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Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Reference

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Certificate, Key, and Trust Services provides a C API for managing certificates, public and private keys, and trust policies. You can use these services in your application to:

Certificate, Key, and Trust Services can be used in applications running in Aspen.

Functions by Task

Getting Type Identifiers

Managing Certificates

Managing Identities

Cryptography and Digital Signatures

Managing Policies

Managing Trust

Managing Trust Settings

Reporting Errors



Adds a certificate to a keychain.

OSStatus SecCertificateAddToKeychain (
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   SecKeychainRef keychain


The certificate object for the certificate to add to the keychain.


The keychain object for the keychain to which you want to add the certificate. Pass NULL to add the certificate to the default keychain.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


This function requires a certificate object, which can, for example, be created with the SecCertificateCreateFromData function or obtained over a network (see Secure Transport Reference). If the certificate has already been added to the specified keychain, the function returns errSecDuplicateItem and does not add another copy to the keychain. The function looks at the certificate data, not at the certificate object, to determine whether the certificate is a duplicate. It considers two certificates to be duplicates if they have the same primary key attributes.

Declared In


Retrieves the common name of the subject of a certificate.

OSStatus SecCertificateCopyCommonName(
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   CFStringRef *commonName


The certificate object from which to retrieve the common name.


On return, points to the common name. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

Declared In


Retrieves the email addresses for the subject of a certificate.

OSStatus SecCertificateCopyEmailAddresses(
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   CFArrayRef *emailAddresses


The certificate object from which to retrieve the email addresses.


On return, an array of zero or more CFStringRef elements, each containing one email address found in the certificate subject. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


Not every certificate subject includes an email address. If the function does not find any email addresses, it returns a CFArrayRef object with zero elements in the array.

Declared In


Retrieves the preferred certificate for the specified name and key use.

OSStatus SecCertificateCopyPreference(
   CFStringRef name,
   CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage,
   SecCertificateRef *certificate


A string containing an email address (RFC822) or other name for which a preferred certificate is requested.


A key use value, as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Pass 0 to ignore this parameter.


On return, a reference to the preferred certificate, or NULL if none was found. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


This function is typically used to obtain the preferred encryption certificate for an email recipient.

See Also
Declared In


Retrieves the public key from a certificate.

OSStatus SecCertificateCopyPublicKey(
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   SecKeyRef *key


The certificate object from which to retrieve the public key.


On return, points to the public key for the specified certificate. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a certificate object based on the specified data, type, and encoding.

OSStatus SecCertificateCreateFromData (
   const CSSM_DATA *data,
   SecCertificateRef *certificate


A pointer to the certificate data. The data must be an X509 certificate in binary format.


The certificate type as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Permissible values are CSSM_CERT_X_509v1, CSSM_CERT_X_509v2, and CSSM_CERT_X_509v3. If you are unsure of the certificate type, use CSSM_CERT_X_509v3.


The certificate encoding as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Permissible values are CSSM_CERT_ENCODING_BER and CSSM_CERT_ENCODING_DER. If you are unsure of the encoding, use CSSM_CERT_ENCODING_BER.


On return, points to the newly created certificate object. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The certificate object returned by this function is used as input to several other functions in the API.

Declared In


Retrieves the algorithm identifier for a certificate.

OSStatus SecCertificateGetAlgorithmID(
   SecCertificateRef certificate,


The certificate object from which to retrieve the algorithm identifier.


On return, points to a struct that identifies the algorithm for this certificate. This pointer remains valid until the certificate reference is released. Do not attempt to free this pointer.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The CSSM_X509_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER struct is defined in Security.framework/x509defs.h and discussed in Common Security: CDSA and CSSM, version 2 (with corrigenda) from The Open Group ( Possible algorithms are enumerated in Security.framework/oidsalg.h.

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Retrieves the certificate library handle from a certificate object.

OSStatus SecCertificateGetCLHandle (
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   CSSM_CL_HANDLE *clHandle


The certificate object from which to obtain the certificate library handle.


On return, points to the certificate library handle of the specified certificate. This handle remains valid until the certificate object is released.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The certificate library handle is the CSSM identifier of the certificate library module that is managing the certificate. The certificate library handle is used as an input to a number of CSSM functions.

Declared In


Retrieves the data for a certificate.

OSStatus SecCertificateGetData (
   SecCertificateRef certificate,


A certificate object for the certificate from which to retrieve the data.


On return, points to the data for the certificate specified. You must allocate the space for a CSSM_DATA structure before calling this function. This data pointer is only guaranteed to remain valid as long as the certificate remains unchanged and valid.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


This function requires a certificate object, which can, for example, be created with the SecCertificateCreateFromData function, obtained from an identity with the SecIdentityCopyCertificate function, or obtained over a network (see Secure Transport Reference).

Related Sample Code
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OSStatus SecCertificateGetIssuer (
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   CSSM_X509_NAME *issuer

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OSStatus SecCertificateGetItem (
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   SecKeychainItemRef *item

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OSStatus SecCertificateGetSubject (
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   CSSM_X509_NAME *subject

Declared In


Retrieves the type of a specified certificate.

OSStatus SecCertificateGetType (
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   CSSM_CERT_TYPE *certificateType


A certificate object for the certificate for which to obtain the type.


On return, points to the type of the specified certificate. Certificate types are defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. You must allocate the space for a CSSM_CERT_TYPE structure before calling this function.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

Declared In


Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a SecCertificate object belongs.

CFTypeID SecCertificateGetTypeID (

Return Value

A value that identifies the opaque type of a SecCertificateRef object.


This function returns a value that uniquely identifies the opaque type of a SecCertificateRef object. You can compare this value to the CFTypeID identifier obtained by calling the CFGetTypeID function on a specific object. These values might change from release to release or platform to platform.

Declared In


Sets the preferred certificate for a specified name, key use, and date.

OSStatus SecCertificateSetPreference(
   SecCertificateRef certificate,
   CFStringRef name,
   CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage,
   CFDateRef date


The certificate object identifying the preferred certificate.


A string containing an email address (RFC822) or other name with which the preferred certificate is to be associated.


A key use value, as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Pass 0 if you don’t want to specify a particular key use.


The date after which this preference is no longer valid. If supplied, the preferred certificate is changed only if this date is later than the currently saved setting. Pass NULL if this preference should not be restricted by date.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


This function is typically used to set the preferred encryption certificate for an email recipient, either manually (when encrypting email to a recipient) or automatically upon receipt of encrypted email.

See Also
Declared In


Returns a string describing an error.

CFStringRef SecCopyErrorMessageString(
   OSStatus status,
   void *reserved


An error result code of type OSStatus or CSSM_RETURN, as returned by a security or CSSM function.


Reserved for future use. Pass NULL in this parameter.

Return Value

A reference to an error string, or NULL if no error string is available for the specified result code. You must release this reference when you are finished with it by calling the CFRelease function.


The error strings returned by this function are taken from the SecBase.h header file and are therefore not localizable.

Declared In


Retrieves a certificate associated with an identity.

OSStatus SecIdentityCopyCertificate (
   SecIdentityRef identityRef,
   SecCertificateRef *certificateRef


The identity object for the identity whose certificate you wish to retrieve.


On return, points to the certificate object associated with the specified identity.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


An identity is a digital certificate together with its associated private key.

For a certificate in a keychain, you can cast the SecCertificateRef data type to a SecKeychainItemRef for use with Keychain Services functions.

Declared In


Returns the preferred identity for the specified name and key use.

OSStatus SecIdentityCopyPreference(
   CFStringRef name,
   CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage,
   CFArrayRef validIssuers,
   SecIdentityRef *identity


A string containing a URI, RFC822 email address, DNS hostname, or other name that uniquely identifies the service requiring an identity.


A key use value, as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Pass 0 if you don’t want to specify a particular key use.


An array of CFDataRef instances whose contents are the subject names of allowable issuers, as returned by a call to SSLCopyDistinguishedNames (Security.framework/SecureTransport.h). Pass NULL if you don’t want to limit the search to specific issuers.


