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Class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOAction

Removed Methods
EOAction standardActivatePreviousWindowActionForApplication() Returns a shared action (an EOAction object) for the activatePreviousWindow method which is dispatched directly to the EOApplication object at the top of the controller hierarchy.

Added Methods
EOAction actionForSupercontrollers(String, String, String, Icon, Icon, KeyStroke, int, int, boolean) Returns a new action (an EOAction object) as specified by the arguments.
void setToolTip(String)  
EOAction standardActivatePreviousWindowActionForWindowObserver() Returns a shared action (an EOAction object) for the activatePreviousWindow method which is dispatched directly to the window observer object of the application.
EOAction standardBringAllWindowsToFrontActionForWindowObserver() Returns a shared action (an EOAction object) for the bringAllWindowsToFront method which is dispatched directly to the window observer object of the application.
EOAction standardMinimizeActiveWindowActionForWindowObserver() Returns a shared action (an EOAction object) for the minimizeActiveWindow method which is dispatched directly to the window observer object of the application.
EOAction standardSaveAsActionForControllerHierarchy() Returns a shared action (an EOAction object) for the saveAs method which is dispatched in the controller hierarchy.
String toolTip()  

Added Fields
int BringAllWindowsToFrontActionPriority The priority of the Bring All To Front action.
int ListActionPriority The priority of the List action.
int MinimizeActiveWindowActionPriority The priority of the Minimize Window action.
int SaveAsActionPriority The priority of the Save As action.