Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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New Movie Media Handler APIs to Handle Data References

The Movie Media Handler maintains a dynamic list of data references to movies that may be loaded. Each data reference is accessed by ID; IDs should be unique positive integers. When a new sample is loaded, the list is cleared and data references from the new sample are loaded into this list.

Three new API routines, discussed as follows, let you add new data references, look up existing data references, and a load a movie from a data reference referred to by its ID.

Note:  These data references are not written to disk; they are temporary for this instantiation of the Movie Media Handler. Note that you are not changing the movie, just the changing the runtime property of it.


pascal ComponentResult MovieMediaSetChildMovieDataReference
                     ( MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID dataRefID, OSType dataRefType, Handle dataRef 

Adds a data reference specified by dataRefType and dataRef with ID of dataRefID to the Movie Media Handler's dynamic list.


pascal ComponentResult MovieMediaGetChildMovieDataReference
                     ( MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID dataRefID, OSType* dataRefType, Handle* 
                     dataRef )

Returns a data reference in dataRefType and dataRef with ID from dataRefID to the Movie Media Handler's dynamic list.


pascal ComponentResult MovieMediaLoadChildMovieFromDataReference( MediaHandler mh, QTAtomID 
                     dataRefID )

Replaces the current movie displayed by the Movie Media Handler with the one specified by dataRefID. The new movie inherits the settings, such as audio and spatial slaving.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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