On return, a reference to the preferred identity, or NULL if none was found. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


If a preferred identity has not been set for the specified name, the returned identity reference is NULL. You should then typically perform a search for possible identities, using SecIdentitySearchCreate and SecIdentitySearchCopyNext , allowing the user to choose from a list if more than one is found.

See Also
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Retrieves the private key associated with an identity.

OSStatus SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey (
   SecIdentityRef identityRef,
   SecKeyRef *privateKeyRef


The identity object for the identity whose private key you wish to retrieve.


On return, points to the private key object for the specified identity. The private key must be of class type kSecAppleKeyItemClass.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


An identity is a digital certificate together with its associated private key.

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Obtains the system-wide identity associated with a specified domain.

OSStatus SecIdentityCopySystemIdentity(
   CFStringRef domain,
   SecIdentityRef *idRef,
   CFStringRef *actualDomain


The domain for which you want to find an identity, typically in reverse DNS notation, such as You may also pass the values defined in “System Identity Domains.”


On return, the identity object of the system-wide identity associated with the specified domain. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.


On return, the actual domain name of the returned identity object is returned here. This may be different from the requested domain. Pass NULL if you do not want this information.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


If no system-wide identity exists for the specified domain, a domain-specific alternate may be returned instead, typically (but not exclusively) the system-wide default identity (kSecIdentityDomainDefault).

See Also
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Creates a new identity for a certificate and its associated private key.

OSStatus SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate(
   CFTypeRef keychainOrArray,
   SecCertificateRef certificateRef,
   SecIdentityRef *identityRef


A reference to a keychain or an array of keychains to search for the associated private key. Specify NULL to search the user's default keychain search list.


The certificate for which you want to create an identity.


On return, an identity object for the certificate and its associated private key. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

Declared In


Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a SecIdentity object belongs.

CFTypeID SecIdentityGetTypeID (

Return Value

A value that identifies the opaque type of a SecIdentityRef object.


This function returns a value that uniquely identifies the opaque type of a SecIdentityRef object. You can compare this value to the CFTypeID identifier obtained by calling the CFGetTypeID function on a specific object. These values might change from release to release or platform to platform.

Related Sample Code
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Finds the next identity matching specified search criteria

OSStatus SecIdentitySearchCopyNext (
   SecIdentitySearchRef searchRef,
   SecIdentityRef *identity


An identity search object specifying the search criteria for this search. You create the identity search object by calling the SecIdentitySearchCreate function.


On return, points to the identity object of the next matching identity (if any). Call the CFRelease function to release this object when finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. When there are no more identities that match the parameters specified to SecIdentitySearchCreate, errSecItemNotFound is returned. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

Related Sample Code
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Creates a search object for finding identities.

OSStatus SecIdentitySearchCreate (
   CFTypeRef keychainOrArray,
   CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage,
   SecIdentitySearchRef *searchRef


A keychain object for a single keychain to search, an array of keychain objects for a set of keychains to search, or NULL to search the user’s default keychain search list.


ACSSM key use value as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. (Note that, because key recovery is not implemented, the SIGN_RECOVER and VERIFY_RECOVER constants are not supported.) Use this parameter to filter the search by specifying the key use for the identity. Pass 0 if you want all identities returned by this search. Pass CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY to limit the identities returned to those that can be used for every operation.


On return, points to the identity search object. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are done with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


You can OR CSSM_KEYUSE values together to set more than one value for key use. Use the returned search object in calls to the SecIdentitySearchCopyNext function to obtain identities that match the search criteria.

Related Sample Code
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Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a SecIdentitySearch object belongs.

CFTypeID SecIdentitySearchGetTypeID (

Return Value

A value that identifies the opaque type of a SecIdentitySearchRef object.


This function returns a value that uniquely identifies the opaque type of a SecIdentitySearchRef object. You can compare this value to the CFTypeID identifier obtained by calling the CFGetTypeID function on a specific object. These values might change from release to release or platform to platform.

Declared In


Sets the preferred identity for the specified name and key use.

OSStatus SecIdentitySetPreference(
   SecIdentityRef identity,
   CFStringRef name,
   CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage


A reference to the preferred identity.


A string containing a URI, RFC822 email address, DNS host name, or other name that uniquely identifies a service requiring this identity.


A key use value, as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Pass 0 if you don’t want to specify a particular key use.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

See Also
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Assigns the system-wide identity to be associated with a specified domain.

OSStatus SecIdentitySetSystemIdentity(
   CFStringRef domain,
   SecIdentityRef idRef


The domain to which the specified identity will be assigned, typically in reverse DNS notation, such as You may also pass the values defined in “System Identity Domains.”


The identity to be assigned to the specified domain. Pass NULL to delete any currently-assigned identity for the specified domain; in this case, it is not an error if no identity exists for the specified domain.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The caller must be running as root.

See Also
Declared In


Creates an asymmetric key pair and stores it in a keychain.

OSStatus SecKeyCreatePair (
   SecKeychainRef keychainRef,
   CSSM_ALGORITHMS algorithm,
   uint32 keySizeInBits,
   CSSM_CC_HANDLE contextHandle,
   CSSM_KEYUSE publicKeyUsage,
   uint32 publicKeyAttr,
   CSSM_KEYUSE privateKeyUsage,
   uint32 privateKeyAttr,
   SecAccessRef initialAccess,
   SecKeyRef *publicKey,
   SecKeyRef *privateKey


The keychain object for the keychain in which to store the private and public key items. Specify NULL for the default keychain.


The algorithm to use to generate the key pair. Possible values are defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Algorithms supported by the AppleCSP module are listed in Security Release Notes. This parameter is ignored if the contextHandle parameter is not 0.


A key size for the key pair. See Security Release Notes for permissible key sizes for each algorithm supported by the AppleCSP module.


A CSSM CSP handle, or 0. If this argument is not 0, the algorithm and keySizeInBits parameters are ignored.


A bit mask indicating all permitted uses for the new public key. The possible values for the CSSM_KEYUSE data type are defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h.


A bit mask defining attribute values for the new public key. The bit mask values are equivalent to those defined for CSSM_KEYATTR_FLAGS in Security.framework/cssmtype.h.


A bit mask indicating all permitted uses for the new private key. The possible values for the CSSM_KEYUSE data type are defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h.


A bit mask defining attribute values for the new private key. The bit mask values are defined in CSSM_KEYATTR_FLAGS in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Supported values are CSSM_KETATTR_EXTRACTABLE (the key can be taken out of the keychain) and CSSM_KEYATTR_SENSITIVE (an extractable key can be taken out of the keychain only in wrapped form—that is, encrypted). (Note that you must set both of these bits if you want the key to be extractable in wrapped form.) For any other value of this attribute, the key cannot be taken out of the keychain under any circumstances.


An access object that sets the initial access control list for each of the keys returned. See “Creating an Access Object” in Keychain Services Reference for functions that create an access object. For default access, specify NULL. The default is free access to the tool or application that calls this function, with attempted access to sensitive information by any other application causing a confirmation dialog to be displayed.


On return, points to the keychain item object of the new public key. Use this object as input to the SecKeyGetCSSMKey function to obtain the CSSM_KEY structure containing the key. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.


On return, points to the keychain item object of the new private key. Use this object as input to the SecKeyGetCSSMKey function to obtain the CSSM_KEY structure containing the key. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


This function uses default values for any attributes required by specific key-generation algorithms. Algorithms supported by the AppleCSP module are listed in Security Release Notes. For details about algorithms and default values for key-generation parameters, download the CDSA security framework from the ADC website at and read the file Supported_CSP_Algorithms.doc in the Documentation folder.

If you need extra parameters to generate a key—as required by some algortihms—call SecKeychainGetCSPHandle to obtain a CSSM CSP handle and then call CSSM_CSP_CreateKeyGenContext to create a context. With this context, use CSSM_UpdateContextAttributes to add additional parameters. Finally, call CSSM_DeleteContext to dispose of the context after calling this function.

See Also
Declared In


Creates a symmetric key and optionally stores it in a keychain.

