PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOAccess Reference

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Inherits from: EOAccessGenericFaultHandler : EOFaultHandler (EOControl) : NSObject
Conforms to: NSObject
Declared in: EOAccess/EOAccessFault.h

Class Description

EOAccessFaultHandler is a subclass of EOAccessGenericFaultHandler that implements an object fault for enterprise objects.

Instance Methods


- (void)completeInitializationOfObject:(id)anObject

Asks the receiver's database context to fetch anObject if it is not already in memory. This method is called when the fault is fired and uses the EOObjectStore protocol to get the information from the receiver's editing context.


- (EODatabaseContext *)databaseContext

Returns the receiver's database context.


- (EOEditingContext *)editingContext

Returns the receiver's editing context.


- (EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID

Returns the receiver's global ID.


- initWithGlobalID:(EOKeyGlobalID *)globalID databaseContext:(EODatabaseContext *)databaseContext editingContext:(EOEditingContext *)editingContext

Initializes the handler with all of the information necessary to fetch the object when the fault is fired. When the fault is fired, this object calls completeInitializationOfObject on the object.

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