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DRContentFolder.h |
Includes: |
Interface to folder objects used in filesystem creation.
DRFolderAddChild |
Adds a file or folder object reference as a child of a virtual folder
This function applies only to virtual folders. Real folders
are considered "leaf nodes" and cannot have children.
extern void DRFolderAddChild( DRFolderRef parent, DRFSObjectRef newChild) ;
DRFolderConvertRealToVirtual |
Converts a real folder to a virtual folder. Conversion happens in-place so there is no need to release or reallocate any objects.
extern void DRFolderConvertRealToVirtual( DRFolderRef realFolder) ;
The virtual folder created in this way is a snapshot of the on-disk
folder at the moment of the call. The newly-created virtual folder
will contain real folder and file objects corresponding to the
on-disk children of the original on-disk folder.
If the on-disk folder attributes change, or if children are added to
or removed from the on-disk tree during this call, the virtual folder
may or may not reflect the changes. It the on-disk attributes change
after this call, the virtual folder will not reflect the changes.
DRFolderCopyChildren |
Obtains an array containing the children of a virtual folder.
extern CFArrayRef DRFolderCopyChildren( const DRFolderRef folder) ;
Returns a CFArray object containing the virtual folder's children.
The order of the children in the array is arbitrary; the various files
systems being generated for a burn may have different sorting
requirements, so there is no one definitive sort order. The ordering
will change only when children are added or removed.
Your application should sort the children consistently and according to
the needs of your user interface.
This function applies only to virtual folders. Real folders
are considered "leaf nodes" and should not be passed to this call.
DRFolderCountChildren |
Obtains the number of children of a virtual folder.
extern UInt32 DRFolderCountChildren( const DRFolderRef folder) ;
Returns the number of children.
This function applies only to virtual folders. Real folders are considered "leaf nodes" and should not be passed to this call.
DRFolderCreateReal |
Creates a new real folder object corresponding to a given FSRef object.
extern DRFolderRef DRFolderCreateReal( const FSRef *fsRef) ;
Returns a reference to the newly-created folder object, or NULL.
A real folder object is a folder object corresponding to a real folder on disk. The content of the folder object corresponds to the actual on-disk content of the folder. Items cannot be programatically added to or removed from a real folder object without making it virtual first -- see DRFolderConvertRealToVirtual .
DRFolderCreateRealWithURL |
Creates a new real folder object corresponding to a given file URL.
extern DRFolderRef DRFolderCreateRealWithURL( const CFURLRef urlRef) ;
Returns a reference to the newly-created folder object, or NULL.
A real folder object is a folder object corresponding to a real folder on disk. The contents of the folder object corresponds to the actual on-disk contents of the folder. Items cannot be programatically added to or removed from a real folder object without making it virtual first -- see DRFolderConvertRealToVirtual .
DRFolderCreateVirtual |
Creates a new, empty virtual folder object.
extern DRFolderRef DRFolderCreateVirtual( CFStringRef baseName) ;
Returns a reference to the newly-created virtual folder object, or NULL.
A virtual folder object is a folder object which does not correspond to any real folder on disk, but represents a folder you want to appear in the file structure of the disc you are burning. It is created and modified using Disc Recording's 'content' functions -- see the documentation for DRContentObject.h.
DRFolderGetTypeID |
Returns the type identifier of all DRFolder instances.
extern CFTypeID DRFolderGetTypeID( void) ;
DRFolderRemoveChild |
Removes a file or folder object reference so a file or folder is
no longer a child of the specified folder object.
This function applies only to virtual folders. Real folders
are considered "leaf nodes" and cannot have children.
extern void DRFolderRemoveChild( DRFolderRef parent, DRFSObjectRef child) ;