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Defines common features of all filesystem content objects.


About Content Creation

Content creation provides an interface for dynamic filesystem creation, allowing complex filesystem hierarchies to be created and burned on-the-fly without having to generate a complete on-disk representation.

The root object for the objects contained in the Objective C content creation hierarchy is DRFSObject . Through DRFSObject, file and folder objects inherit a basic interface to getting and setting filesystem properties, names and masks. The DRFSObject class is an abstract class, there are no methods available to create a DRFSObject directly, you create DRFile and DRFolder objects instead.

Real and Virtual Objects

The interface is designed around folder and file objects which are laid out in a one-parent-many-children hierarchy - this should be a familiar concept for anyone who's ever used a modern filesystem. There are two kinds of objects in this API; "real" objects and "virtual" objects, and the distinction is important.

A real file or folder object corresponds directly to a file or folder on disk. The data for a real file object comes directly from the on-disk file. The hierarchy underneath a real folder object corresponds 1:1 to the hierarchy underneath the folder in the on-disk filesystem.

A virtual file or folder object does not have any actual representation on disk. The data for a virtual file object is specified through the API or in a callback function. The hierarchy underneath a virtual folder object is specified through the API.

Creating a Virtual Hierarchy

In the hierarchy specified through this API, only virtual folders may be assigned children. Real files, virtual files, and real folders are all considered leaf nodes and may not have children. (Real folders may of course contain files and folders, but the files and folders are specified by the on-disk representation and may not be changed through the API unless the real folder is made virtual first.)

A hierarchy may be as simple as a single real folder, or it can be as complicated as needed - for example, a virtual folder with a deep hierarchy of children which are a complex mix of real files, virtual files, real folders, and virtual folders.

Converting From Real To Virtual

A real folder can be dynamically converted to a virtual folder, in which case its first level of children is read and converted into a virtual hierarchy. The children thus created will all be real. For example: A real folder named root is converted into a virtual folder. The on-disk folder contains a file named file1 and a folder named folder2. After conversion, the result is a virtual folder named root with two children: the real file file1 and the real folder folder2.

Base Names and Specific Names

Because the content creation API is able to generate multiple filesystems which require multiple varied naming conventions, a sensible system for naming is required. Thus each file has a base name which corresponds to its default name in any filesystem. Whenever possible, the base name will be used in the generated filesystem without modification.

The initial base name for a real object is the name of the corresponding object on disk. The initial base name for a virtual object is specified when the object is created. The base names for both real and virtual objects may be modified using the setBaseName: method.

Inside a particular filesytem, if the base name cannot be used as-is (if, for example, it contains illegal characters, exceeds the length requirements, or otherwise doesn't meet the required format) then an acceptable name that meets the filesystem's criteria will be generated automatically from the base name. The name which is acceptable to a given filesystem is that file's specific name for that filesystem.

A specific name may be obtained and modified through this API, or may be left empty to be automatically generated from the base name. When a specific name is set through the API, it will be modified to ensure that the name is legal according to the particular filesystem.

Even when a specific name is set or generated through the API, it may not be the actual name used on the disc. If an object's specific name conflicts with the specific name of another of the object's siblings in that filesystem, one or both specific names will be mangled to obtain a unique name before burning, usually by adding a numeric mangle code such as _001 to each name.

There are two APIs available for getting the specific name from an object:

specificNameForFilesystem: returns the unmodified specific name, which would be used if there were no conflicts.

mangledNameForFilesystem: returns a modified specific name, mangled if necessary, which is guaranteed to be unique amongst its siblings in the filesystem.

The filesystem keys are detailed in Filesystem data accessors. Most of the keys are straightforward; however, ISO-9660 is a special case, since there are two possible naming conventions for ISO-9660, level 1 (8.3, limited charset) and level 2 (30 chars, marginally expanded charset). You can't specify DRISO9660 when obtaining a name; instead, you must explicitly specify whether you want the level 1 or level 2 name with DRISO9660LevelOne or DRISO9660LevelTwo.