OSStatus SecKeyGenerate(
   SecKeychainRef keychainRef,
   CSSM_ALGORITHMS algorithm,
   uint32 keySizeInBits,
   CSSM_CC_HANDLE contextHandle,
   CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage,
   uint32 keyAttr,
   SecAccessRef initialAccess,
   SecKeyRef* keyRef


The keychain in which to store the generated key. Specify NULL to generate a transient key.


The algorithm to use in generating the symmetric key. Possible values are defined in cssmtype.h. Algorithms supported by the AppleCSP module are listed in Security Release Notes. This parameter is ignored if the contextHandle parameter is not 0.


A key size for the key pair. This parameter is ignored if the contextHandle parameter is not 0.


A CSSM CSP handle, or 0. If this argument is not 0, the algorithm and keySizeInBits parameters are ignored.


A bit mask indicating all permitted uses for the new key. The possible values for the CSSM_KEYUSE data type are defined in cssmtype.h.


A bit mask defining attribute values for the new key. The bit mask values are defined in CSSM_KEYATTR_FLAGS in cssmtype.h.


An access object that sets the initial access control list for the key returned. See “Creating an Access Object” in Keychain Services Reference for functions that create an access object. This parameter is ignored if you specify NULL for the keychainRef parameter.


On return, points to the keychain item object of the new public key. Use this object as input to the SecKeyGetCSSMKey function to obtain the CSSM_KEY structure containing the key. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


Key-generation algorithms supported by the AppleCSP module are listed in Security Release Notes. For details about algorithms and default values for key-generation parameters, download the CDSA security framework from the ADC website at and read the file Supported_CSP_Algorithms.doc in the Documentation folder.

If you need extra parameters to generate a key—as required by some algortihms—call SecKeychainGetCSPHandle to obtain a CSSM CSP handle and then call CSSM_CSP_CreateKeyGenContext to create a context. With this context, use CSSM_UpdateContextAttributes to add additional parameters. Finally, call CSSM_DeleteContext to dispose of the context after calling this function.

See Also
Declared In


Returns an access credential for a key.

OSStatus SecKeyGetCredentials(
   SecKeyRef keyRef,
   SecCredentialType credentialType,
   const CSSM_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS **outCredentials


The key for which you want an access credential.


The type of operation to be performed with this key. Possible values are listed under “Authorization tag types” in Security.framework/cssmtype.h.


The type of credential requested. See “Key Credential Type Constants” for possible values.


On return, points to an access credential for the specified key. This pointer remains valid until the key reference is released. Do not attempt to modify or free this data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


An access credential is required as an input to a number of CSSM functions.

Declared In


Returns the CSSM CSP handle for a key.

OSStatus SecKeyGetCSPHandle(
   SecKeyRef keyRef,
   CSSM_CSP_HANDLE *cspHandle


The key for which you want a CSSM CSP handle.


On return, points to the CSSM CSP handle for the specified key. This pointer remains valid until the key reference is released. Do not attempt to modify or free this data.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


A CSSM CSP handle is required as an input to a number of CSSM functions.

Declared In


Retrieves a pointer to the CSSM_KEY structure containing the key stored in a keychain item.

OSStatus SecKeyGetCSSMKey (
   SecKeyRef key,
   const CSSM_KEY **cssmKey


A keychain key item object.


A pointer to a CSSM_KEY structure for the specified key. You should not modify or free this data, because it is owned by the system.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The CSSM_KEY structure is used to represent keys in CSSM and is used as an input value to several CSSM functions. The CSSM_KEY structure is valid until the keychain item object is released.

Declared In


Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a SecKey object belongs.

CFTypeID SecKeyGetTypeID (

Return Value

A value that identifies the opaque type of a SecKeyRef object.


This function returns a value that uniquely identifies the opaque type of a SecKeyRef object. You can compare this value to the CFTypeID identifier obtained by calling the CFGetTypeID function on a specific object. These values might change from release to release or platform to platform.

Declared In


Retrieves a policy’s object identifier.

OSStatus SecPolicyGetOID (
   SecPolicyRef policyRef,
   CSSM_OID *oid


The policy object for which to obtain the object identifier. You can obtain a policy object with the SecPolicySearchCopyNext function.


On return, points to the policy’s object identifier. This identifier is owned by the policy object and remains valid until that object is destroyed; do not release it separately.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The policy’s object identifier, in the form of a CSSM_OID structure, is used in the CSSM API together with the policy’s value. Use the SecPolicyGetValue function to obtain the value that corresponds to this object identifier.

Declared In


Retrieves the trust policy handle for a policy object.

OSStatus SecPolicyGetTPHandle (
   SecPolicyRef policyRef,
   CSSM_TP_HANDLE *tpHandle


The policy object from which to obtain the trust policy handle.


On return, points to the policy object’s trust policy handle. The handle remains valid until the policy object is released.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The trust policy handle is the CSSM identifier of the trust policy module that is managing the certificate. The trust policy handle is uses as an input to a number of CSSM functions.

Declared In


Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a SecPolicy object belongs.

CFTypeID SecPolicyGetTypeID (

Return Value

A value that identifies the opaque type of a SecPolicyRef object.


This function returns a value that uniquely identifies the opaque type of a SecPolicyRef object. You can compare this value to the CFTypeID identifier obtained by calling the CFGetTypeID function on a specific object. These values might change from release to release or platform to platform.

Declared In


Retrieves a policy’s value.

OSStatus SecPolicyGetValue (
   SecPolicyRef policyRef,
   CSSM_DATA *value


The policy object for which to retrieve the value.


On return, points to the policy’s value. This value is owned by the policy object and remains valid until that object is destroyed; do not release it separately.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


A policy’s value is defined and interpreted by the policy. If you are using CSSM, you can specify object-identifier–policy-value pairs as input to the CSSM_TP_POLICYINFO function. Use the SecPolicyGetOID function to obtain the object identifier (OID) for a policy.

Depending on how the policy uses the value, the value can be specific to a transaction. Because some other process might be using this policy object, it is best not to assign a new value to the policy using the same policy object. Instead, obtain a new policy object before assigning a new value to the policy.

See Also
Declared In


Retrieves a policy object for the next policy matching specified search criteria.

OSStatus SecPolicySearchCopyNext (
   SecPolicySearchRef searchRef,
   SecPolicyRef *policyRef


A policy search object specifying the search criteria for this search. You create the policy search object by calling the SecPolicySearchCreate function.


On return, points to the policy object for the next policy (if any) matching the specified search criteria. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. When there are no more policies that match the parameters specified to SecPolicySearchCreate, errSecPolicyNotFound is returned. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

Declared In


Creates a search object for finding policies.

OSStatus SecPolicySearchCreate (
   CSSM_CERT_TYPE certType,
   const CSSM_OID *policyOID,
   const CSSM_DATA *value,
   SecPolicySearchRef *searchRef


The type of certificates a policy uses, as defined in Security.framework/cssmtype.h. Permissible values are CSSM_CERT_X_509v1, CSSM_CERT_X_509v2, and CSSM_CERT_X_509v3. If you are unsure of the certificate type, use CSSM_CERT_X_509v3.


A pointer to a BER-encoded policy object identifier that uniquely specifies the policy. See “AppleX509TP Trust Policies” for a list of policies and object identifiers provided by the AppleX509TP module.


A pointer to an optional, policy-defined value. The contents of this value depend on the policy object identifier specified. (Note that this parameter refers to the value stored in MDS and is not related to the value parameter of the SecPolicyGetValue function.) Currently the function does not use this parameter; pass NULL for this pointer.


On return, points to the newly created policy search object. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


You use the search object created by this function in subsequent calls to the SecPolicySearchCopyNext function to obtain trust policy objects. Policies are stored in the Module Directory Services (MDS) database. MDS is described in detail in “Part 8: Module Directory Service (MDS)” of Common Security: CDSA and CSSM, version 2 (with corrigenda) from The Open Group (

Declared In


Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a SecPolicySearch object belongs.

CFTypeID SecPolicySearchGetTypeID (

Return Value

A value that identifies the opaque type of a SecPolicySearchRef object.


