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Class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOCustomObject

Changed Constructors
EOCustomObject(EOEditingContext, EOClassDescription, EOGlobalID) Now deprecated.
the default or 0 argument constructor should be used instead

Added Methods
boolean equals(Object) EOF requires all EOs define equality as (this == other) To compare EOs in different EOEditingContexts consider instead comparing their EOGlobalIDs with equals()
void excludeObjectFromPropertyWithKey(Object, String) Removes the object eo from the to-many relationship named key without affecting inverse relationships by directly modifying the property storing the to-many relationship.
int hashCode() This method must adhere to the contract specified in java.lang.Object.hashCode
void includeObjectIntoPropertyWithKey(Object, String) Adds to the relationship named key the object eo without affecting inverse relationships by directly modifying the property storing the to-many relationship.
Object opaqueState()  
void takeValuesFromDictionaryWithMapping(NSDictionary, NSDictionary) Sets properties of the receiver with values from dictionary using its keys and mapping to identify the properties.
NSDictionary valuesForKeysWithMapping(NSDictionary) Returns an NSDictionary containing the property values identified by each of the key-value pairs in mapping.