If the object's name does not conflict with any of its siblings, mangledNameForFilesystem: will return the same value as specificNameForFilesystem: . The converse is not necessarily true -- one object may get the actual specific name, and other files with name collisions will be mangled.

mangledNameForFilesystem: will check each of the object's siblings in the hierarchy and mangle to resolve any filename conflicts, so it can be a much more expensive call than specificNameForFilesystem: , taking at worst O(N^2) time where N is the number of siblings. However, actual performance tends to be much better, closer to O(N), particularly when there are only a few collisions. mangledNameForFilesystem: has the advantage of allowing you to see (and to show the user) the exact names which would be generated on the disc if the burn were started immediately.

Both specificNameForFilesystem: and mangledNameForFilesystem: will cache information when possible, so that names are only generated and mangled when necessary. Adding or removing children from a folder, or changing the base or specific name on an object, may cause the cached names of the object's children or siblings to be recomputed.

Properties and Other Meta-Data

Properties are generally accessed similarly to names. Each object has overall properties which apply to every filesystem, and it may also have different properties in each filesystem. For example, a file which has no relevance for a MacOS user may be marked invisible in the HFS+ tree, but be visible in the Joliet tree.

The properties, like names, are also differentiated by filesystem. There is one properties dictionary for DRAllFilesystems , and one properties dictionary for each individual filesystem - DRISO9660 , DRJoliet , DRHFSPlus , etc.

The properties for DRAllFilesystems are treated as the base value, and then the properties in the specific filesystem dictionary are treated as overrides.

When obtaining properties with propertyForKey:inFilesystem:mergeWithOtherFilesystems: or propertiesForFilesystem:mergeWithOtherFilesystems: , you can specify whether you want to automatically coalesce the properties between the specified filesystem dictionary and the "all filesystems" dictionary. This is useful if you want to obtain the effective value of the property, because it will return the value from the "all filesystems" dictionary if the specific filesystem does not assign an override.

Filesystem Masks

It's possible to suppress generation of particular items in a folder tree. For example, you may want a MacOS application file or bundle to only appear in the HFS+ tree, and want an .EXE file to only appear in the Joliet tree.

Filesystem-specific suppression is handled through the filesystem mask . The filesystem mask is a bitfield which contains a 1 if the object will appear in the corresponding filesystem, and 0 otherwise. This can be used to generate arbitrarily complex trees, where in the most complex case each filesystem may theoretically have its own unique and disjoint tree. (Such discs are discouraged, however, since they may be confusing to the user.)

An object can be considered to have two mask values. The first one is the explicit mask which has been set by the client, and may be zero if no mask has been set. The other is the effective mask, which is the actual mask which will be used.

If the explicit mask is non-zero, then the object's effective mask is equal to the bitwise AND of the object's explicit mask and its parent's effective mask.

If the explicit mask is zero, the object will use the same mask as its parent. (In other words, the effective mask is equal to the parent's effective mask.)

If the root of the hierarchy does not have an explicit mask set, the effective mask of the root and all its descendants will be zero.

The explicit mask may be cleared by changing it to zero. By doing this, the object's explicit mask becomes zero and its effective mask will be inherited from its parent.

If an object's effective mask is zero, it will not be included in the burn. The major exception to this rule is when the root folder's explicit/effective mask is zero - when this happens, DiscRecording will assign a default mask, typically one which will result in the most cross-platform disc possible.

If the effective mask of the root is zero at the time of the burn, DiscRecording will automatically pick a default mask, typically one which will result in the most cross-platform disc possible.

Some combinations of filesystem mask have special requirements; for example, Joliet is based on ISO-9660, and requires that ISO-9660 be enabled on at least the root object. (You can still have something appear in Joliet but not ISO-9660, however.) Some combinations in the future may be mutually exclusive.

You do not have to set an explicit mask for anything but the root if you want all filesystems to have the same data. Since DiscRecording will automatically assign a mask if none is provided, you do not even have to set an explicit mask for the root.

Symbolic Link Translation

During the burn, when a symbolic link is encountered in the on-disk filesystem corresponding to a real file or folder, the semantics of the link will be preserved as closely as possible. If the link contains an absolute path, it will be copied unmodified. If the link contains a relative path, it will be modified to contain an appropriate path. An important detail to recognize is that since naming requirements vary between filesystems, the appropriate path may be different for each filesystem.

For example, a relative link to "my long, long directory/this: is an unusual$ filename.with_extension" will be modified to contain something like the following. Note that each component of the path has been modified to conform to the rules of the target filesystem.

