Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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Support for Data URLs

QuickTime 4.1 now provides support for the "data:" URL scheme. You can avoid the overhead of a separate HTTP transaction for small files by embedding the data directly into the SMIL file using a data URL instead. The specification for this scheme is available at:


URLs are of the form:


A number of applications can Base64 encode files; a useful one is MPack, which is available free at:


An example SMIL document that uses the "data:" scheme is shown in Listing 3.

Note that these data URLs cannot have line breaks in them, though they are printed that way to fit on a page in Listing 3.

Listing 3  Usage of the "data:" scheme, producing a GIF image

<!--DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC    "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 1.0//EN"

            <region id="j" width="64" height="64" fit="fill" />

JaloqEI0uXilNznAA8YBChJmGEMKOjIBmFja8JfK5pU0iwJJaOJ2K6KLYdsbyRLlE+H6e1AAADs=" dur="5s" region="j" />


The SMIL document shown in Listing 4 lets you create a simple text display, using text descriptors, as described at


Listing 4  A simple text display using text descriptors

<!--DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SMIL 1.0//EN"


                        <region id="j" width="160" height="48" fit="fill" />

0.000]%0dTheamazing%0dQuickTime%0d[00:00:04.000]" dur="4s" region="j" />


© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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