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Class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOApplication

Removed Methods
void activatePreviousWindow() Activates the previously active window.
void collectChangesFromServer() Updates the client application's enterprise objects to reflect the changes sent to the server from other client applications.
void main(String[])  
void sessionDidTimeOut() Invoked if the application receives a Session Time Out error while trying to communicate with the server.

Added Methods
String applicationName() Returns the receiver's application name.
NSArray localeIndicators() Returns an array of Strings which can be used to identify the preferred locale/language for the user.
NSArray locales() Returns an array containing the preferred Locale lookup order for the user.
NSArray platformIndicators() Returns an array of Strings (all lowercase) which can be used to identify the platform the application is running on.
void quitWithMessage(String, String) Can be invoked to quit the application after showing a panel with an explanation (for example in case of a Session Time Out error for a three-tier application).
void refreshData() Updates the client application's enterprise objects to reflect the changes sent to the server from other client applications.
void setApplicationName(String) Sets the receiver's application name.
void setArguments(NSDictionary) Sets the application's arguments.
void setDefaults(EODefaults) Sets the receiver's defaults manager (an EODefaults object).

Changed Methods
boolean canPerformActionNamed(String) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from EOController.  
EOApplication startApplication(NSDictionary, EOComponentController, ApplicationSupport) Change in signature from (NSDictionary, EOComponentController, boolean) to (NSDictionary, EOComponentController, ApplicationSupport).

This method is the primary entry point for starting a Java Client application.


Removed Fields
String ApplicationDidStart The name of the notification sent when the application did finish the launch sequence.
String ApplicationWillQuit The name of the notification sent when the application is about to quit.

Added Fields
String ApplicationDidStartNotification The name of the notification sent when the application did finish the launch sequence.
String ApplicationWillFinishInitializationNotification The name of the notification sent when the application has switched to the final event thread.
String ApplicationWillQuitNotification The name of the notification sent when the application is about to quit.
String ApplicationWillStartNotification The name of the notification sent when the application is beginning the launch sequence.