ISO-9660 level 1: "MYLONGLO/THISISAN.WIT" ISO-9660 level 2: "MY LONG LONG DIRECTORY/THIS: IS AN UNU.WITH_EXTENSION" Joliet: "my long, long directory/this: is an unusual filename.with_extension" HFS+: "my long, long directory/this: is an unusual$ filename.with_extension"

The burn engine will make an effort to appropriately translate each component of the path. However, it's still possible that the symlink might break in complex cases. (For example, in the case of a relative-path symlink which traverses through an absolute-path symlink, or when there are filename conflicts along a symlink's path which the burn engine has to resolve by mangling.)

The burn engine's symlink preservation is usually good enough for most situations in which symlinks are used. And, when the source filesystem is the same as the target filesystem, symlinks will be preserved perfectly. (For example, the HFS+ filesystem generated from an HFS+ source should never have symlink problems.)

However, the odds of symlink failure go up when there are complex arrangements of symlinks, or when there are filename collisions which the burn engine resolves by mangling.

This is expected behavior. At present, the only way to create a perfect symlink which is guaranteed to have a correct path on all filesystems is to create a virtual symlink using symLinkPointingTo:inFilesystem: .


Abstract base class for the content creation framework



extern NSString* const DRAccessDate;  

NSDate containing the item's last-accessed date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRAllFilesystems;  

The key for accessing the name or properties for the file in all filesystems together. When this key is used to refer to a name, it refers to the base name (which has no naming restrictions).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRAttributeModificationDate;  

NSDate containing the item's attribute modification date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRBackupDate;  

NSDate containing the item's backup date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRContentModificationDate;  

NSDate containing the item's content modification date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRCreationDate;  

NSDate containing the item's creation date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DREffectiveDate;  

NSDate containing the item's effective date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRExpirationDate;  

NSDate containing the item's expiration date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRHFSPlus;  

The key for accessing the HFS+ name/properties for the file. HFS+ names can be up to 255 decomposed unicode characters long.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRHFSPlusCatalogNodeID;  

NSNumber containing item's catalog node ID (HFS+ only). Currently, this value if set is only a suggestion. The burn engine will attempt to use this node ID, but may use another value if it needs to resolve conflicts. Default behavior is to allocate node IDs incrementally from kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID .

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRHFSPlusTextEncodingHint;  

NSNumber containing the item's text encoding hint (HFS+ only).

This value is used by the MacOS to help when converting the natively UTF-16 filename into an 8-bit-per-character representation (such as MacRoman, Shift-JIS, or UTF8). If not set, default behavior is to call CFStringGetMostCompatibleMacStringEncoding (CFStringGetSmallestEncoding ()).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRInvisible;  

NSBoolean indicating whether the item is invisibile or not.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRISO9660;  

The key for accessing the ISO-9660 properties for the file. This key is used to refer specifically to the properties for the file.

This key cannot be used to refer to the name of the file; it is ambiguous, since the name may be in either level 1 or level 2 format.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRISO9660LevelOne;  

The key for accessing the ISO-9660 level 1 name for the file. This key is used to refer specifically to the name generated for ISO-9660 if the ISO level is set to 1. When used for a property, it is equivalent in use to the DRISO9660 key and acts as a synonym for that key.

ISO9660 level 1 names are in the form typically known as 8.3 - eight characters of name and three characters of extension (if it's a file; directories can't have extensions). Character set is limited to A-Z, 0-9, and _.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRISO9660LevelTwo;  

The key for accessing the ISO-9660 level 2 name for the file. This key is used to refer specifically to the name generated for ISO-9660 if the ISO level is set to 2. When used for a property, it is equivalent in use to the DRISO9660 key and acts as a synonym for that key.

ISO9660 level 2 names can be 32 chars long, are limited to a subset of the 7-bit ASCII chars (capital letters, numbers, space, punctuation), and are only allowed one "." character.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRISO9660VersionNumber;  

NSNumber containing the ISO9660 version number for the object. Default value is 1.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRJoliet;  

The key for accessing the Joliet name/properties for the file. Joliet names can be 64 precomposed unicode characters long, but are only allowed one "." character and many punctuation characters are illegal.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacExtendedFinderFlags;  

NSNumber containing the item's extended Finder flags (MacOS only).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacFileCreator;  

NSData containing the OSType for the file creator (MacOS only).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacFileType;  

