Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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New Movie Media Handler APIs

This section discusses the new Movie Media Handler APIs available in QuickTime 4.1.


pascal ComponentResult MovieMediaGetCurrentMovieProperty( MediaHandler mh, OSType 
                     whichProperty, void *value )

This function allows an application to find out certain information about the currently instantiated embedded movie. The property for which information is desired is passed in the whichProperty parameter. The result is returned in the value parameter. The type of value parameter depends on the value of the whichProperty parameter.


This parameter has a type of TimeValue and returns the result of calling GetMovieDuration on the embedded movie.


This parameter has a type of TimeScale and returns the result of calling GetMovieTimeScale on the embedded movie.


This parameter has a type of TimeRecord and returns the result of calling GetMovieTime on the embedded movie.


This parameter has a type of Rect and returns the result of calling GetMovieNaturalBoundsRect on the embedded movie.


This parameter has a type of MatrixRecord and returns the result of calling GetMovieMatrix on the embedded movie.


This parameter has a type of long **. It returns an array of UInt32 values, where each value is the ID of one of tracks in the embedded movie. These track ID's can be passed to MovieMediaGetCurrentTrackProperty to find out information about the tracks of an embedded movie.


pascal ComponentResult MovieMediaGetCurrentTrackProperty
                     ( MediaHandler mh, long trackID, OSType whichProperty, void *value )

This function allows an application to find out certain information about the tracks of the currently instantiated embedded movie. The track to retrieve information about is specified by passing the id of the track in the trackID parameter. The ID's of all the tracks in the movie can be obtained by calling MovieMediaGetCurrentMovieProperty. The property for which information is desired is passed in the whichProperty parameter. The result is returned in the value parameter. The type of value parameter depends on the value of the whichProperty parameter.


This parameter has a type of OSType and returns the result of calling GetMediaHandlerDescription on the Media of the requested track.

New Movie Media Handler APIs to Handle Data References

Movie Media Handler Tasks

Using the Streaming Media Handler

A Note to Authors of Media Handlers

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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