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HostTime |
Includes: |
This collection of functions provides access to the host's time base. It also provides descriptive information about the time base and translations to and from nanoseconds.
AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos |
Convert the given host time into a time in nanoseconds.
extern UInt64 AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( UInt64 inHostTime);
A UInt64 containining the converted host time.
AudioConvertNanosToHostTime |
Convert the given nanosecond time into a host time.
extern UInt64 AudioConvertNanosToHostTime( UInt64 inNanos);
A UInt64 containining the converted nanosecond time.
AudioGetCurrentHostTime |
Gets the current host time.
extern UInt64 AudioGetCurrentHostTime();
A UInt64 containing the current host time.
AudioGetHostClockFrequency |
Gets the number of ticks per second in the host time base.
extern Float64 AudioGetHostClockFrequency();
A Float64 containing the number of ticks per second in the host time base.
AudioGetHostClockMinimumTimeDelta |
Gets the smallest number of ticks that two succeeding values will ever differ. by.
extern UInt32 AudioGetHostClockMinimumTimeDelta();
A UInt32 containing the smallest number of ticks that two succeeding values will ever differ.