This function returns a value that uniquely identifies the opaque type of a SecPolicySearchRef object. You can compare this value to the CFTypeID identifier obtained by calling the CFGetTypeID function on a specific object. These values might change from release to release or platform to platform.

Declared In


Sets a policy's value.

OSStatus SecPolicySetValue(
   SecPolicyRef policyRef,
   const CSSM_DATA *value


The policy object whose value you wish to set.


The value to be set into the policy object, replacing any previous value.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


A policy’s value is defined and interpreted by the policy. If you are using CSSM, you can specify object-identifier–policy-value pairs as input to the CSSM_TP_POLICYINFO function. Use the SecPolicyGetOID function to obtain the object identifier (OID) for a policy.

Depending on how the policy uses the value, the value can be specific to a transaction. Because some other process might be using this policy object, it is best not to assign a new value to the policy using the same policy object. Instead, obtain a new policy object before assigning a new value to the policy.

See Also
Declared In


Retrieves the anchor (root) certificates stored by Mac OS X.

OSStatus SecTrustCopyAnchorCertificates (
   CFArrayRef *anchors


On return, points to an array of certificate objects for trusted anchor (root) certificates, which is the default set of anchors for the caller. Call the CFRelease function to release the CFArrayRef object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


This function retrieves the certificates in the system’s store of anchor certificates (see SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates). You can use the SecCertificateRef objects retrieved by this function as input to other functions of this API, such as SecTrustCreateWithCertificates. If you want references to the anchor certificates in a form appropriate for calls to the CSSM API, use the SecTrustGetCSSMAnchorCertificates function instead.

Declared In


Retrieves the custom anchor certificates, if any, used by a given trust.

OSStatus SecTrustCopyCustomAnchorCertificates(
   SecTrustRef trust,
   CFArrayRef *anchors


The trust management object from which you wish to retrieve the custom anchor certificates.


On return, a reference to an array of SecCertificateRef objects representing the set of anchor certificates that are considered valid (trusted) anchors by the SecTrustEvaluate function when verifying a certificate using the trust management object in the trust parameter. Returns NULL if no custom anchors have been specified. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


You can use the SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates function to set custom anchor certificates.

See Also
Declared In


Retrieves the policies used by a given trust management object.

OSStatus SecTrustCopyPolicies(
   SecTrustRef trust,
   CFArrayRef *policies


The trust management object whose policies you wish to retrieve.


On return, an array of SecPolicyRef objects for the policies used by this trust management object. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

See Also
Declared In


Creates a trust management object based on certificates and policies.

OSStatus SecTrustCreateWithCertificates (
   CFArrayRef certificates,
   CFTypeRef policies,
   SecTrustRef *trustRef


The certificate to be verified, plus any other certificates you think might be useful for verifying the certificate. The certificate to be verified must be the first in the array. If you want to specify only one certificate, you can pass a SecCertificateRef object; otherwise, pass an array of SecCertificateRef objects.


References to one or more policies to be evaluated. You can pass a single SecPolicyRef object, or an array of one or more SecPolicyRef objects. Use the SecPolicySearchCopyNext function to obtain policy objects. If you pass in multiple policies, all policies must verify for the certificate chain to be considered valid.


On return, points to the newly created trust management object. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The trust management object includes a reference to the certificate to be verified, plus pointers to the policies to be evaluated for those certificates. You can optionally include references to other certificates, including anchor certificates, that you think might be in the certificate chain needed to verify the first (leaf) certificate. Any input certificates that turn out to be irrelevant are harmlessly ignored. Call the SecTrustEvaluate function to evaluate the trust for the returned trust management object.

If not all the certificates needed to verify the leaf certificate are included in the certificates parameter, SecTrustEvaluate searches for certificates in the keychain search list (see SecTrustSetKeychains) and in the system’s store of anchor certificates (see SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates). However, you should gain a significant performance benefit by passing in the entire certificate chain, in order, in the certificates parameter.

Declared In


Evaluates trust for the specified certificate and policies.

OSStatus SecTrustEvaluate (
   SecTrustRef trust,
   SecTrustResultType *result


The trust management object to evaluate. A trust management object includes the certificate to be verified plus the policy or policies to be used in evaluating trust. It can optionally also include other certificates to be used in verifying the first certificate. Use the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function to create a trust management object.


On return, points to a result type reflecting the result of this evaluation. See “Trust Result Type Constants” for descriptions of possible values.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


This function evaluates a certificate’s validity to establish trust for a particular use—for example, in creating a digital signature or to establish a Secure Sockets Layer connection. Before you call this function, you can optionally call any of the SecTrustSet... functions (such as SecTrustSetParameters or SecTrustSetVerifyDate) to set values for parameters and options.

The SecTrustEvaluate function validates a certificate by verifying its signature plus the signatures of the certificates in its certificate chain, up to the anchor certificate, according to the policy or policies included in the trust management object. For each policy, the function evaluates trust according to the user-specified trust setting (see SecTrustSetUserTrust and SecTrustGetUserTrust). For an example of user-specified trust settings, use the Keychain Access utility and look at any certificate.

For each policy, SecTrustEvaluate starts with the leaf certificate and checks each certificate in the chain, in turn, for a valid user-specified trust setting. It uses the first such value it finds for the trust evaluation. For example, if the user-specified trust for the leaf certificate is not set, the first intermediate certificate is set to “Always Trust,” and one of the other intermediate certificates is set to “Never Trust,” SecTrustEvaluate trusts the certificate. Thus, you can use a user-specified trust setting for a certificate closer to the leaf to override a setting closer to the anchor.

If there is no user-specified trust setting for the entire certificate chain, the SecTrustEvaluate function returns kSecTrustResultUnspecified as the result type. In that case, you should call the SFCertificateTrustPanel class in the Security Interface Framework Reference to let the user specify a trust setting for the certificate. Alternately, you can use a default value. If you use a default value, you should provide a preference setting so that the user can change the default.

If SecTrustEvaluate returns kSecTrustResultRecoverableTrustFailure as the result type, you can call the SecTrustGetResult function for details of the problem. Then, as appropriate, you can call one or more of the SecTrustSet... functions to correct or bypass the problem, or you can inform the user of the problem and call the SFCertificateTrustPanel class to let the user change the trust setting for the certificate. When you think you have corrected the problem, call SecTrustEvaluate again. Each time you call SecTrustEvaluate, it discards the results of any previous evaluation and replaces them with the new results. If SecTrustEvaluate returns kSecTrustResultFatalTrustFailure, on the other hand, changing parameter values and calling SecTrustEvaluate again is unlikely to be successful.

If not all the certificates needed to verify the leaf certificate are included in the trust management object, then SecTrustEvaluate searches for certificates in the keychain search list (see SecTrustSetKeychains) and in the system’s store of anchor certificates (see SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates).

By default, SecTrustEvaluate uses the current date and time when verifying a certificate. However, you can call the SecTrustSetVerifyDate function before calling SecTrustEvaluate to set an other date and time to use when verifying the certificate.

Before you call SecTrustEvaluate, you can optionally use the SecTrustSetParameters function to set one or more actions to modify the evaluation or to pass data required by an action.

The results of the trust evaluation are stored in the trust management object. Call the SecTrustGetResult function to get more information about the results of the trust evaluation, or the SecTrustGetCssmResult function to get information about the evaluation in a form that can be passed to CSSM functions.

Declared In


Retrieves the CSSM trust result.

OSStatus SecTrustGetCssmResult (
   SecTrustRef trust,


A trust management object that has previously been sent to the SecTrustEvaluate function for evaluation.


On return, points to the CSSM trust result pointer. You should not modify or free this data, as it is owned by the system.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


After calling the SecTrustEvaluate function, you can call the SecTrustGetResult function or the SecTrustGetCssmResult function to get information about the certificates in the certificate chain and everything that might be wrong with each certificate. Whereas the SecTrustGetResult function returns the information in a form that you can interpret without extensive knowledge of CSSM, the SecTrustGetCssmResult function returns information in a form that can be passed directly to CSSM functions. See Common Security: CDSA and CSSM, version 2 (with corrigenda) from The Open Group ( for more information about the CSSM_TP_VERIFY_CONTEXT_RESULT structure pointed to by the result parameter.

