Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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New Movie Property Atom Toolbox Routines

Similar to the GetMediaPropertyAtom and SetMediaPropertyAtom routines, QuickTime 4.1 introduces GetMoviePropertyAtom and SetMoviePropertyAtom routines. These routines allow an atom container of structured data to be associated with a movie. This information is saved in a movie resource.

The kQTEventMovieLoaded looks for an atom of type kQTEventMovieLoaded in a movie's property atom container when a MovieTrack loads a new movie.

GetMoviePropertyAtom (Movie theMovie, QTAtomContainer * propertyAtom)

This routine allocates and returns in propertyAtom an atom container containing a copy of theMovie's properties' atom container.

SetMoviePropertyAtom (Movie theMovie, QTAtomContainer propertyAtom)

This routine sets the contents of theMovie's property atom container to the contents of the propertyAtom atom container.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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