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Class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOComponentController

Removed Methods
int alignmentWidth() Returns the receiver's alignment width the minimum width used for text labels in its component (and its integrated subcontroller components).
void setAlignmentWidth(int) Sets the receiver's alignment width the minimum width used for text labels in its component (and its integrated subcontroller components).

Added Methods
void activateFirstFocusComponent() Puts the keyboard focus on the component returned by firstFocusComponent.
JComponent firstFocusComponent() Returns the JComponent that should get the keyboard focus first.
Insets insets() Returns the inset area around this controller's component.
JComponent lastFocusComponent() Returns the JComponent that will get the keyboard focus last during focus traversal.
void setFirstFocusComponent(JComponent) Sets the JComponent that should get the keyboard focus during activateFirstFocusComponent.
void setInsets(Insets) Sets the inset area around this controller's component.
void setLastFocusComponent(JComponent) Sets the JComponent that will get the keyboard focus last during focus traversal.
void setToolTip(String) Sets the tool tip text used for the controller's component.
String toolTip() Returns the tool tip text used for the controller's component.
JComponent toolTipComponent() Returns the component that will be used to display tool tip text.