Declared In


Retrieves the CSSM result code from the most recent trust evaluation for a trust management object.

OSStatus SecTrustGetCssmResultCode(
   SecTrustRef trust,
   OSStatus *resultCode


The trust management object for which you wish to retrieve a result code.


On return, the CSSM result code produced by the most recent call to the SecTrustEvaluate function for the trust management object specified in the trust parameter. The value of this parameter is undefined if SecTrustEvaluate has not been called.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.” Returns errSecTrustNotAvailable if the SecTrustEvaluate function has not been called for the specified trust.


Whereas the SecTrustEvaluate function returns one of the Security Framework result codes (see “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes”), the SecTrustGetCssmResultCode function returns the CSSM result code as enumerated in Security.framework/cssmerr.h. Other functions that might be of interest are the SecTrustGetResult function, which returns detailed results for each certificate in the certificate chain, and the SecTrustGetCssmResult function, which returns the results in a format that can be passed directly to CSSM functions.

See Also
Declared In


Retrieves details on the outcome of a call to the function SecTrustEvaluate.

OSStatus SecTrustGetResult (
   SecTrustRef trustRef,
   SecTrustResultType *result,
   CFArrayRef *certChain,


A trust management object that has previously been sent to the SecTrustEvaluate function for evaluation.


A pointer to the result type returned in the result parameter by the SecTrustEvaluate function.


On return, points to an array of certificates that constitute the certificate chain used to verify the input certificate. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.


On return, points to an array of CSSM_TP_APPLE_EVIDENCE_INFO structures, one for each certificate in the certificate chain. The first item in the array corresponds to the leaf certificate, and the last item corresponds to the anchor (assuming that verification of the chain did not fail before reaching the anchor certificate). Each structure describes the status of one certificate in the chain. This structure is defined in cssmapple.h. Do not attempt to free this pointer; it remains valid until the trust management object is released or until the next call to the function SecTrustEvaluate that uses this trust management object.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


After calling the SecTrustEvaluate function, you can call the SecTrustGetResult function or the SecTrustGetCssmResult function to get detailed information about the results of the evaluation. Whereas the SecTrustGetResult function returns the information in a form that you can interpret without extensive knowledge of CSSM, the SecTrustGetCssmResult function returns information in a form that can be passed directly to CSSM functions.

You can call the SFCertificateTrustPanel class in the Security Interface Framework Reference to display these results to the user.

Declared In


Retrieves the trust policy handle.

OSStatus SecTrustGetTPHandle (
   SecTrustRef trust,
   CSSM_TP_HANDLE *handle


The trust management object from which to obtain the trust policy handle. A trust management object includes one or more certificates plus the policy or policies to be used in evaluating trust. Use the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function to create a trust management object.


On return, points to a CSSM trust policy handle. This handle remains valid until the trust management object is released or until the next call to the function SecTrustEvaluate that uses this trust management object.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The trust policy handle is the CSSM identifier of the trust policy module that is managing the certificate. The trust policy handle is used as an input to a number of CSSM functions.

Declared In


Returns the unique identifier of the opaque type to which a SecTrust object belongs.

CFTypeID SecTrustGetTypeID (

Return Value

A value that identifies the opaque type of a SecTrustRef object.


This function returns a value that uniquely identifies the opaque type of a SecTrustRef object. You can compare this value to the CFTypeID identifier obtained by calling the CFGetTypeID function on a specific object. These values might change from release to release or platform to platform.

Declared In


Sets the anchor certificates used when evaluating a trust management object.

OSStatus SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates (
   SecTrustRef trust,
   CFArrayRef anchorCertificates


The trust management object containing the certificate you want to evaluate. A trust management object includes the certificate to be verified plus the policy or policies to be used in evaluating trust. It can optionally also include other certificates to be used in verifying the first certificate. Use the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function to create a trust management object.


A reference to an array of SecCertificateRef objects representing the set of anchor certificates that are to be considered valid (trusted) anchors by the SecTrustEvaluate function when verifying a certificate. Pass NULL to restore the default set of anchor certificates.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The SecTrustEvaluate function looks for an anchor certificate in the array of certificates specified by the SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates function, or uses a default set provided by the system. In Mac OS X v10.3, for example, the default set of anchors is in the keychain file /System/Library/Keychains/X509Anchors. If you want to create a set of anchor certificates by modifying the default set, call the SecTrustCopyAnchorCertificates function to obtain the current set of anchor certificates, modify that set as you wish, and create a new array of certificates. Then call SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates with the modified array.

The list of custom anchor certificates is stored in the trust management object and can be retrieved with the SecTrustCopyCustomAnchorCertificates function.

Use the SecTrustSetKeychains function to set the keychains searched for intermediate certificates in the certificate chain.

Important: Calling this function without also calling SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnly disables the trusting of any anchors other than the ones specified by this function call.

See Also
Declared In


Sets the keychains searched for intermediate certificates when evaluating a trust management object.

OSStatus SecTrustSetKeychains (
   SecTrustRef trust,
   CFTypeRef keychainOrArray


The trust management object containing the certificate you want to evaluate. A trust management object includes the certificate to be verified plus the policy or policies to be used in evaluating trust. It can optionally also include other certificates to be used in verifying the first certificate. Use the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function to create a trust management object.


A keychain object for a single keychain to search, an array of keychain objects for a set of keychains to search, or NULL to search the user’s default keychain search list. To prevent the SecTrustEvaluate function from searching any keychains at all, pass a CFArrayRef array with no elements.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


By default, SecTrustEvaluate uses the user’s keychain search list to look for intermediate certificates in the certificate chain. Use the SecTrustSetKeychains function to change the set of keychains to be searched. If you want to modify the default set of keychains, first call the SecKeychainCopySearchList function (see Keychain Services Reference) to obtain the current keychain search list, modify that set as you wish, and create a new search list. Then you can call SecTrustSetKeychains with the modified list.

Use the SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates function to set the array of anchor certificates searched.

Declared In


Sets the action and action data for a trust management object.

OSStatus SecTrustSetParameters (
   SecTrustRef trustRef,
   CSSM_TP_ACTION action,
   CFDataRef actionData


The trust management object to which you want to add an action or set action data. A trust management object includes one or more certificates plus the policy or policies to be used in evaluating trust. Use the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function to create a trust management object.


A CSSM trust action. Pass CSSM_TP_ACTION_DEFAULT for the default action. Other actions available, if any, are described in the documentation for the trust policy module. For the AppleX509TP module, see the Security Release Notes.


A reference to action data. “Action Data Flags” lists possible values for this parameter for the AppleX509TP trust policy module’s default action. For other actions (if any), the possible values for the action data are specified in the Security Release Notes.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


Before you call SecTrustEvaluate, you can optionally use this function to set one or more action flags or to set action data. Actions, where available, affect the trust evaluation for all policies being evaluated. For example, if you set the action data for the default action to CSSM_TP_ACTION_ALLOW_EXPIRED, then the SecTrustEvaluate function ignores the certificate’s expiration date and time.

Declared In


Set the policies to use in an evaluation.

OSStatus SecTrustSetPolicies(
   SecTrustRef trust,
   CFTypeRef policies


The trust management object whose policy list you wish to set.


An array of one or more SecPolicyRef objects for the policies to be used by this trust management object. A single policy object of type SecPolicyRef may also be passed, representing an array of one policy.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


The policies you set with this function replace any already in the trust management object.

See Also
Declared In


Obtains an array of all certificates that have trust settings in a specific trust settings domain.

OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCopyCertificates(
   SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
   CFArrayRef *certArray


The trust settings domain for which you want a list of certificates. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Domain Constants.”


On return, an array of SecCertificateRef objects representing the certificates that have trust settings in the specified domain. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.” Returns errSecNoTrustSettings if no trust settings exist for the specified domain.

