PATH  Documentation > WebObjects 4.5 > EOAccess Reference

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This file enumerates those EOAccess Framework classes and methods that have been deprecated and should no longer be used. Wherever possible, notes have been included to indicate what API should be used in place of the deprecated class or method.


Nested transactions are no longer supported. Enterprise Objects Framework never actually used nested transactions. Furthermore, the concrete adaptors were not guaranteed to support them, especially since the SQL/92 standard doesn't allow nested transactions. New features in Enterprise Objects Framework 4.5 make nested transactions impossible to support. Consequently, the methods supporting nested transactions have been deprected.


- (BOOL)canNestTransactions

Deprecated in Enterprise Objects Framework 4.5. Don't use this method. There is no new API or workaround; no adaptor supports nested transactions. Implemented by subclasses to return YES if the database server and adaptor context could nest transactions, NO otherwise.


- (unsigned)transactionNestingLevel

Deprecated in Enterprise Objects Framework 4.5. Use hasOpenTransaction instead. Returns the number of transactions in progress. If the database server and the adaptor support nested transactions, this number may be greater than 1



- (NSDictionary *)runPanelForAdaptor:(EOAdaptor *)adaptor validate:(BOOL)flag

Deprecated in Enterprise Objects Framework 3.0. Use EOLoginPanel's runPanelForAdaptor:validate:allowsCreation: instead. To get the old behavior, don't allow creation.



+ (id)delegate

Deprecated in Enterprise Objects Framework 3.0. Use the class method classDelegate instead.


+ (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate

Deprecated in Enterprise Objects Framework 3.0. Use the class method setClassDelegate: instead.

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