Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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The file class

QuickTime movies stored on a local disk store their content in one or more files. If the movie uses more than one file, it may not play back correctly when it is copied to another computer unless its associated files--dependencies--are copied also. You can use the file class to determine which files a movie is dependent on. If the movie uses only one file and its name matches the filename of the open movie, the movie is self-contained (has no dependencies) and can be safely copied to other computers or the Internet for playback.

Class file: A movie file

Plural form:



               class type class [r/o]

                    -- the class

               nameinternational text [r/o]

                    -- the name of the file

Some examples of how you would use various properties of the file class:

-- get name of file --

               get the name of the first file

               get the name of every file

-- count all annotations --

               count every file

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Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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