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DRBurnSession.h |
Includes: | <AvailabilityMacros.h> |
Burn configuration and progress user interface for Carbon applications
DRBurnSessionBeginProgressDialog |
Presents the progress interface as a non-modal dialog.
extern void DRBurnSessionBeginProgressDialog( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession, CFTypeRef layout, DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptions *options, DRBurnSessionProgressCallbacks *progressCallbacks);
This function present the user with a non-modal dialog that shows the burn progress.
DRBurnSessionCreate |
Creates a new burn session.
extern DRBurnSessionRef DRBurnSessionCreate( void);
A reference to a new DRBurnSession.
DRBurnSessionGetBurn |
Returns the burn object for this session.
extern DRBurnRef DRBurnSessionGetBurn( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession);
A reference to the burn object for the session. If the setup dialog has not been run or a burn object has not been set with DRBurnSessionSetBurn , this function returns NULL.
DRBurnSessionGetTypeID |
Returns the type identifier of all DRBurnSession instances.
extern CFTypeID DRBurnSessionGetTypeID( void);
A Core Foundation type ID.
DRBurnSessionSetBurn |
Sets the burn object for this session.
extern void DRBurnSessionSetBurn( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession, DRBurnRef burn);
DRBurnSessionSetupDialog |
Presents the setup interface as a modal dialog.
extern SInt8 DRBurnSessionSetupDialog( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession, DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptions *options, DRBurnSessionSetupCallbacks *setupCallbacks);
Returns one of the constants defined by Burn Session Dialog Result Codes .
This function present the user with a modal dialog that allows them to configure a burn to their custom settings. These include: the device to use, whether or not to eject the media when finished, the burn speed and others. The function does not return until the user dismissed the dialog.
DRBurnSessionBurnCompleteProcPtr |
Callback notifying the application the burn has finished.
typedef Boolean ( *DRBurnSessionBurnCompleteProcPtr )( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession, DRBurnRef burn);
- The burn session object.
- The burn instance that just finished.
A Boolean value controlling the display of the burn session's error dialog.
This callback is called when the burn operation completes, either successfully or with an error. This function can be used by the application to present it's own custom end-of-burn handling. Return a false return value to prevent the burn session from presenting it's own notification.
DRBurnSessionDeviceCheckProcPtr |
Callback used for checking the suitability of a device.
typedef Boolean ( *DRBurnSessionDeviceCheckProcPtr )( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession, DRDeviceRef device);
- The burn session object.
- The device to examine.
A Boolean value indicating the suitability of the device.
This callback is called whenever a new device appears. It's purpose is to allow the application to filter out devices which do not support the operation to be performed. for example, a device may filter our CD-R/Ws if it is a DVD creation appliacation.
DRBurnSessionDeviceSelectionNotificationProcPtr |
Callback used to notify the application of a new device selected.
typedef void ( *DRBurnSessionDeviceSelectionNotificationProcPtr )( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession, DRDeviceRef device);
- The burn session object.
- The newly selected device.
DRBurnSessionMediaCheckProcPtr |
Callback used for checking the suitability of media in a device.
typedef Boolean ( *DRBurnSessionMediaCheckProcPtr )( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession, DRDeviceRef device, CFStringRef *prompt);
- The burn session object.
- The device containing the media to examine.
- A pointer to a CFStringRef. An application may return a custom message to display in the setup dialog.
A Boolean value indicating the suitability of the media.
This callback is called whenever the state of the media has changed. It's purpose is to allow the application to determine if the media is suitable for the operation to be performed. For example, the application an check to see if there is enough space on the media for the data to be written.
DRBurnSessionProgressBeginNotificationProcPtr |
Callback notifying the application the burn progress is about to begin.
typedef void ( *DRBurnSessionProgressBeginNotificationProcPtr )( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession);
- The burn session object.
This callback is called when the burn progress is about to be displayed. This allows the application to do things such as disable the quit menu item, or the close menu for a document window.
DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptionFlags |
Specifies progress dialog configuration options.
typedef UInt32 DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptionFlags;
DRBurnSessionProgressFinishNotificationProcPtr |
Callback notifying the application the burn progress has finished.
typedef void ( *DRBurnSessionProgressFinishNotificationProcPtr )( DRBurnSessionRef burnSession);
- The burn session object.
This callback is called when the burn progress has been removed from view. This allows the application to do things such as re-enable the quit menu item, or the close menu for a document window.
DRBurnSessionRef |
typedef struct __DRBurnSession* DRBurnSessionRef;
This is the type of a reference to DRBurnSession instances.
DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptionFlags |
Specifies setup dialog configuration options.
typedef UInt32 DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptionFlags;
DRBurnSessionProgressCallbacks |
Callback functions passed to the progress dialog.
struct DRBurnSessionProgressCallbacks { UInt32 version; DRBurnSessionProgressBeginNotificationProcPtr progressWillBegin; DRBurnSessionProgressFinishNotificationProcPtr progressDidFinish; DRBurnSessionBurnCompleteProcPtr burnDidFinish; };
- Identifies the version of this structure.
- Pointer to a DRBurnSessionProgressBeginNotificationProcPtr. The value of this field may be NULL.
- Pointer to a DRBurnSessionProgressFinishNotificationProcPtr. The value of this field may be NULL.
- Pointer to a DRBurnSessionBurnCompleteProcPtr. The value of this field may be NULL.
DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptions |
Options passed into the progress dialog to configure it.
struct DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptions { UInt32 version; DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptionFlags dialogOptionFlags; /* option flags for affecting the dialog's behavior */ CFStringRef description; /* optional description of the burn */ };
- Identifies the version of this structure.
- One of several constants defined by the DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptionFlags data type as described in Burn Progress Dialog Option Flags .
- A CFStringRef that defines a custom description to be used for the dialog. If you do not provide this string (passing NULL), the normal description is used.
DRBurnSessionSetupCallbacks |
Callback functions passed to the setup dialog.
struct DRBurnSessionSetupCallbacks { UInt32 version; DRBurnSessionDeviceCheckProcPtr deviceShouldBeTarget; DRBurnSessionMediaCheckProcPtr containsSuitableMedia; DRBurnSessionDeviceSelectionNotificationProcPtr deviceSelectionChanged; };
- Identifies the version of this structure.
- Pointer to a DRBurnSessionDeviceCheckProcPtr. The value of this field may be NULL.
- Pointer to a DRBurnSessionMediaCheckProcPtr. The value of this field may be NULL.
- Pointer to a DRBurnSessionDeviceSelectionNotificationProcPtr. The value of this field may be NULL.
DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptions |
Options passed into the setup dialog to configure it.
struct DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptions { UInt32 version; DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptionFlags dialogOptionFlags; /* option flags for affecting the dialog's behavior */ CFStringRef defaultButtonTitle; /* title of default button */ };
- Identifies the version of this structure.
- One of several constants defined by the DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptionFlags data type as described in Burn Setup Dialog Option Flags .
- A CFStringRef that defines a custom title to be used for the dialog's default button. If you do not provide this string (passing NULL), the normal button title is used.
Burn Progress Dialog Option Flags |
enum { kBurnSessionProgressDialogDefaultOptions = 0x00000000, /* use defaults for all the options */ kBurnSessionProgressDialogDisplayVerboseProgress = 0x00000001 /* Report all status changes in detail */ };
- Use defaults for all the options
- Report all status changes in detail
Flags used to configure the burn progress dialog behavior
Burn Session Dialog Result Codes |
enum { kDRBurnSessionOK = 1, kDRBurnSessionCancel = 0, };
- Value returned by the setup dialog when the user has confirmed the burn setup.
- Value returned by the setup dialog when the user has canceled the burn setup.
Return codes for the burn session setup dialog.
Burn Setup Dialog Option Flags |
enum { kBurnSessionSetupDialogDefaultOptions = 0x00000000, /* use defaults for all the options */ kBurnSessionSetupDialogForceClosedDiscs = 0x00000001, /* Force discs to be closed (not appendable) */ kBurnSessionSetupDialogDontHandleReservations = 0x00000002, /* Don't handle media reservations. Application handles them itself */ kBurnSessionSetupDialogAllowTestBurns = 0x80000004 /* Allow the user to perform a test burn */ };
- Use defaults for all the options
- Force discs to be closed (not appendable)
- Burn session does not handle media reservations. Application handles them itself
- Allow the user to perform a test burn
Flags used to configure the burn setup dialog behavior
DRBurnSessionProgressDialogOptions struct version |
enum { kBurnSessionProgressDialogOptionsCurrentVersion = 1 };
DRBurnSessionSetupCallbacks struct version |
enum { kDRBurnSessionSetupCallbacksCurrentVersion = 1 };
DRBurnSessionSetupDialogOptions struct version |
enum { kBurnSessionSetupDialogOptionsCurrentVersion = 1 };
kDRBurnProgressSetupCallbacksCurrentVersion struct version |
enum { kDRBurnProgressSetupCallbacksCurrentVersion = 1 };