Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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The favorite class

The favorite class provides access to the items in the favorites drawer. You can use this class to get the name of every favorite or open a particular favorite. Favorites can be specified by index or name.

Class favorite: A reference to a QuickTime movie.

          Plural form:



               class type class [r/o]

                    -- the class

               name string

                    -- the name of the favorite

               kind file/internet location [r/o]

                    -- the kind of the favorite.

Some examples of how you would use various properties of the favorite class: 

-- opening favorites --

               open favorite "Disney"

               open favorite 4

               open fourth favorite

-- get name of favorite --

               get the name of the 3rd favorite in application "QuickTime


-- get favorite kind

               get the kind of the 3rd favorite in application "QuickTime


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Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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