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Class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EODefaults

Added Methods
NSDictionary allValues() Returns a dictionary with all key/value pairs stored in the defaults manager (both transient and persistent values).
void flushDefaultsToPersistentStore() Saves the persistent user defaults but only if there have been any changes that would require saving.

Changed Methods
NSDictionary loadPersistentValues() Change in return type from void to NSDictionary.
Change of visibility from public to protected.
Loads the persistent user defaults.
void savePersistentValues(NSDictionary) Change in signature from void to NSDictionary.
Change of visibility from public to protected.
Saves the persistent user defaults.

Added Fields
String DefaultsKey The key through which you can access the (mutable) dictionary of default values to be loaded or saved in the userInfo of the LoadUserDefaultsNotification and SaveUserDefaultsNotification notifications.
String LoadUserDefaultsNotification The name of the notification sent by default managers which rely on other objects to load default values (default implementation of EODefaults but commonly overridden by subclasses).
String SaveUserDefaultsNotification The name of the notification sent by default managers which rely on other objects to store default values (default implementation of EODefaults but commonly overridden by subclasses).