Declared In


Obtains the date and time at which a certificate’s trust settings were last modified.

OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCopyModificationDate(
   SecCertificateRef certRef,
   SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
   CFDateRef *modificationDate


The certificate for which you wish to obtain the modification time. Pass the value kSecTrustSettingsDefaultRootCertSetting to obtain the modification time for the default root certificate trust settings for the domain.


The trust settings domain of the trust settings for which you wish to obtain the modification time. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Domain Constants.”


On return, the date and time at which the certificate’s trust settings were last modified. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.” Returns errSecItemNotFound if no trust settings exist for the specified certificate and domain.

Declared In


Obtains the trust settings for a certificate.

OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCopyTrustSettings(
   SecCertificateRef certRef,
   SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
   CFArrayRef *trustSettings


The certificate for which you want the trust settings. Pass the value kSecTrustSettingsDefaultRootCertSetting to obtain the default root certificate trust settings for the domain.


The trust settings domain of the trust settings that you wish to obtain. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Domain Constants.”


On return, an array of CFDictionary objects specifying the trust settings for the certificate. For the contents of the dictionaries, see the discussion below. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.” Returns errSecItemNotFound if no trust settings exist for the specified certificate and domain.


Each certificate’s trust settings are expressed as a CFArray that includes any number (including zero) of dictionaries of type CFDictionary, each of which comprises one set of usage constraints. Each usage constraints dictionary contains zero or one of each of the following key-value pairs:




A policy object (SecPolicyRef) specifying the certificate verification policy; for example: SSL, SMIME. Use the SecPolicySearchCopyNext function to obtain a policy object.


A trusted application reference (SecTrustedApplicationRef) for the application checking the certificate’s trust settings. Use the SecTrustedApplicationCreateFromPath function to get this reference.


ACFString containing policy-specific data. For the SMIME policy, this string contains an email address. For the SSL policy, it contains a host name.


ACFNumber containing an SInt32 value specifying the operations for which the encryption key in this certificate can be used. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Key Use Constants.”


A CFNumber containing an SInt32 value indicating the effective trust setting for this usage constraints dictionary. A given usage constraints dictionary is included in the evaluation of trust for a certificate only if the specified policy, application, and key use match the use for which the certificate is being evaluated. If this is the case, then the value of the kSecTrustSettingsResult key is ORed with the results from other dictionaries to determine the overall trust setting for the certificate.

If this key is not present, a default value of kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustRoot is assumed. Because only a root certificate can have this value, a usage constraints dictionary for a non-root certificate that is missing this key is not valid.

Possible values for this key are listed in “Trust Settings Result Constants.”


A CFNumber containing an SInt32 value indicating a CSSM_RETURN result code which, if encountered during certificate verification, is ignored for that certificate. These “allowed error” values are applied to the evaluation only if the usage constraints dictionary meets the criteria described with the kSecTrustSettingsResult key. A usage constraint dictionary with no constraints but with an allowed error value causes that error to always be allowed when the certificate is being evaluated.

The overall trust settings for a certificate are the sum of all the usage constraints dictionaries that match the use for which that certificate is being evaluated. Trust settings for a given use apply if any of the dictionaries in the certificate’s trust settings array satisfies the specified use. Thus, when a certificate has multiple usage constraints dictionaries in its trust settings array, the overall trust settings for the certificate are:

((usage constraint dictionary 0 component 0) AND (usage constraint dictionary 0 component 1) AND (...)) OR ((usage constraint dictionary 1 component 0) AND (usage constraint dictionary 1 component 1) AND (...)) OR (...) ...

If the value of the kSecTrustSettingsResult component is not kSecTrustSettingsResultUnspecified for a usage constraints dictionary that has no constraints, the default value kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustRoot is assumed. To specify a value for the kSecTrustSettingsAllowedError component without explicitly trusting or distrusting the associated certificate, specify a value of kSecTrustSettingsResultUnspecified for the kSecTrustSettingsResult component. An empty trust settings array (that is, the trustSettings parameter returns a valid but empty CFArray) means "always trust this certificate” with an overall trust setting for the certificate of kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustRoot. Note that an empty trust settings array is not the same as no trust settings (the trustSettings parameter returns NULL), which means "this certificate must be verified to a known trusted certificate". Note the distinction between the results kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustRoot and kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustAsRoot: The former can only be applied to root (self-signed) certificates; the latter can only be applied to non-root certificates. Therefore, an empty trust settings array for a non-root certificate is invalid, because the default value of kSecTrustSettingsResultTrustRoot is not valid for a non-root certificate. When making changes to the per-user trust settings, the user is prompted with an alert panel asking for authentication (user name and password or other credentials normally used for login). Therefore, it is not possible to modify per-user trust settings when not running in a GUI environment (that is, when the user is not logged in via the login window). When making changes to the system-wide trust settings, the user is prompted with an alert panel asking for an administrator's name and password unless the calling process is running as root, in which case no futher authentication is needed.

See Also
Declared In


Obtains an external, portable representation of the specified domain's trust settings.

OSStatus SecTrustSettingsCreateExternalRepresentation(
   SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
   CFDataRef *trustSettings


The trust settings domain for which you want an external representation of trust settings. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Domain Constants.”


An external representation of the domain’s trust settings. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.” Returns errSecNoTrustSettings if no trust settings exist for the specified domain.

See Also
Declared In


Imports trust settings into a trust domain.

OSStatus SecTrustSettingsImportExternalRepresentation(
   SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
   CFDataRef trustSettings


The trust settings domain into which you want to import trust settings. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Domain Constants.”


An external representation of the trust settings (created by the SecTrustSettingsCreateExternalRepresentation function) that you want to import.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”

See Also
Declared In


Deletes the trust settings for a certificate.

OSStatus SecTrustSettingsRemoveTrustSettings(
   SecCertificateRef certRef,
   SecTrustSettingsDomain domain);


The certificate whose trust settings you wish to remove. Pass the value kSecTrustSettingsDefaultRootCertSetting to remove the default root certificate trust settings for the domain.


The trust settings domain for which you wish to remove the trust settings. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Domain Constants.”

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.” Returns errSecItemNotFound if no trust settings exist for the certificate.


If a certificate has no trust settings, the certificate must be verified to a known, trusted certificate.

See Also
Declared In


Specifies trust settings for a certificate.

OSStatus SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettings(
   SecCertificateRef certRef,
   SecTrustSettingsDomain domain,
   CFTypeRef trustSettingsDictOrArray);


The certificate for which you want to specify the trust settings. Pass the value kSecTrustSettingsDefaultRootCertSetting to set the default root certificate trust settings for the domain.


The trust settings domain of the trust settings that you wish to specify. For possible values, see “Trust Settings Domain Constants.”


On return, an array of CFDictionary objects specifying the trust settings for the certificate. For the contents of the dictionaries, see the discussion below. Call the CFRelease function to release this object when you are finished with it.


The trust settings you wish to specify for this certificate, in the form of a CFDictionary object, a CFArray of CFDictionary objects, or NULL. The contents of CFDictionary objects used to specify trust settings are detailed in the SecTrustSettingsCopyTrustSettings function description. Pass NULL if you want to specify an empty trust settings array.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


If you pass NULL for the trustSettingsDictOrArray parameter, then the trust settings for this certificate are stored as an empty trust settings array, indicating "always trust this root certificate regardless of use." This setting is valid only for a self-signed (root) certificate. To instead remove all trust settings for the certificate (interpreted as "this certificate must be verified to a known trusted certificate"), use the SecTrustSettingsRemoveTrustSettings function.

If the specified certificate already has trust settings in the specified domain, this function replaces them.

See Also
Declared In


Sets the date and time against which the certificates in a trust management object are verified.

OSStatus SecTrustSetVerifyDate (
   SecTrustRef trust,
   CFDateRef verifyDate


The trust management object whose verification date you want to set. A trust management object includes one or more certificates plus the policy or policies to be used in evaluating trust. Use the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function to create a trust management object.


The date and time to use when verifying the certificate.

Return Value

A result code. See “Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Result Codes.”


