See Also:
- kAudioSubDeviceNameKey
#define kAudioSubDeviceNameKey "name"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFString that contains the human readable
name of the AudioSubDevice.
#define kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationKey "drift"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFNumber where a non-zero value indicates that drift
compensation is enabled for the AudioSubDevice
#define kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationQualityKey "drift quality"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFNumber that indicates the quality of the drifty
compensation for the AudioSubDevice
#define kAudioSubDeviceExtraInputLatencyKey "latency-in"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFNumber that indicates the total number of frames
of additional latency that will be added to the input side of the
#define kAudioSubDeviceExtraOutputLatencyKey "latency-out"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFNumber that indicates the total number of frames
of additional latency that will be added to the output side of the
#define kAudioSubDeviceInputChannelsKey "channels-in"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFNumber that indicates the total number of input
channels for the AudioSubDevice.
See Also:
- kAudioAggregateDeviceSubDeviceNameKey
#define kAudioSubDeviceNameKey "name"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFString that contains the human readable
name of the AudioSubDevice.
#define kAudioSubDeviceOutputChannelsKey "channels-out"
The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
The value for this key is a CFNumber that indicates the total number of output
channels for the AudioSubDevice.
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Last Updated: 2006-10-25