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Class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOUserInterfaceParameters

Removed Methods
boolean allowsActionIcons() Returns whether large size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
boolean allowsIcons() @deprecated This method has no effect any more.
boolean allowsSmallActionIcons() Returns whether small size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
boolean optimizesMenuAccelerators() Returns whether standard menu accelerators like Command-n (new) Command-o (open) should be constantly updated to affect the active type of document (object).
void setAllowsActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether large size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
void setAllowsIcons(boolean) @deprecated This method has no effect any more.
void setAllowsSmallActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether small size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
void setBorders(int, int, int) Sets the border sizes used by the default controller layout mechanisms.
void setOptimizesMenuAccelerators(boolean) Sets whether standard menu accelerators like Command-n (new) Command-o (open) should be constantly updated to affect the active type of document (object).
void setUsesBorderWithActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether large size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
void setUsesBorderWithSmallActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether small size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
void setUsesSpecialColors(boolean) Sets whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the colors specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
void setUsesSpecialFonts(boolean) Sets whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the fonts specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
void setUsesTitleWithActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether large size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
void setUsesTitleWithSmallActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether small size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
void setUsesWindowMenus(boolean) Sets whether all windows (frames) of the application should show the standard application actions menu.
boolean usesBorderWithActionIcons() Returns whether large size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
boolean usesBorderWithSmallActionIcons() Returns whether small size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
boolean usesSpecialColors() Returns whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the colors specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
boolean usesSpecialFonts() Returns whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the fonts specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
boolean usesTitleWithActionIcons() Returns whether large size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
boolean usesTitleWithSmallActionIcons() Returns whether small size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
boolean usesWindowMenus() Returns whether all windows (frames) of the application should show the standard application actions menu.

Added Methods
boolean activateWindowsDelayed() Returns whether windows should be activated delayed at the end of an event.
boolean allowActionIcons() Returns whether large-size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
boolean allowSmallActionIcons() Returns whether small-size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
boolean enableSaveOnlyIfEdited() Returns whether Save actions should only be enabled if a document is edited.
int labelDistance() Returns the distance between labels and widgets used by the default controller layout mechanisms.
void optimizeForMac()  
boolean optimizeMenuAccelerators() Returns whether standard menu accelerators like Command-n (new) Command-o (open) should be constantly updated to affect the active type of document (object).
void setActivateWindowsDelayed(boolean) Sets whether windows should be activated delayed at the end of an event.
void setAllowActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether large-size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
void setAllowSmallActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether small-size action buttons should use icons or not (if icons are available).
void setEnableSaveOnlyIfEdited(boolean) Sets whether Save actions should only be enabled if a document is edited.
void setLabelDistance(int) Sets the distance between labels and widgets used by the default controller layout mechanisms.
void setLargeBorder(int) Sets the large border size used by the default controller layout mechanisms.
void setMediumBorder(int) Sets the medium border size used by the default controller layout mechanisms.
void setOptimizeMenuAccelerators(boolean) Sets whether standard menu accelerators like Command-n (new) Command-o (open) should be constantly updated to affect the active type of document (object).
void setShowDefaultDocumentActionsInWindows(boolean) Sets whether the default document actions like Save and Revert should be shown with explicit buttons in document windows.
void setSmallBorder(int) Sets the small border size used by the default controller layout mechanisms.
void setSpecialTextOnlyActionTitleFont(Font) Sets the font used for special action buttons without icons (text only).
void setUseBorderWithActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether large-size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
void setUseBorderWithSmallActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether small-size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
void setUseSpecialColors(boolean) Sets whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the colors specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
void setUseSpecialFonts(boolean) Sets whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the fonts specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
void setUseTitleWithActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether large-size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
void setUseTitleWithSmallActionIcons(boolean) Sets whether small-size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
void setUseWindowMenus(boolean) Sets whether all windows (frames) of the application should show the standard application actions menu.
boolean showDefaultDocumentActionsInWindows() Returns whether the default document actions like Save and Revert should be shown with explicit buttons in document windows.
Font specialTextOnlyActionTitleFont() Returns the font used for special action buttons without icons (text only).
boolean useBorderWithActionIcons() Returns whether large-size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
boolean useBorderWithSmallActionIcons() Returns whether small-size action buttons with icons use borders or not.
boolean useSpecialColors() Returns whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the colors specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
boolean useSpecialFonts() Returns whether widgets generated dynamically by controllers use the fonts specified in EOUserInterfaceParameters or not.
boolean useTitleWithActionIcons() Returns whether large-size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
boolean useTitleWithSmallActionIcons() Returns whether small-size action buttons with icons also display titles or not.
boolean useWindowMenus() Returns whether all windows (frames) of the application should show the standard application actions menu.

Added Fields
String OptimizeForMacKey