By default, the SecTrustEvaluate function uses the current date and time when verifying a certificate. However, you can use SecTrustSetVerifyDate to set another date and time to use when verifying a certificate. For example, you can determine whether the certificate was valid when the document was signed rather than whether it’s valid at the present time.

Declared In

Data Types


Contains information about a certificate evaluation.

typedef struct {
uint32                      NumStatusCodes
CSSM_RETURN                 *StatusCodes;
uint32                      Index;
CSSM_DL_DB_HANDLE           DlDbHandle


Indicates whether the certificate is valid and where it was found; see “Certificate Status Constants.”


The number of CSSM_RETURN structures returned in the StatusCodes field.


An array of CSSM_RETURN values indicating what problems were found with the certificate. Apple-specific values are in cssmapple.h. Standard CSSM values are defined in cssmerr.h and are discussed in “Error Codes and Error Values” in the “Trust Policy Services API” chapter of Common Security: CDSA and CSSM, version 2 (with corrigenda) from The Open Group (


An index into the standard set of certificates or anchor certificates if the certificate came from one of those sets.


A CSSM object that identifies a particular database. This field is used if the certificate did not come from the standard set of certificates or anchor certificates. This value is useful only as input to functions in the CSSM API.


A CSSM object that identifies a particular record in a database. This field is used if the certificate did not come from the standard set of certificates or anchor certificates. This value is useful only as in input to functions in the CSSM API.


An array of these structures is returned by the SecTrustGetResult function; each one describes a certificate in the certificate chain.

Declared In


Abstract Core Foundation-type object representing an X.509 certificate.

typedef struct __SecCertificate *SecCertificateRef;


A SecCertificateRef object for a certificate that is stored in a keychain can be safely cast to a SecKeychainItemRef for manipulation as a keychain item. On the other hand, if the SecCertificateRef is not stored in a keychain, casting the object to a SecKeychainItemRef and passing it to Keychain Services functions returns errors.

Declared In


Abstract Core Foundation-type object representing an identity.

typedef struct __SecIdentity *SecIdentityRef;


A SecIdentityRef object contains a SecKeyRef object and an associated SecCertificateRef object.

Declared In


Contains information about an identity search.

typedef struct OpaqueSecIdentitySearchRef *SecIdentitySearchRef;

Declared In


Abstract Core Foundation-type object representing an asymmetric key.

typedef struct __SecKey *SecKeyRef;


A SecKeyRef object for a key that is stored in a keychain can be safely cast to a SecKeychainItemRef for manipulation as a keychain item. On the other hand, if the SecKeyRef is not stored in a keychain, casting the object to a SecKeychainItemRef and passing it to Keychain Services functions returns errors.

Declared In


Contains information about a policy.

typedef struct OpaqueSecPolicyRef *SecPolicyRef;

Declared In


Contains information about a policy search.

typedef struct OpaquePolicySearchRef *SecPolicySearchRef;

Declared In


Represents a 20-byte public key hash.

typedef UInt8 SecPublicKeyHash[20];


The SecPublicKeyHash type represents a hash of a public key. You can use the constant kSecPublicKeyHashItemAttr as input to functions in the Keychain Services API to set or retrieve a certificate attribute value of this type. See Keychain Services Reference for information about getting and setting attribute values.

Declared In


Contains information about trust management.

typedef struct __SecTrust *SecTrustRef;

Declared In


Represents user-specified trust settings.

typedef SecTrustResultType SecTrustUserSetting;


See “Trust Result Type Constants” for possible values.

Declared In


Certificate Item Attribute Constants

Indicates certificate item attributes.

   kSecSubjectItemAttr              = 'subj',
   kSecIssuerItemAttr               = 'issu',
   kSecSerialNumberItemAttr         = 'snbr',
   kSecPublicKeyHashItemAttr        = 'hpky',
   kSecSubjectKeyIdentifierItemAttr = 'skid',
   kSecCertTypeItemAttr             = 'ctyp',
   kSecCertEncodingItemAttr         = 'cenc'


DER-encoded subject distinguished name.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecCertificate.h.


DER-encoded issuer distinguished name.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecCertificate.h.


DER-encoded certificate serial number.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecCertificate.h.


Public key hash.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecCertificate.h.


Subject key identifier.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecCertificate.h.


Certificate type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecCertificate.h.


Certificate encoding.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecCertificate.h.

Certificate Status Constants

Specifies the status of a certificate.

   CSSM_CERT_STATUS_EXPIRED            = 0x00000001,
   CSSM_CERT_STATUS_NOT_VALID_YET      = 0x00000002,
   CSSM_CERT_STATUS_IS_IN_ANCHORS      = 0x00000008,
   CSSM_CERT_STATUS_IS_ROOT            = 0x00000010,
   CSSM_CERT_STATUS_IS_FROM_NET        = 0x00000020


The certificate has expired.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


The certificate is not yet valid. In addition to the expiration, or “Not Valid After,” date and time, each certificate has a “Not Valid Before” date and time.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


This is one of the certificates included in the array of certificates passed to the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


This certificate was found in the system’s store of anchor certificates (see SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates).

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


The certificate is a root certificate. If this bit is set but the CSSM_CERT_STATUS_IS_IN_ANCHORS bit is not, then this is an untrusted anchor.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


The certificate was obtained through some mechanism other than the certificates stored by the operating system and those passed into the SecTrustCreateWithCertificates function. For example, the certificate might have been fetched over a network.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


If none of these bits are set, the certificate came from a standard certificate search; see the description of the SecTrustSetKeychains function.

Trust Result Type Constants

Specifies the trust result type.

typedef enum {
} SecTrustResultType;


Invalid setting or result. Usually, this result indicates that the SecTrustEvaluate function did not complete successfully.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


The user indicated that you may trust the certificate for the purposes designated in the specified policies. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function or stored as part of the user trust settings. In the Keychain Access utility, this value is termed “Always Trust.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


Confirmation from the user is required before proceeding. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function or stored as part of the user trust settings. In the Keychain Access utility, this value is termed “Ask Permission.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


The user specified that the certificate should not be trusted. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function or stored as part of the user trust settings. In the Keychain Access utility, this value is termed “Never Trust.”

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


The user did not specify a trust setting. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function or stored as part of the user trust settings. In the Keychain Access utility, this value is termed “Use System Policy.” This is the default user setting.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


Trust denied; retry after changing settings. For example, if trust is denied because the certificate has expired, you can ask the user whether to trust the certificate anyway. If the user answers yes, then use the SecTrustSetUserTrust function to set the user trust setting to kSecTrustResultProceed and call SecTrustEvaluate again. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function but not stored as part of the user trust settings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


Trust denied; no simple fix is available. For example, if a certificate cannot be verified because it is corrupted, trust cannot be established without replacing the certificate. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function but not stored as part of the user trust settings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


A failure other than that of trust evaluation; for example, an internal failure of the SecTrustEvaluate function. This value may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function but not stored as part of the user trust settings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in SecTrust.h.


These constants may be returned by the SecTrustEvaluate function or stored as one of the user trust settings (see SecTrustSetUserTrust), as noted. When evaluating user trust, both SecTrustGetUserTrust and SecTrustEvaluate start with the leaf certificate and work through the chain down to the anchor. The SecTrustGetUserTrust function returns the user trust setting of the first certificate for which the setting is other than kSecTrustResultUnspecified. Similarly, the function uses the user trust setting of the first certificate for which the setting is other than kSecTrustResultUnspecified, regardless of the user trust settings of other certificates in the chain.

Action Data Flags

Specifies options for the AppleX509TP trust policy module’s default action.

enum {
   CSSM_TP_ACTION_ALLOW_EXPIRED        = 0x00000001,
   CSSM_TP_ACTION_LEAF_IS_CA           = 0x00000002,


Ignore the expiration date and time for all certificates.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


First certificate is that of a certification authority (CA). By formal definition, a valid certificate chain must begin with a certificate that is not a CA. Set this bit if you want to validate a partial chain, starting with a CA and working toward the anchor, or if you want to evaluate a single self-signed certificate as a one-certificate “chain” for testing purposes.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


Enable fetching intermediate certificates over the network using http or LDAP.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


Ignore the expiration date and time for root certificates only.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

Declared in cssmapple.h.


