected void init()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public void initializeD2W(NSNotification notification)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public InspectPageInterface inspectPageForEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns an inspect page (a WOComponent object implementing the InspectPageInterface) for the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public boolean isDebugEnabled()

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public boolean isLiveAssistantEnabled()

Use isWebAssistantEnabled instead.

See Also:


public boolean isWebAssistantEnabled()

Returns whether or not the Web Assistant is enabled. By default it is enabled.


public ListPageInterface listPageForEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns a list page (a WOComponent object implementing the ListPageInterface) for the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public void newSignificantKey(String key)

Adds key to the list of keys that the rule engine uses to cache the results of rule firing. See the "Direct to Web Architecture" chapter of Developing WebObjects Applications With Direct to Web for more information about rule firing caching.


protected AssistantPacket packetForPropertyAndSettingsWithPage(Property aProperty, Settings settings, WOComponent aComponent)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


protected AssistantPacket packetForSettingsWithPage(Settings settings, WOComponent aComponent)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public WOComponent pageForConfigurationNamed(String configurationName, WOSession session)

Returns a Direct to Web page (a WOComponent object) for a named configuration identified by configurationName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for more information about named configurations.


public WOComponent pageForTaskAndEntityNamed(String task, String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns a Direct to Web page (a WOComponent object) for the task identified by task and the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the the session in which the page should be created.


protected WOComponent pageForTaskAndEntityNamed(String task, String entityName, WOContext context)

Returns a Direct to Web page (a WOComponent object) for the task identified by task and the entity identified by entityName. The context argument specifies the context containing the session in which the page should be created.


public QueryAllPageInterface queryAllPage(WOSession session)

Returns a query-all page (a WOComponent object implementing the QueryAllPageInterface). The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public QueryPageInterface queryPageForEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns a query page (a WOComponent object implementing the QueryPageInterface) for the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


public void requestWasHandled(WOContext context)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.


public SelectPageInterface selectPageForEntityNamed(String entityName, WOSession session)

Returns a select page (a WOComponent object implementing the SelectPageInterface) for the entity identified by entityName. The session argument specifies the session in which the page should be created.


static public void setFactory(D2W factory)

Sets the Direct to Web factory, an instance of D2W that is used to create all of the application's Direct to Web pages. Use this method when you create a custom subclass of D2W.


public void setLiveAssistantEnabled(boolean enabled)

Use setWebAssistantEnabled instead.

See Also:


public void setWebAssistantEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether the Web Assistant is enabled or not. You should disable the Web Assistant when you deploy your application to prevent users from modifying the application's configuration.


public NSArray visibleEntityNames()

This method is deprecated. Use visibleEntityNames(WOSession session) instead.


public NSArray visibleEntityNames(WOSession session)

Returns an NSArray containing the names of the visible entities in session. You can hide entities using the Entities tab in the Web Assistant. See the "Direct to Web" chapter of WebObjects Tools and Techniques for more information about hiding entities.


public WOComponent webAssistantInContext(WOContext context)

This action method is invoked when the user clicks Customize in the menu bar. It activates the Web Assistant in the user's browser.


public void willCheckRules(NSNotification notification)

This method is intentionally undocumented. You should never have to invoke or customize it.