NSData containing the OSType for the file type (MacOS only).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacFinderFlags;  

NSNumber containing the item's Finder flags (MacOS only). The invisible bit is ignored - use DRInvisible instead.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacFinderHideExtension;  

A BOOL indicating whether the extension should be hidden in the Finder or not. The default is false and only applies to files.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.5.


extern NSString* const DRMacIconLocation;  

NSData containing a Point (not NSPoint) for the item's icon location in its parent folder (MacOS only).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacScrollPosition;  

NSData containing a Point (not NSPoint) for the folder's scroll position (MacOS only).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacWindowBounds;  

NSData containing a Rect (not NSRect) for the window bounds for a folder (MacOS only).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRMacWindowView;  

NSNumber containing the folder's window view type (MacOS only).

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRPosixFileMode;  

NSNumber containing the item's POSIX file mode.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRPosixGID;  

NSNumber containing the item's POSIX GID.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRPosixUID;  

NSNumber containing the item's POSIX UID.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRRecordingDate;  

NSDate containing the item's recording date.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.2


extern NSString* const DRUDF;  

The key for accessing the UDF name/properties for the file.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFApplicationIdentifierSuffix;  

Optional key. NSData object of up to 8 bytes in length, for application use. The presence of this key requires the DRApplicationIdentifier key.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


NSNumber indicating the extended UDF file permissions of this file.

extern NSString* const DRUDFExtendedFilePermissions;  

Bit 0: Change attributes for others (low order bit) Bit 1: Delete permissions for others Bit 2: Change attributes for group Bit 3: Delete permissions for group Bit 4: Change attributes for owner Bit 5: Delete permissions for owner Bit 6 & 7: Reserved If this key is not present, DRPosixFileMode will be used with the above bits being set to the corresponding write bit for owner, group, and others. If DRPosixFileMode is not present, the file mode from the file on disc will be used, again using the write bit for these permissions.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFInterchangeLevel;  

Optional key. NSNumber containing the volume interchange level. See the UDF specs for details.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFMaxInterchangeLevel;  

Optional key. NSNumber containing the maximum volume interchange level number. See the UDF specs for details.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFMaxVolumeSequenceNumber;  

Optional key. NSNumber containing the maximum volume sequence number. See the UDF specs for details.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFPrimaryVolumeDescriptorNumber;  

Optional key. NSNumber containing the primary volume sequence number. See the UDF specs for details.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFRealTimeFile;  

NSNumber indicating whether the file is a UDF Real-Time file.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFVersion102;  

This value is used in DRUDFWriteVersion .

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFVersion150;  

This value is used in DRUDFWriteVersion .

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFVolumeSequenceNumber;  

Optional key. NSNumber containing the volume sequence number. See the UDF specs for details.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFVolumeSetIdentifier;  

Optional key. The Volume Set Identifier for the UDF volume set. If this key is not present, DRVolumeSet will be used if present. The Volume Set Identifier is composed of the Volume Set Timestamp, the Implementation Use, and a the string contained in this property.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString * const DRUDFVolumeSetImplementationUse;  

Optional key. An NSData object (8 bytes in length) for implementation use data. See the UDF specs for details.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFVolumeSetTimestamp;  

Optional key. An NSDate object for the volume set timestamp. See the UDF specs for details.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.


extern NSString* const DRUDFWriteVersion;  

Optional key. This property key defines the version for the UDF structures written to disk. Values are definde in UDF Version types.

Introduced in Mac OS X v10.4.



Mask value determing the presence of a DRFSObject in a specific filesystem.

typedef UInt32 DRFilesystemInclusionMask;  

The filesystem mask is a bitfield which contains a 1 if the object will appear in the corresponding filesystem, and 0 otherwise.


DRFilesystemInclusionMask constants

enum { 
    DRFilesystemInclusionMaskISO9660 = (
    DRFilesystemInclusionMaskJoliet = (
    DRFilesystemInclusionMaskUDF = (
    DRFilesystemInclusionMaskHFSPlus = (
Indicates the object should be included in the ISO9660 filesytem
Indicates the object should be included in the Joliet filesytem
Indicates the object should be included in the UDF filesytem
Indicates the object should be included in the HFS+ filesytem

Mask constants for determing the presence of a DRFSObject in a specific filesystem

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Last Updated: 2008-04-01