See SecTrustSetParameters for more information about actions.

System Identity Domains

Domains for which you can set or obtain a system-wide identity.

const CFStringRef kSecIdentityDomainDefault;
const CFStringRef kSecIdentityDomainKerberosKDC;


The system-wide default identity.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecIdentity.h.


Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) identity.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecIdentity.h.


These constants can be used with the SecIdentitySetSystemIdentity and SecIdentityCopySystemIdentity functions.

Key Credential Type Constants

The credential type to be returned by SecKeyGetCredentials.

typedef uint32 SecCredentialType;
   kSecCredentialTypeDefault = 0,


The default setting for determining whether to present UI is used.

The default setting can be changed with a call to SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecKey.h.


Keychain operations on keys that have this credential are allowed to present UI if required.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecKey.h.


Keychain operations on keys that have this credential are not allowed to present UI, and will fail if UI is required.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecKey.h.


See the section “Servers and the Keychain” in the Keychain Services Tasks chapter of Keychain Services Programming Guide for information on the use of UI with keychain tasks.

Trust Settings Domain Constants

The trust settings domains used by the trust settings API.

enum {     kSecTrustSettingsDomainUser = 0,
   kSecTrustSettingsDomainSystem }; typedef uint32 SecTrustSettingsDomain;


Per-user trust settings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


Locally administered, system-wide trust settings.

Administrator privileges are required to make changes to this domain.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


System trust settings.

These trust settings are immutable and comprise the set of trusted root certificates supplied in Mac OS X. These settings are read-only, even by root.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.

Trust Settings Key Use Constants

Allowed uses for the encryption key in a certificate.

enum {
   kSecTrustSettingsKeyUseSignature        = 0x00000001,
   kSecTrustSettingsKeyUseEnDecryptData    = 0x00000002,
   kSecTrustSettingsKeyUseEnDecryptKey     = 0x00000004,
   kSecTrustSettingsKeyUseSignCert         = 0x00000008,
   kSecTrustSettingsKeyUseSignRevocation   = 0x00000010,
   kSecTrustSettingsKeyUseKeyExchange      = 0x00000020,
   kSecTrustSettingsKeyUseAny              = 0xffffffff
typedef uint32 SecTrustSettingsKeyUsage;


The key can be used to sign data or verify a signature.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


The key can be used to encrypt or decrypt data.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


The key can be used to encrypt or decrypt (wrap or unwrap) a key.

Private keys must be wrapped before they can be exported from a keychain.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


The key can be used to sign a certificate or verify a signature.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


The key can be used to sign an OCSP (online certificate status protocol) message or CRL (certificate verification list), or to verify a signature.

OCSP messages and CRLs are used to revoke certificates.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


The key is a private key that has been shared using a key exchange protocol, such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


The key can be used for any purpose.

This is the default key-use setting if no other key use is specified.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.

Trust Settings Usage Constraints Dictionary Keys

The keys in one usage constraints dictionary.

#define kSecTrustSettingsPolicy          CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsPolicy")
#define kSecTrustSettingsApplication     CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsApplication")
#define kSecTrustSettingsPolicyString    CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsPolicyString")
#define kSecTrustSettingsKeyUsage        CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsKeyUsage")
#define kSecTrustSettingsAllowedError    CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsAllowedError")
#define kSecTrustSettingsResult          CFSTR("kSecTrustSettingsResult")


A policy object (SecPolicyRef) specifying the certificate verification policy.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


A trusted application reference (SecTrustedApplicationRef) for the application checking the certificate’s trust settings.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


ACFString containing policy-specific data.

For the SMIME policy, this string contains an email address. For the SSL policy, it contains a host name.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


ACFNumber containing an SInt32 value specifying the operations for which the encryption key in this certificate can be used.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


A CFNumber containing an SInt32 value indicating a CSSM_RETURN result code which, if encountered during certificate verification, is ignored for that certificate.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


A CFNumber containing an SInt32 value indicating the effective trust setting for this usage constraints dictionary.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.

Trust Settings Result Constants

Effective trust settings for usage constraints dictionaries used by the SecTrustSettingsCopyTrustSettings and SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettings functions.

enum {
   kSecTrustSettingsResultInvalid = 0,
typedef uint32 SecTrustSettingsResult;


Never valid in a trust settings array or in an API call.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


This root certificate is explicitly trusted.

If the certificate is not a root (self-signed) certificate, the usage constraints dictionary is invalid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


This non-root certificate is explicitly trusted as if it were a trusted root.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


This certificate is explicitly distrusted.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


This certificate is neither trusted nor distrusted. This value can be used to specify an "allowed error" without assigning trust to a specific certificate.

This value can be used to specify an allowed error without assigning trust to the certificate.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.

Default Root Certificate Trust Settings

A value indicating the default root certificate trust settings when used for a SecCertificateRef object in a trust settings API function.

#define kSecTrustSettingsDefaultRootCertSetting        ((SecCertificateRef)-1)


Default trust settings for root certificates.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 and later.

Declared in SecTrustSettings.h.


Use this value with the SecTrustSettingsSetTrustSettings function to set the default trust settings for root certificates. When evaluating trust settings for a root certificate in a given domain, if no matching explicit trust settings exist for that certificate, then the default value for the effective trust setting is returned (assuming that a default has been set and that the result is not kSecTrustSettingsResultUnspecified).

Result Codes

The most common result codes returned by Certificate, Key, and Trust Services are listed in the table below. The assigned error space is discontinuous: –25240..–25279 and –25290..–25329.

Result CodeValueDescription
errSecNotAvailable –25291

No keychain is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecReadOnly –25292

A read-only error occurred.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecAuthFailed –25293

Authorization or authentication failed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoSuchKeychain –25294

The keychain does not exist.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInvalidKeychain –25295

The keychain is not valid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecDuplicateKeychain –25296

A keychain with the same name already exists.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecDuplicateItem –25299

An item with the same primary key attributes already exists.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecItemNotFound –25300

The item cannot be found.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecBufferTooSmall –25301

The buffer is too small.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecDataTooLarge –25302

The data is too large for the particular data type.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoSuchAttr –25303

The attribute does not exist.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInvalidItemRef –25304

The item object is invalid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInvalidSearchRef –25305

The search object is invalid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoSuchClass –25306

The specified item does not appear to be a valid keychain item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoDefaultKeychain –25307

A default keychain does not exist.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInteractionNotAllowed –25308

Interaction with the user is required in order to grant access or process a request; however, user interaction with the Security Server has been disabled by the program.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecReadOnlyAttr –25309

The attribute is read-only.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecWrongSecVersion –25310

The version is incorrect.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecKeySizeNotAllowed –25311

The key size is not allowed.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoStorageModule –25312

No storage module is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoCertificateModule –25313

No certificate module is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoPolicyModule –25314

No policy module is available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInteractionRequired –25315

Interaction with the user is required in order to grant access or process a request; however, user interaction with the Security Server is impossible because the program is operating in a session incapable of graphics (such as a root session or ssh session).

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecDataNotAvailable –25316

The data is not available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecDataNotModifiable –25317

The data is not modifiable.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecCreateChainFailed –25318

One or more certificates required in order to validate this certificate cannot be found.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInvalidPrefsDomain –25319

The preference domain specified is invalid. This error can occur in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

errSecACLNotSimple –25240

The access control list is not in standard simple form.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecPolicyNotFound –25241

The policy specified cannot be found.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInvalidTrustSetting –25242

The trust setting is invalid.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecNoAccessForItem –25243

The specified item has no access control.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecInvalidOwnerEdit –25244

An invalid attempt has been made to change the owner of an item.

Available in Mac OS X v10.2 and later.

errSecTrustNotAvailable –25245

No trust results are available.

Available in Mac OS X v10.3 and later.

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