Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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New Movie Controller Actions

mcActionDoScript allows a movie to send requests to execute scripts of various sorts to a host application. The parameter is a QTDoScriptPtr.

struct QTDoScriptRecord {
long scriptTypeFlags;
char *command;
char *arguments;
typedef QTDoScriptRecord *QTDoScriptPtr;

The scriptTypeFlags currently defined are:

enum {
        kScriptIsUnknownType = 1L << 0
        kScriptIsJavaScript = 1L << 1,
        kScriptIsLingoEvent = 1L << 2,
        kScriptIsVBEvent = 1L << 3,
        kScriptIsProjectorCommand = 1L << 4

For more information, see the explanation above of the new wired action kActionDoScript.


This allows a movie to be restarted at a particular time and rate.

The parameter is a QTRestartAtTimePtr.

struct QTRestartAtTimeRecord {
    TimeValue       startTime;  /* time scale is the movie timescale*/
    Fixed           rate;       /* if rate is zero, the movie's current 
                                rate is maintained*/
typedef struct QTRestartAtTimeRecord QTRestartAtTimeRecord;
typedef QTRestartAtTimeRecord *QTRestartAtTimePtr;

For more information, see the explanation above of the new wired action kActionMovieRestartAtTime.

© 2000 Apple Computer, Inc.

Inside Macintosh: QuickTime Reference

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